I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 892 Brother Ting, You Are My God

"What kind of shofar wind are you having with this? Is your face cramping?"

Jiao Jiao was a little surprised to see Xiaopang smiling so happily.

He rarely has such an obvious expression, as if he has returned to his childhood.

"Jiaojiao, you have a great brother." Xiaopang smiled happily.

"??? Why did you hit your head?" Jiaojiao looked around, the family didn't have a donkey.

This head was kicked by the donkey, how could he say such a sentence without thinking.

"In the winter competition, I will definitely work hard." Xiaopang clenched his fists as if he had been pumped.

In this battle, he was not only fighting for himself, but also betting on Brother Ting's expectations of him. He would never let Brother Ting down.

The encouraged chubby almost looked up to the sky and screamed: Brother Ting, you! yes! I! of! god!

"What stimulated this, don't scare me."

Jiaojiao felt that she would ask her brother later, what kind of words did she say to irritate Xiaopang so much that she couldn't speak human words anymore!

In the house, Suozi was smashing the pillow.

"Short-sighted! Everyone has no vision! Legs and legs! I know how to hold on to the problem of legs. There are so many centipede legs, why don't you look for centipedes?!"

As soon as Yu Jingting heard it, he knew that he had failed to protect Su Zhe.

Suizi discussed with Chen Lijun, and Chen Lijun really had a second-married girl with good conditions under her command. After researching with Suizi, she hit it off and called immediately.

The conversation was almost done, so we missed an appointment to meet, but when the other party heard that Su Zhe had a leg disability, he shirked that he didn't want to think about personal issues for the time being.

"What's so annoying about this thing? Marriage is a matter of your love and my wish. If people care about it, we can't force it. The melon that is forced is not sweet."

After Yu Jingting finished persuading him, he felt that this set of words was so familiar. Eh, was it used by his wife to coax him back then?

"Whether the twisted melon is sweet or not, I don't care at all, I just want to twist it off!" Suizi felt familiar after speaking.

Hey, it seems that Yu Jingting replied to her back then?

The couple exchanged glances and laughed.

After laughing, another helpless sadness rose from my heart.

"Whoever lets me hear that someone who sells tea eggs is worse than someone who engages in scientific research, I'll kill her!"

"Well, I have to get a mouthful of thick phlegm and spray it on my face."

He managed to disgust Suizi.

Suizi will be unwilling and angry.

Both she and Yu Jingting felt that Su Zhe was a very good man, but for a married woman, he was not very suitable.

Those who engage in scientific research get a dead salary, and the benefits are good, but the income is fixed.

That's why there is a joke in the market that "it is better to sell tea eggs than to engage in scientific research, and to use a scalpel as a razor".

Su Zhe is still divorced, with a slight disability, and his age is not dominant.

Chen Lijun introduced Su Zhe a lesbian who was married and had children after comprehensive consideration.

That's why people still hate him.

Suizi feels aggrieved by others because she can't sell her baby.

It is clear that Su Zhe has so many advantages, but the world only sees the conditions on the surface. Marriage is like buying Chinese cabbage in the market. It is too realistic to set out the conditions first and pick and choose.

"Let Dad look for it later in the evening." Yu Jingting suggested.

Suizi shook his head and sighed.

She wanted to help Su Zhe vent his anger and let those tongue-twisters see that he has a happy marriage.

But after the anger is over, think calmly and don't do bad things with good intentions.

Too anxious, and a woman with ulterior motives like Liu Lamei, wouldn't she harm Su Zhe again?

"Forget it, let's put aside the matter of finding a partner first. I'll let our mother pay attention and find a reliable nanny to take care of his daily life. The money will go from the public account."

"His temper, can we have it?" Yu Jingting knew Su Zhe too well, and the sour smell of intellectuals seemed to marinate him.

"It's not for nothing. It's one of the dividends we get him to buy. He has shares in our family. Tell him that the money will be deducted from the dividends."

Suozi thought about it.

If you want to take care of a scientist's daily life, you don't have to be a spouse. Finding a competent nanny can also allow Su Zhe to devote himself to scientific research without distraction.

"By the way, there is one more thing, priority is given to those who are able to fight and swear. First, go to the unit and scold me for a gossip. If you win the scolding, you will get a bonus. If you fight, it will be counted as a work-related injury!"

She figured it out, she took her mother-in-law to tear up those aunts, and lowered Su Zhe's style, why not hire a hot nanny to tear them up.

Yu Jingting snorted and kissed her rewardingly.

After Su Zhe's affairs were understood, Yu Jingting dared to tell Suizi about Jiaojiao's affairs.

Suizi was numb after hearing the whole thing.

"Fifteen-year-old junior high school student.? Pregnant?!"

Suizi knew that there was such a person as Liu Meimei, and she always heard Jiaojiao talking about it, but she didn't expect it to be such a child.

"When such a big incident happened, why should the parents come forward to deal with it, and it's her turn to be a minor to follow along? If it's really like Xiaopang said, let Jiaojiao take medicine for her, isn't it treating our sister as a child?" gun?!"

Suizi felt weird after hearing the whole process.

"Didn't you find someone to investigate Chen Lun, did you have a letter?" Suizi asked.

To understand something, one must observe it in all directions, and one cannot listen to one side's words.

"It's been checked, and we'll let us know as soon as we get a letter."

"Jiao Jiao, do you need to give me a beating first?" Yu Jingting held his breath, his wife raised Bai Fumei, not stupid Baitian!

"I feel that Jiaojiao's heart is also shaken. Let's stand still and observe first. There is only one principle. If you confess yourself, you will be punished lightly, and you will not report it if you conceal it."

"Beheading for public display?" Zhen. Brother said.

"I don't think it's possible to conceal it and not report it. Although Jiaojiao values ​​loyalty, she is not two hundred and five. She can understand these things after thinking about it. It's just that Xiaopang is a child who impresses me. I can only see when I encounter problems. The attitude of the children to deal with the problem."

Xiaopang's actions undoubtedly added points to Suizi and his wife.

"True love should be evenly matched, helping each other to become better people, not blindly conniving, Jing Ting, you should encourage him because you admire him very much, right?"

Suizi saw Xiaopang smiling so happily through the window, and guessed that Yu Jingting should have said something to him.

"Oh, what a fart, I won't look good on anyone who has plans for my sister, but I just don't want him to embarrass our hometown."

Yu Jingting was guessed by Suizi, and his words were duplicity.

Appreciation is appreciation, but as Suizi said, the opportunity is given to him, whether he can sit at this poker table or not depends on his own efforts.

"Jiao Jiao will scare him in the future, I will shoot him to death with a foreign gun!"

"We can only train our children, and we have to rely on ourselves for the future."

It is impossible for her and Yu Jingting to make decisions for the children all their lives.

If Suizi took action on the beautiful matter, it would be easy to solve it.

But she is more inclined to train Jiaojiao. If Jiaojiao's judgment is flawed, she will have time to deal with the aftermath.

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