Suizi was originally standing in front of the big iron gate, but at this moment, there was an extra hole in the gate.

The iron gate was broken through.

If Yu Jingting hadn't intuitively pulled the tassel away, there would be a hole in Suizi's body now.

"Damn 38! Stay away from Sister Nan! Or your head will explode next time!" A warning sounded from the entrance of the alley.

Then there was the sound of a motorcycle leaving.

"Grass!" Yu Jingting pushed the tassel into the courtyard and chased after him.

"Be careful!" Suizi shouted to his back.

In the yard, Suoko finds a bullet head.

It turned out to be with a gun!

There will be no total ban on guns, and it is not uncommon to own firearms. It's just that the shout just now was in Cantonese, and it was most likely directed at Jin Nan.

The person who attacked probably thought that Yu Jingting was a soft-boned person, and he would teach him a lesson if he bullied him.

As a result, it was kicked on the iron board.

When Yu Jingting was in the village back then, it was a dog who barked at him twice and chased him out half of the village with a stick. This man beat him up and provoked him, even daring to scare his wife!

It would be strange if it could be tolerated.

Suizi was looking forward to it, the other party had weapons, so he should not be at a disadvantage. Within five minutes of worrying, Yu Jingting's car came back like a flash of lightning.

He got out of the car like a god, full of momentum.

Open the trunk and pull out a big lump.

Suizi took a closer look, and her heart was in her stomach.

As long as it's not my own family that suffers, it's fine.

A yellow-haired man was tied up by Yu Jingting into a rice dumpling, with a sock stuffed in his mouth, and he was still moaning.

Yu Jingting dragged the man out and threw him on the ground, and mended his feet again.

"Shock! Shout out to me again!"

"Woooooo!" The man was still cursing through his socks.

"Go to the yard first, don't let the neighbors see." Suizi was quite concerned about the impact.

Fourth master was drinking tea with Fan Huang who rarely had time in the tea room.

"Jing Ting has become more stable. I have received a lot of calls in the past two days, all praising him. He has done a good job in the special zone, helping local farmers to become well-off, and the farmers are lining up to praise him."

Fan Huang is very satisfied with his son-in-law, and he often receives calls from the leaders there these days.

"That's because our Suizi Yufu has the right way. This kid didn't have such a serious business before he got married. A good wife and husband rarely cause trouble."

The two old men boasted to each other that the other's child is excellent, and they are very satisfied with each other.

As soon as he finished praising Yu Jingting, he dragged a heavily tied man into the courtyard, still cursing.

Suizi followed behind him step by step, not forgetting to close the door vigilantly.

Fan Huang \u0026 Fourth Master:

I really can't help boasting, I just praised these two children for their calmness, and then tied them back?

After three seconds of silence, Fan Huang stood up.

"Suddenly remembered that there was still work to be done, so I left first. Suizi came back and asked her to come to me. I left some good tea for her." Fan Huang was selectively blind.

"Okay, when Tie Gen 'also' comes back, let the two children go together." The fourth master was also selectively blind.

Obviously Suizi and his wife entered the wing room, but both fathers were intermittently blind and chose to trust Suizi and his wife.

It's no fun for adults to meddle in children's affairs.

After Fan Huang left, passing by the wing room, he could still hear Yu Jingting's ruthless voice inside:

"Who sent you here? Keep your mouth shut? Daughter-in-law, bring me the chili water!"

Fan Huang walked quickly, well, he didn't hear anything.

Yu Jingting frantically exported to Huang Mao, beating and cursing at the same time, whether you recruited or not.

From the beginning, the yellow hair would rather die than surrender, and now it turns into an aggrieved face at the back—this man's mouth is simply poisonous, and he has never heard of such a swearing, even if he wanted to recruit him, he didn't have the conditions, he still had a sock in his mouth .

"Very well, it seems that this guy will not be recruited even if he wants to be beaten to death. He has some backbone in him. In that case, I will grant you, daughter-in-law, bring the boning knife, we still have cement at home?"

The yellow hair made Yu Jingting's back feel cold, what, what are you doing?

Are you going to chop him up and tie him up with cement and sink him into the sea?

Suizi trembled when she saw Huangmao, so she spoke.

"Husband, does he want to recruit? Or, take off the socks first?"

Huangmao nodded like pounding garlic, ah yes yes yes!

"Tell me, which dog sent you here?" Yu Jingting took off the sock on Huang Mao's mouth, feeling quite sorry, "It's a pity that my new socks are made of pure cotton thread."

"No one sent me, it's because I simply don't want you to be with Sister Nan!" Huang Mao lost his arrogance, and looked at Yu Jingting with a look of fear—it's okay, mainlanders are all honest and friendly?

This bully-like man in front of him looks more like a young and Dangerous boy than him. What's even more frightening is that he has a car!

Huang Mao felt that his three views had been subverted.

He remembered the newspapers on the island, which clearly stated that the people here had just had their fill of food and had a bicycle at home.

That's why he dared to come here on a stolen motorcycle to find trouble, because he was sure that Yu Jingting would not be able to catch up with him.

As a result, Yu Jingting was driving. Huang Mao was in a mess now, and felt that the information he received was inaccurate.

"Oh, it seems that you still want to carry me to death? Okay, I will fulfill you, daughter-in-law, the boning knife—"

Yu Jingting exerted strength with his hands, and the end of the rope binding Huang Mao was put on the beam of the house, and Huang Mao's feet were lifted off the ground.

Suozi handed the knife obediently and acted as an explanation.

"At first we said we wanted to eat roasted whole lamb, but our father spent half the night sharpening his knife, not to mention cutting iron like mud, it's quite sharp for chopping some meat."

Chop, chop what meat? Huang Mao was excited again, thinking that this girl looks soft and sweet, how can she be so cruel when she speaks slang?

"Is your life so good that you can eat roasted whole lamb?" Huang Mao tremblingly asked, asking these two scary men and women to let him go.

"Well, there's not enough mutton, so you can make it up."

The yellow hair wants to cry but has no tears. How did this girl grow so watery and speak so poisonously?

"What I'm saying is the truth. No one sent me here. I simply don't want him to be with Sister Nan! I, I have liked Sister Nan for many years. Although Sister Nan doesn't like me, I can't follow him The Continental Boys are together!"

"Why do you think my husband wants to be with Jin Nan?" Suizi felt very strange.

If there is a scandal, shouldn't it be me and Jin Nan?

Hearing what Suizi said, Huang Mao couldn't care less about the boning knife for fear of taking the cold light, and said indignantly:

"Isn't the leader taking a fancy to him? He has to be a son-in-law. Although I am a straw sandal now, I am self-motivated. I am still infatuated with Sister Nan! I don't even mind sharing Nan with the sisters in the nightclub." Sister! Why don't you pick me?"

Suizi understood.

This yellow hair is the little pony who loves Jinnan unrequitedly. He came here with Jinnan just to let Yu Jingting back out of difficulties, but the problem is——

"Isn't Jin Nan a white paper fan? Could it be—" Suizi suddenly understood.

"Jin Nan, what was your original name?"

"Yu Zhaodi, you are all about to get married, don't you know about it?"

The second update and the addition are slightly later.

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