Suizi saw that Yu Jingting was covered with injuries, and wished she could replace him.

Yu Jingting didn't care.

If it weren't for the ear, he would even want to fight the fire with the firefighters-mainly because he is particularly interested in the water gun used to put out the fire.

There is a little boy living in this man's heart, who keeps a high degree of interest in everything unknown.

Suozi dragged him to the ambulance.

The fire engine came, and the ambulance also came, and a few seriously injured were brought out. No one cared about Yu Jingting's minor injuries.

Suizi asked the medical staff for medicine and gauze, and treated his wound himself.


The second child brought someone over, and he was relieved when he saw Yu Jingting and his wife.

"I heard from the news that something happened to this hotel, which scared us to death."

When the brothers heard the news, they rushed over wearing slippers and big pants.

Fortunately, Yu Jingting and his wife are fine, so everyone can rest assured.

"I don't know what caused the fire, it's so damn unlucky." Yu Jingting himself was wounded all over, but his eyes only stayed on Suizi's palm.

His daughter-in-law's white and flawless palm should have been as perfect as a work of art, but when she slid down the stairs, she scratched her palm and formed two big blisters.

"How painful is this?" Yu Jingting grabbed Suizi's hand and blew it again and again.

The second class were all speechless.

He himself is like this, and he still has the time to feel sorry for the two blisters on Suizi's hands?

"Don't move." Suizi pressed him, carefully treating every wound on him.

"Sister-in-law, why are you so proficient? I remember you studied accounting, not nursing, right?" the second child asked.

"Isn't it because of your elder brother? Since I was a child, I like to be brave. I got used to it after getting injured more often."

Obviously he likes to fight and fight, teasing cats and dogs.

Once in Suizi's mouth, he becomes a good citizen who "does justice for justice".

The second child has heard a little about Jing Ting's deeds when he was young. Yu Jingting himself admitted that he was a street sneaker when he was young. real?

"Your elder brother has been a warm-hearted person since he was a child. He would never refuse people who are in trouble. When he was in his hometown, he had won the honor of being a good citizen many times."

Suizi always took the initiative to praise her husband.

"Sister-in-law. Are you really a big brother?"

"Why not? I still have many certificates of his bravery at home, as well as his deeds published in newspapers, and I keep them."

That's right, she wrote all the newspaper reports about him!

It can't be said that it is embellishment, it can only be said that it is nonsense with eyes closed.

"He also showed his spirit today and saved several people." Suizi raised her head after speaking, just in time to see the old couple.

The old couple didn't know how long they stood here listening, the expressions on their faces were very complicated.

"On weekdays, do you like to be a good person and do good deeds?" The old man asked Yu Jingting, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Yu Jingting shrugged.

How should he answer this question? Can he say that his wife is addicted to making gods and beautifying him?

"It shouldn't be. How can you like to be a good person and do good deeds?" The old man said to himself, walked around behind Yu Jingting, stared at the birthmark of love on his back, and wanted to reach out to touch it.

Yu Jingting stood up awkwardly, took two steps back, and got goosebumps all over his body.

Cursing to the lips, seeing Suizi holding back again.

Is this old man sick? Come up and touch a stranger?

"Old man, do you need some potion?" Suizi also felt that the old man looked at Yu Jingting in the wrong way.

She stood up vigilantly and stood in front of Jingting.

Although she didn't know what the old man's purpose was, she was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"I don't need the potion, I just want to ask - what's your name, the young man who saved me?"

"This is our eldest brother Yu Jingting. Why, old man, you also want to write a letter of commendation to my elder brother to reward him for his brave deeds?" the third child said quickly.

After the old gentleman heard his surname Yu, his eyes lit up a little more.

"Surname Yu, Yu, yes, that's great."

This strange reaction made Suizi and his wife look at each other, maybe this old man is mentally ill?

Suizi thought that the old man had been saying strange things just now, and became a little more wary of him.

Standing in front of Jing Ting calmly, her man finally got out of the sea of ​​flames, so don't be scratched by mental illness.

It was the woman beside him who reacted differently from this old man.

The woman looks to be in her thirties, with a hot body, like a big gourd, wearing a close-fitting skirt. In the mainland where the folk customs are relatively simple, this dress is really eye-catching.

But compared to her high-profile attire, it was the way she looked at Yu Jingting, which was very unfriendly, and even Suizi could see the disgust.

"Chairman!" Several men in black suits ran over, sweating profusely.

"Chairman, are you alright?" the leading man in black asked the old man.

The old man's gaze was still on Jing Ting, and the big-breasted woman hurriedly scolded each other with her hands on her hips.

"My honey has been stimulated, send him to the hospital!" After saying that, he went to hold the old man's arm.

Then the old man withdrew his gaze from looking at Yu Jingting, followed these people away, walked a few steps, and stopped to look back at Yu Jingting.

Seeing Yu Jingting rubbing his arms.

"Where is the old lunatic, I have goosebumps all over my body, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have saved him."

"Why does this old man look familiar?" The fourth child who had been silent all this time stroked his chin, trying to remember.

"Ah! I remembered, isn't that the chairman of the Hong Kong company Tianlong Group? I read his interview in a magazine!"

Many of them are businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the fourth child reads the magazines brought back from there.

The scale over there is huge, the newspapers and magazines are also very interesting, and the martial arts and fighting novels are all wonderful, all of which are struggles between chambers of commerce and financial groups.

"Tianlong Group has a Taoist background. It is said that the founder is a ruthless character. Oh, by the way, he has the same surname as Big Brother! What is it called?"

The fourth child couldn't think of it for a while, but felt a little annoyed.

"Brother, the old man you saved has such a powerful background, why should he thank us? He just left without saying thank you for some fruit snacks."

The second child kicked him.

"You beg for food when you are the eldest brother? The elder brother is not rare for that kind of thing. But elder brother, I am also very curious. Why did you suddenly think of saving people?"

The second child doesn't believe a word of what the sister-in-law said about "people are kind and do good deeds".

"Heh, I just do what I want, there's so much nonsense." Yu Jingting put one hand in his pocket, not wanting to explain.

Suizi's gaze met Que Wuyu not far away, and he had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that Jingting saved people because of him?

No, to be precise, he saved people because of the promise he made with Suizi.

Thinking of this, Suizi felt so soft-hearted, hugged Yu Jingting's neck, and asked in a crying voice.

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