I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 836 We Don't Owe Him Anymore

As soon as Suizi's hand reached the lamp wire, a loud bang was heard.

The noise directly made Yu Jingting sit up from the bed.

"What's going on?" Yu Jingting asked Suizi, his reaction was much faster than Suizi's, and he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Grass, why is there so much smoke?"

Only then did Suizi realize that what was blindfolded just now was smoke floating in from outside.

"Is it on fire?" Suizi asked anxiously.

Yu Jingting didn't bother to answer, and rushed directly to the bathroom, took a towel and dipped it in water, then rushed out, threw it to Suizi, and motioned her to cover her mouth and nose.

The two were on the second floor at this time. There were many rooms on this floor, and theirs happened to be the innermost one.

Yu Jingting opened the door and took a look, the corridor was full of smoke, and there was a fire coming from the end of the corridor.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to get out if I go through the main entrance."

Suizi hurriedly put clothes on her body, the two of them had tossed a lot before going to bed, and they had no clothes on them.

Yu Jingting tried to open the window. The window has been specially treated, and the gap that can be opened is limited, and it is impossible to climb out alone.

"Do you want to rush out wearing a quilt?" Suizi asked.

Suizi remembered that when encountering this kind of fire, she had to cover her mouth and nose, and she could wear a wet quilt on her body.

"You wait in the house, I'll take a look." Yu Jingting was out of his usual giggles, and when something happened, he would give Suizi a sense of security.

When he went out, Suizi quickly carried their valuable bags on her back.

Screams and the sound of help came to my ears, Suizi was flustered, thinking about Yu Jingting, and wanted to go out to have a look, Yu Jingting came back again.

"Don't go outside. The fire is coming from the first floor. I'm afraid the first floor will become a sea of ​​flames. Go directly to the window."

After all, he held the key between his fingers and smashed it against the strengthened glass. Although the glass has been strengthened, it still cracked a little when it encountered such a strong external force.

With this gap, it was easy. Yu Jingting picked up the chair and slammed it hard against the glass. Suizi took the opportunity to connect the sheets together.

The couple already had a tacit understanding, the temperature was getting higher and higher, Suizi looked at the back of Yu Jingting who was busy smashing the glass, his hand was scratched by the shards of glass, and blood flowed out, but he didn't bother to wipe it off at all. .

When there is danger, he always thinks about taking care of Suizi.

Suizi's nose is a little sour.

With a loud noise, Yu Jingting finally chiseled the glass completely and began to deal with the fine glass slag, not forgetting to turn around to take care of his wife's emotions.


Although Suizi didn't stop tying the sheets, she kept sobbing softly.

"Jing Ting, did I ever tell you that I love you very much?"

"Why didn't you say it? I yelled a lot on the bed, I can save this and yell slowly later."

Yu Jingting took the bed sheet she handed over, tested the window frame to make sure it was firm, and then tied it carefully.

"I'll protect you down first, and then turn around to see if anyone else is trapped on this floor." Yu Jingting sent the tassel to the window sill, watching the tassel slide down the bed sheet.

"Be careful!" Suizi shouted at him from downstairs.

In fact, she wanted Yu Jingting to come down immediately, but he had already rushed back.

The two minutes of waiting made Suizi feel extremely long.

A fire engine has already arrived, and the firefighters came to let Suizi evacuate. This floor is on fire, and the location of Suizi station is not safe.

Suizi could only take a few steps back, waiting for news from Yu Jingting.

Another half a minute later, an old couple slipped off the bed sheet that Suizi had removed. Suizi saw Yu Jingting protecting the old man, turned around and rushed in again, so anxious that Suizi screamed.

"Jing Ting! Come back!"

Yu Jingting waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and his back disappeared by the window.

Suizi couldn't help crying, covering her face.

She knew that her man was an upright man, but at this moment she would rather him be more selfish.

There was a loud bang upstairs, as if something had exploded.

Suozi's heart skipped a beat.

The old couple who came down, the man looked to be in his sixties, the woman was younger, and looked at the clothes, they were not mainlanders, and they spoke with a Hong Kong and Taiwan accent.

"The young man who just rescued someone, who are you?" The old man seemed a little agitated.

But the young woman beside him was full of displeasure, as if she didn't want to answer this question.

"It's my husband." Suozi replied unconsciously.

Her eyes were fixed on the window, no, she couldn't wait any longer.

"Where is your husband from? What's his last name? Who else is in the family?" The old gentleman asked eagerly.

Suizi didn't even bother to listen to what he was saying. To her, these voices were just a buzzing.

All her thoughts now are on Jing Ting.

After grabbing the fireman's mask, she rushed to the bed sheet desperately, she wanted to climb up, she wanted to see Yu Jingting.

Caring took all her sanity offline.

She didn't care about danger at all, she just wanted to see Yu Jingting and see that he was safe and sound.

"You little bitch! Don't be fooled!" Yu Jingting came over with someone on his back, and just about to jump, he saw his usually too smart daughter-in-law, hanging on the bed sheet like a koala, climbing up clumsily .

Climb one meter and slide half a meter, foolishly braving foolishness.

"Jing Ting!!!" Seeing him, Suizi shouted excitedly.

"Get this bitch out!" Yu Jingting saw the flames spewing from the window below, worried that the tassels would be burned, so he shouted at the firefighters.

The two younger brothers came and dragged Suizi away, and Yu Jingting came downstairs with a man in a coma on his back.

As soon as he got down, the glass on the first floor exploded, and two pieces of glass shards hit Yu Jingting's back.

He was just busy escaping from the sea of ​​fire, so he didn't even wear a vest.

He was only wearing a pair of big underpants, and his upper body was naked. After being hit by glass shards, blood was rushing.

Seeing his battle damage, Suizi rushed over anxiously, her little hands trembling, but she didn't dare to touch him yet.

The mouth can only murmur: "Does it hurt?"

"Why doesn't it hurt?! When I see you acting stupid, my brain hurts, and I told you to run far away. You are fine, and you still want to climb up?"

Yu Jingting put down the man on his back, and just wanted to put his arms around the tassels to scold her, but seeing her crying until the pear blossoms burst into spring rain, his heart softened again.

He hugged her gently, and stroked her back with his big hand to comfort her.

"It's okay, my brother handles things properly. Look, who did I save?"

Suizi followed his line of sight, only to realize that it was Que Wuyu lying on the ground.

Que Wuyu couldn't fall asleep because of the yelling from Suizi's house - what, I can't take it lightly, my wife, husband, you are so big, and so on, she was so angry that she took two sleeping pills before she fell asleep.

Because of this, he slept too deeply.

Yu Jingting knocked on the door from room to room and he didn't wake up. It was Yu Jingting who carried him on his back to save him from dying inside.

"We don't owe him any more, understand?" Yu Jingting kicked Que Wuyu who woke up, but his eyes were on Suizi.

Suizi always said that she owed Que Wuyu in her previous life, so he will pay it back now?

Of course the daughter-in-law will stay away from him in the future, as far away as possible.

Suizi didn't bother to look at Que Wuyu at all, just glanced at him, and dragged Yu Jingting away, she had to get medicine for his wound quickly.

Que Wuyu was left lying on the ground messy in the wind.

And the old man who was rescued by Yu Jingting was staring at Yu Jingting's bloody back.

To be precise, it was the small heart-shaped birthmark on his back, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

There is another chapter, I will update it after I finish the dance~

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