I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 891 Smile Like a Flower

Xiaopang took out a photo from his pocket, it was a group photo of the two girls.

The one on the left is Jiaojiao, and the one on the right is Liu Meimei.

"Brother Ting, I wonder if you see the problem?"

Yu Jingting glanced, the girl in the photo was a head shorter than Jiaojiao, she was not bad, she was the kind of inconspicuous one thrown on the street, thin and dry, with a slightly reserved expression.

With such an ordinary appearance, it seems that everyone has a few classmates like this. After graduation, you can't even remember her name, and you can't remember her deeds. It seems that her existence is just to fill in the planning of God data.

In Yu Jingting's opinion, such a look is not worthy of her shocking pregnancy in junior high school.

This is the feeling at the first glance, and at the second glance, Yu Jingting narrowed his eyes.

"Why does the skirt on her look familiar to me?"

"Jiao Jiao also has one."

"A headband?"

"Jiao Jiao is the same style."


"Jiao Jiao—"

Before Xiaopang finished speaking, Yu Jingting had already cursed unhappily.

"Grass, shameless, imitating Jiaojiao? Plagiarizing a dog."

No wonder it looks familiar, isn't this his sister's usual dress?

"Didn't it mean that the conditions are difficult? My sister's clothes are all picked out by my wife, especially the pair of shoes on her feet."

There are only two pairs of lambskin sandals in Guomao, more than fifty pairs.

The salary of an ordinary person is less than one month.

Except for tassels that are used to spoiling children, most people would not buy this kind of shoes for a child who is still growing and developing.

Sometimes when Wang Cuihua sees Suizi adding clothes to Jiao Jiao, she has to say a few words, the child is still growing, don't buy the right size, and don't add clothes frequently.

Suizi agreed with a smile on her face, and bought whatever she wanted as soon as she turned her head, and then fooled his mother with her helpless and pitiful eyes that refused to change.

It made Wang Cuihua reluctant to talk about her, so she let her go as time went by.

Suizi felt that it was a pity for a girl at the age of a flower to lose her aesthetics.

There is no way for school uniforms to be stipulated by the school, but accessories such as shoes and head flowers can still provide children with something beautiful and comfortable.

As for the concept of consumption, Suizi does not let the children compare deliberately, nor hides the family's economic situation, and encourages reasonable consumption within the scope of one's ability. This is very different from the concept of the older generation represented by Wang Cuihua.

Hearing Yu Jingting scolding Liu Meimei, Fatty had a relieved expression on his face, he finally found an organization, he wasn't the only one who hated Liu Meimei!

"She said that her stepfather's sister didn't want those shoes. She picked them up to wear. She also said that her stepfather bought them for her. Anyway, everything is a coincidence."

Xiaopang even saw that she used the same eraser and ruler as Jiaojiao.

These things are not taken to heart, but Xiaopang just feels that they should.

He always felt that there were not so many coincidences, but that Liu Meimei deliberately imitated Jiao Jiao, which caused him to feel like seeing Jiao Jiao in the mirror, which made him very unhappy.

Recently, Liu Meimei has even been imitating Jiaojiao in her catchphrase, making Xiaopang reluctant to go to her when she sees her clinging to Jiaojiao.

"If it's just to imitate the dress, I can bear it, but she behaves badly herself, and she has to drag Jiaojiao to accompany her to the hospital to get that kind of medicine."

When Fatty said this, his face turned red.

The young man in adolescence understands a little bit, but not completely. He mustered up the courage to say these words to Yu Jingting.

Because it was too private, I didn't have the nerve to look for Suizi, but I went to Yu Jingting and asked him to tell the elders of the opposite sex about pregnancy or something. It was a big embarrassing scene.

"I have analyzed Liu Meimei's previous behavior. There is a high probability that she will lie that she dare not, and ask Jiaojiao to get her medicine."

"What kind of shitty friends does this little girl have?" Yu Jingting gritted his teeth.

This kind of bad friend, what is worth her protecting, even wanting to hide it from her family.

One underage girl accompanied the other to the hospital to get abortion pills.

If someone saw it, it might be rumored. If Yu Jiaojiao dared to go, Yu Jingting would break her leg.

"Brother Ting, don't talk about Jiaojiao, I am responsible for this matter, I failed to prevent her from being with someone she shouldn't be with." Xiaopang was afraid that Yu Jingting would clean up Jiaojiao, so he hurriedly stepped forward.

Yu Jingting slammed down the hand that knocked on the table.

"You really don't treat yourself as an outsider."

Xiaopang lowered his head sadly when he heard the words.

"Are you ready to retreat?" Yu Jingting asked.

Fatty shook his head without hesitation.

"I just want to grow up with Jiaojiao as a friend, as long as she is happy and safe, even in the future—"

In the future, he will hand her over to the man she likes with his own hands, these words are stuck in his throat.

Yu Jingting kicked him.

"How about acting in a bitter TV series with me? Are you dazzled by playing chess? Do you know how I married your sister-in-law?"

Xiaopang shook his head, but his eyes were expectant.

"Being a human being is the same as playing chess. If you take one step and look at ten steps, that's wisdom. If you take one step and think about a hundred steps, that's stupid. In the end, you can't do anything. You just know what to do and what to do. If you understand these ten steps, take the next ten steps."

As long as you understand "every ten steps in front of you", the future will naturally be smooth.

Yu Jingting really doesn't hate Xiaopang, otherwise he wouldn't have told him these things.

Xiaopang seemed to understand something, looked at Yu Jingting adoringly, Yu Jingting waved casually.

"Jiao Jiao's business is about me and her sister-in-law. You go back and clear up your own affairs. You will go to participate in the competition in a few months. My wife has high hopes for you and represents the country in the competition. Don't give it to the country. Shame on us, don't embarrass us in Northeast China."

Xiaopang nodded excitedly, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

He will definitely win a good ranking and live up to Brother Ting's expectations.

"Don't say nasty things to me like a woman, there's no need." Yu Jingting signaled him to continue playing chess.

Just when the game was about to end, he said something in a very understated tone:

"If you are like Chen Lun, I will kill you."

"If there is a day, don't get your hands dirty, I'll kill it myself." Xiaopang's glass ball jumped all the way to Yu Jingting's base camp.

Yu Jingting cursed.

Brat, when did he hide a "bridge" in the chess path? He was too careless!

Suizi came back from Chen Lijun angrily, and saw the famous scene of her man flipping the chessboard very shamelessly.

The glass ball rolled all over the ground.

"You slipped your hand, this round doesn't count~" Yu Jingting put one hand on his hip.

"Playing chess with children is a fool's errand, there is really no limit." Suizi scolded him, then turned and entered the room.

Seeing her reaction, Yu Jingting knew that her mother must have hit a wall.

"Pack up the chess pieces, and if there is one piece missing, I will make you into a glass ball and play with it!" After Yu Jingting threatened Xiaopang, he went into the house to appease his wife.

Jiao Jiao came out after practicing the piano, and saw Xiaopang squatting in the yard picking up glass balls, with his back to her, his shoulders still shaking.

"What's wrong, my brother bullied you? Don't cry—"

Jiaojiao thought he was wronged and cried, and wanted to comfort him, but Xiaopang looked up, startling Jiaojiao.

Many people will encounter people who imitate themselves when they are studying. Have you ever met someone?

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