I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 883 More excited than making money

"If you want to force Jiaojiao to fall in love early, you can be your Queen Mother Xi?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, if the knife is cut off, the water will flow more, and the puppy love will get better. This is an undeniable truth. The two of them are fine now. If you do it like this, there will be frequent correspondence."

Suizi rubbed her temples.

"Have you read "Love in the Time of Cholera"? The author Marquez has already made it clear. If you take the two children away from each other, they will soon develop into what is in the book."

Not being able to see each other, exchanging letters with each other, accumulating all good longings on each other, falling in love with illusory imaginations, but when they meet, they find that the other party is too far from their own imagination, so they are alienated.

This kind of situation is collectively referred to as "seeing the light to die" in later generations. The author was already writing the plot of seeing the light to die hundreds of years ago, but he replaced the medium of online dating with a letter.

The times are advancing, and the tools at the disposal of human beings are constantly upgrading, but things like emotions have been surprisingly consistent from ancient times to the present.

"If the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were not separated by the Milky Way, maybe in a few years, they would be wiped out by firewood, rice, oil and salt. Seeing each other in this year, on the contrary, the love will be passed down through the ages."

"Are you going to just watch the two little bastards get bored under our noses?! How old are they, and their fur has grown?" Yu Jingting was just skeptical before.

Xiaopang's reaction today confirmed his guess.

He wished he could beat this little bastard who coveted his sister severely.

Suizi leaned on Jingting's shoulder and closed her eyes for a rest.

"Anyone who can be a chess player has a long-term vision. He knows better than anyone else what the outcome will be if he crosses the bottom line. As long as he likes Jiaojiao enough, he can restrain himself until he becomes a successful adult. At that time, if Jiao Jiao does not object, I will not have any objections."

Suizi drew a square shape on Jingting's chest with her fingers.

"Those who can sit at the poker table must be capable enough to exercise their abilities by suppressing their instincts for ten years. This has the potential to be on the poker table."

The background of Lao Yu's family is doomed, and it is impossible for ordinary people to marry Jiao Jiao away.

Although Xiaopang is young, he is a smart person, and he will not fail to see through this point.

Suizi's willingness to give young people with potential time to grow up depends on how capable he is in the future.

The relationship between men and women comes from instinct, but when it comes to the height of love, it must be respected and responsible.

If he plots against Jiao Jiao right now and directly kicks out the game, he will never have a chance, Xiaopang won't be that stupid.

"What if he can't hold it?"

On a dark and stormy night in Yu Jingting's mind, Xiaopang opened his claws, and had the urge to kill his helpless and pitiful sister again.

"With us here, things won't develop out of control. Besides, do you think our father is just a display?"

"My father also knows?"

"Our father has been squinting at Xiaopang recently, and his speech is also yin and yang."

Others may not notice these subtle changes, but Suizi can see them all.

"Father is fishing. Once the two children have a tendency to fall in love, our father will take action immediately, but I don't think that in a short period of time, father will have no chance."

These two children are now very pure childhood sweethearts, and it is impossible for the fourth master to find a handle.

"The short time you said, how long is it?"

"The interval of 6-8 years will not be less than 6 years, but it will not be longer than 8 years."

"Are you teasing me? You look at that kid's perverted look, as if he could bear it for so many years before proposing the relationship?"

"Since I was ten years old, you have harbored ill intentions towards me. You snatched my first kiss and snatched my bean buns. Why don't you wait until I'm an adult?"

"Nonsense! What kind of daughter-in-law do you guys marry if you can't support a family? Bah, I let you go in, can he be like me?" Yu Jingting became angry from embarrassment.

Suizi nodded, yes, it was different.

"Little Fatty is only fifteen, and he is already an amateur 7th dan. I just heard from his father that this kid has already obtained the professional 3rd dan qualification issued by the General Bureau. He is a professional chess player. Thirty-six professional chess players in Beijing, There is a place for him, when you were fifteen years old, you still led a group of street thieves to steal corn."

Go career determination is all based on rankings in national competitions, and the gold content is not generally high.

Suizi's words completely pierced Jingting's heart.

"Daughter-in-law, why do you give him such a high opinion? You praise him, why do you drag me and step on me?" Yu Jingting began to suspect that his wife was an undercover agent sent by Xiaopang, and she only said good things?

"Because Xiaopang is already very good. He can participate in the professional group competition in winter. At that time, he will be promoted to get points. In time, it is not impossible to fight for the country. After all, he is also a student I have taught. He To win glory for the country, I am honored, of course, you are also very good in my heart."

In the last sentence, Yu Jingting felt that she was blatantly perfunctory.

Suizi has a hunch that Xiaopang has the potential to rise to the professional ninth dan.

Professional nine-dan means to win the championship in the World Professional Championship, or to be runner-up twice.

For so many years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there are only a handful of people who have achieved nine dans, and they are all geniuses with extraordinary brain power without exception.

Go is different from other sports. It is not hard work that will result in results. The IQ of top chess players are far beyond ordinary people.

In the memory of her previous life, there was no chubby.

This realization made Suizi very excited. Her rebirth changed Xiaopang's original development direction.

The rise of Xiaopang's family is inseparable from Yu Jingting's promotion.

Cultivating talents who will win glory for the country gives Suizi a sense of accomplishment more than making money, so she dragged Yu Jingting to forcefully popularize science.

"Duan in Go can be cross-leveled. Xiaopang has never participated in an international competition before, so he is set to 3rd dan. But in winter, he qualified for the international championship. Once he wins the championship, 3rd dan will directly rise to 9th dan. At that time, we will be A witness to history."

Before, he was young and participated in few competitions, so he was considered a full-fledged candidate for him.

"Chess quality depends on character. My dad said that Xiaopang is calm and calm. How can such a person not be able to control his lower body?"

She had seen it by herself, and then asked her father's opinion. If she was not completely sure, how could she let Xiaopang stay by Jiaojiao's side at ease, "I suspect that you are implicating me, and there is evidence." Yu Jingting Now I want to show her what it means to be unable to control the lower body.

"You have a big heart, tsk tsk tsk." Careful, it was him who was talking about it.

"It's useless to say that we are optimistic about Xiaopang. The decision is in Jiaojiao's hands. Jiaojiao disagrees. Even if he is ranked first in the world, this matter will not be possible. And look at our family Jiaojiao. Jiao, seems to be enlightened?"

Jiao Jiao's IQ follows the fourth master's, and she learns everything quickly, but her EQ is like Wang Cuihua's, and she is not so sensitive about emotions.

So the current situation is that Xiaopang is in love with Jiaojiao alone, and Jiaojiao still treats him as a buddy.

"Only you are optimistic about it. My father and I are against it with both hands." Yu Jingting curled his lips.

"Since Jiaojiao hasn't reacted, let's not wake her up. The relationship between these two children is purer than pure water. Our focus should not be on this. There are more important things right now."

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