I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 882 Help Suizi to cure her eye disease

After dinner, Jiao Jiao pricked up her ears and heard the familiar opening song of a TV series from the living room, making sure that her parents were watching TV.

Counting her fingers, she has a strong and lustful elder brother, who should be getting tired of his sister-in-law at this time, and the two radishes should be with their parents.

Push open the window and go out, then gently open the back door, and go straight to the backyard of Xiaopang's house.

She felt like she was doing this without anyone noticing.

On the roof, Yu Jingting sat cross-legged on the mat, curling his lips.

"How could I have such a stupid younger sister? She thought she didn't know anyone? I'll lock the back door in a while, and then turn on the power grid on the courtyard wall—"

Suizi sat next to him and shook her head. When she heard that he was going to power up the power grid, she was so angry that she almost threw him off.

"Is it bad or not? Is it addictive to bully little girls?!"

She really sympathized with Jiaojiao, how could there be such a shameless brother.

"I just can't understand her cat-like appearance!"

"...Don't invent strange words casually! In fact, you are just jealous that Jiaojiao cares about Xiaopang, right?"

"Heh! I'm her own brother! Why am I jealous! When she was born, I was the one who changed her diapers! When she grew up, I was the one who led her to steal melons! Xiaopang is nothing!"

Sure enough, I was jealous. Suizi rolled his eyes, he was really narrow-minded.

"It's nice to have a little friend to grow up with her and mess around with her."

Suizi propped her chin to watch the pretty figure disappear around the corner, and felt that youth is so good.

"She slipped out just now, why didn't you expose her?" Yu Jingting wanted to yell at the little girl who was turning her elbows outwards, calling her to wake up.

"Children always grow up. As guardians, we can't control her life in the name of her good. As long as the road doesn't go astray, these details don't matter."

Yu Jingting squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and made a gesture to take off his pants.

Suizi raised a question mark, what is this guy doing?

I only heard Yu Jingting talking to himself: "My daughter-in-law's eyes are most likely to be faulty, such a shrewd little girl, it's impossible not to see what little fat and that brat is thinking."

"So, what does this have to do with you taking off your pants?"

As slowly as she blinked, Yu Jingting unfastened his belt.

"My husband is kind-hearted. I was worried that your eyes might be blurry, so I specially sent the treasure that I have been hiding for 25 years. Come, take a look. What is this? Can you see it clearly?"


Suizi was simply dumbfounded.

Even though she knew that she was not married to a good person, the lower limit of this guy seems to be refreshed every day?

"What about the roof, what are you making waves!!!! Isn't it embarrassing for people to see?!" Suizi lowered her voice.

Her vigilant appearance made Yu Jingting laugh, and he just likes her pure and lustful cute appearance!

"You two don't watch TV at night, what are you doing on the roof?" Chen Lijun came out to breathe, and heard the arrogant laughter of her son-in-law on the roof.

Although Suizi knew that her mother would not be able to see it from her angle, she still stood up guiltily, kicked the mat up to cover him, and hinted him with frantic eyes to straighten up her appearance.

Yu Jingting unhurriedly buttoned his buttons, and casually replied: "Mom, your daughter is watching birds at night, she is very elegant."

Suizi sat down quickly again, lest her mother would see her flushed little face if she slowed down.

"It's late at night, what kind of birds are you watching?"

"Hey, who's to say no, this little girl is a prostitute."

Suizi watched him talking nonsense, and had the urge to kick him down even more.

Wang Cuihua called her "drama friend" in the room.

"The advertisement is over, come Lijun quickly! Emma, ​​I'm so pissed off, this man is not a good cake."

Watching TV dramas every day and complaining about the male lead together has become the common hobby of these two women.

Suizi nodded repeatedly on the roof, and looked at Yu Jingting with a double meaning: "Yes, it's not a good cake, it's a precious commodity in the world!"

Yu Jingting, who was implicated by her, was also not angry, and blew into her eyes.

"Daughter-in-law, has your eyesight recovered yet? You can't see clearly the wolfish ambition of Xiaopang? Why don't you show it to me and let you exercise your eyesight?"

"Calm down, I'll be blind if I look a few more times." Suizi said duplicity.

"It's over, the level of our military division has dropped sharply, I decided to—"

"Change the military division?" Suizi was curious.

"How do you change to the lifetime contract system? I'll give you an injection to cure your brain damage?"

The good-tempered Suizi finally fought back, and Yu Jingting, who was not good at it, took revenge for being hit in the chest with a small fist.

The two quarreled for a while before Suizi changed the topic to the right place.

"Little Fatty must like Jiaojiao, of course I can see that."

Boys bullying girls don't necessarily mean that they hate it, but being courteous, or being flattered like Xiaopang, is definitely a favorite.

As Xiaopang grows older, his personality becomes more calm and introverted. After learning Go, he talks less and less. See what's on his mind.

But as long as Jiao Jiao is by his side, his emotions can be easily seen. If Suizi still can't see his thoughts, it's a bit unreasonable.

"Very good, I should study it now, and interrupt this kid first." Yu Jingting rubbed his chin, secretly cruel to the courtyard of Xiaopang's house.

This is really hard to guard against house thieves by day and night.

Jiaojiao has always had no shortage of suitors, such a good-looking little girl will be popular everywhere, and she has received as many love letters as she wants.

Yu Jingting is not worried about the pediatrics in the school.

His daughter-in-law is still very good at educating children. With the tassels around, it is impossible for Jiaojiao to fall in love early.

He was just worried about the human traffickers outside. After Xiaopang's family moved here, the two children went to and from school together, which was considered a support.

"I asked him to follow Jiaojiao because he was worried that it would be unsafe outside. In the end, this little bastard turned out to be the biggest hidden danger!"

"Why are you gnashing your teeth like this? Fatty didn't make any substantial moves—"

"He still wants to be substantive?!" Yu Jingting wanted to kill someone.

Suizi rolled her eyes.

"Keep your voice down. If you attract your parents, this matter will become serious. It's not that far yet."

From Suizi's point of view, the two children were still within controllable range.

If it really got out of control, she would have made a move a long time ago, where would it be Yu Jingting's turn to be here.

"At this age, it's normal for a child to have a crush on the opposite sex. Both of these children know my bottom line, what to do and what not to do."

Suizi folded her hands and propped her chin to look into the distance.

"When I go back, I will transfer Lao Yuan to the south, and let Xiaopang, a wicked wolf cub, go with him. These two are the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, and I have to draw a galaxy between them-why are you looking at me like that? ?”

His wife's eyes are very penetrating.

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