Suizi saw that she just smiled and said nothing, showing a little anxiety.

"Do you think we've just met, and I say this to be shallow and deep?"

"Fate cannot be measured by time. I am very happy that you can say such things to me. If you didn't really regard me as your confidant, how could you persuade me so well?"

Jin Nan looked ahead, and the faces of the people in the roller skating rink were full of happiness. Perhaps in her opinion, this place was not prosperous enough, and it was not as prosperous as her hometown, but the potential of this city, and even this country, was not It is not to be underestimated.

Rise is only a matter of time.

"Associations can only exist where there is interest exchange and dark violence. The more powerful a country is, the more it cannot tolerate these dark things. After the reunification, associations will be abandoned by the times sooner or later."

"Since you know—"

"Young and Dangerous for a day, Young and Dangerous for life. It's easy for me to get away, but where can my brothers go?"

"There's still time. You're transforming now, and you're gradually over-washing white. You still have time. You invest in film and television companies, engage in land acquisition, and do real estate! Your brothers can still settle down, listen to me, there's still time."

The more Suizi looked at it, the more she felt that a bright and clear person like Jinnan shouldn't struggle for others in such a harsh living environment, and she became more direct in speaking.

"Jin Nan, if I'm not mistaken, the powerful female white paper fan of the Tianlong Society rumored by the outside world should be you, right? With your intelligence, how could you not know that the so-called brotherly loyalty is just a trick of the superiors to fool people?" ? In this rivers and lakes, where does the real loyalty come from? It's just cold-blooded fooling and warm-blooded, selling other people's lives to earn their own money!"

The gang rules and loyalty that are regarded as the norm by the bottom are all means used by the top to fool people into working hard.

Why would you care about those so-called quack brothers who are cold-blooded people who can use the life of the person next to them to build a ladder to their own wealth, and who don't care about their close relatives?

Jin Nan smiled without saying a word, but that smile no longer had the freedom and clarity it had before, and brought endless desolation.

Suozi still wanted to say, but her shoulders were held down.

Yu Jingting came back at some point, stood behind Suizi and shook his head at her.

His daughter-in-law has said enough today.

Suizi closed her eyes, she also knew Jinnan's helplessness.

With such a large force in the Tianlong Society, the trees have long wanted to be quiet but the wind has not stopped. If they want to completely transform, it will take time, and what is more needed is financial support.

Jin Nan is just a white paper fan of Tianlong Club, not the leader, so what she can change is limited after all.

Suizi was pushed back to reason by Yu Jingting, and felt that she was too naive.

What attracted Suizi and Jinnan to Jinnan was precisely her sense of loyalty. How could such a chivalrous man who is as loyal as the breeze and the moon would abandon his brother for his own self-interest.

After reading about Suizi's frustration, Jin Nan raised the soda bottle to touch her, still smiling brightly.

"Don't wrinkle your face, it won't be pretty."

"I'll worry about you if you do this." Suizi's eyes were red, and she raised the soda bottle to touch her.

Yu Jingting always felt that his daughter-in-law's posture seemed to be drinking with someone else.

It would be a terrible thing if these women cherished each other.

"By the way, as I said before, recommend Yu Zhaodi to us?" Yu Jingting wanted to end this weird atmosphere quickly.

"She, I could have introduced you to you, but there's no need to listen to Suizi's words. This time, I've already gained something precious, so I don't need anything else."

Jin Nan stood up after drinking the soda, and lovingly pinched the twin's little cheeks.

"I'm very happy today, let's go first-oh, yes."

Jin Nan, who had already reached the door, turned around and smiled slightly.

"The rumors in Jianghu are not necessarily true. I really don't like men, but I'm not interested in women either—I mean, I'm not interested in that."

Depend on! Isn't this vinegar for nothing? ! Yu Jingting waited for Jin Nan to leave before realizing that the woman definitely did it on purpose!

Is it addictive to see him jumping up and down here jealously?

"Jing Ting, can you understand what she means?"

For the first time, Suozi has someone who can't read.

"What's wrong with this? What she means is that she is more interested in things than men and women at this stage. If I hadn't met you—"

Yu Jingting didn't say the second half of the sentence, but Suizi understood.

He didn't meet Suizi, so he should have the same personality as Jin Nan.

"Jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, it's a pity that such a transparent and unflattering person is labeled by the world as liking women. Maybe everyone thinks that there is no other pursuit in this world except for the crotch of men and women. Alright."

It's either black or white, this is what most people think, Suizi also thought so before.

Until now, she felt ashamed of her previous superficiality, but felt a little bit more sad in her heart.

Suizi didn't quite understand what Jin Nan said before leaving, but she could feel that she seemed to have made some kind of determination.

After returning from the roller skating rink, as soon as I got home, I saw a man squatting at the door, covering his face with his hands, looking very distressed.

"Why don't you go into the house?" Suizi got out of the car and saw that it was Chen He.

Chen He's eyes were red, and he looked like he had been hit hard.

"I'm sorry to you guys. I was wrong. I was so naive. At first, I thought Tong Tong would wake up after beating him up. Now that I have made a big mistake, I have no face to face you."

Chen He just came back from the police station.

The drink that Shen Jun stole was given pig feed. Chen Tong was seriously suspected. Several people in the roller skating rink had seen him go in and out of Yu Jingting's office. Since he was a relative of the boss, no one stopped him.

Chen He didn't believe it at first, until the police came to the door and found the remaining pig feed in Chen Tong's room.

Chen Tong has been taken away for investigation, and Chen He can't see him. What's more frightening is that Chen He found out that a relative of his wife's natal family also had a child who suddenly gained weight in a short period of time. The parents couldn't find the reason. .

There is a high probability that it was also Chen Tong's medicine.

At this time, Chen He was like five thunders hitting the top, and the six gods had no master.

"I am also responsible for this child becoming what he is now. It's all my fault for not educating him well. No matter how he is sentenced this time, I will admit it."

Chen He didn't expect that all of this happened under the control of Suizi and his wife. He only hated that he didn't listen to Suizi last time, and sent Chen Tong directly to a work-study school for education, causing him to harm so many people.

Chen He kept apologizing, and he didn't propose to find someone to operate and let Chen Tong out, which was reasonable.

Suizi persuaded him a few words. At this time, she could understand Chen He's mood. In her previous life, when she saw that Chen Tong didn't learn well, she blamed herself like Chen He did now.

When Chen He left, Suizi followed Yu Jingting with emotion.

"Chen Tong has no worries about food and clothing, and Chen He and I are not bad people with bad three views, but he just doesn't learn well. But look at Jin Nan, struggling in that environment, he can still have such a righteous three views, I really don't understand why."

"Perhaps Jin Nan's father is a respectable person. This stuff is up to you. You see, our two children are so good, so just follow me."

"." Sui Zixin said that the children would grow up to be like him, and since she was a child she would have a headache with blowing up other people's toilets with firecrackers.

The two were talking, when Yu Jingting suddenly moved aside holding the tassel, only a loud noise was heard by the tassel.


Thank you for the 10,000 coins for the rifle bullets, I will give it away tomorrow for the title and update

The author came to the countryside for a vacation, but it seemed that he was not acclimatized, and he was dizzy all day. I don’t know if it was the big mosquito bites or the humid air made me feel uncomfortable. Anyway, I hung up.

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