I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 893 I Have a Friend

"When I was young, I was annoyed by my mother, and I swore in my heart that when I grew up, I would not become an authoritarian parent who hijacked the child's ideas under the banner of morality for your own good. It was only after becoming a parent that I realized that I wanted to not be arbitrary and drag the child into a talent. , is really too difficult."

Suizi sighed.

She kept reminding herself not to be the authoritarian parent she hated as a child.

But when dealing with Su Zhe's marriage problem just now, she almost got into a dead end.

Before she rushed out to find Chen Lijun, she couldn't listen to every word Yu Jingting said.

Calm down and think carefully, but every sentence makes sense.

A good marriage relationship will always affect each other, not blindly pampering each other, but asking the problem in time to make each other a better person.

Thinking of this, Suizi sighed again.

"Fatality tricks people, why can't good people meet good people?"

She hopes that Su Zhe, who loves the two children, can also have such a stable marriage.

"Just treat Su Zhe as an old ape who is constipated. If there is no fate, our mother will talk about it all day long. The fate will come and I can't stop it. Maybe one day, his fate will be as rare as ever." Appeared, and I couldn't stop it."

". A good sentence, come out of your mouth, why is it so disgusting?!"

Eat hot pot at night, and a table is set up in the yard.

Jiaojiao, who was full of thoughts, sat beside Suizi, and her favorite boiled mutton was tasteless.

Suizi touched Chen Lijun's bulging belly, and the little baby inside moved a little bit to save face.

"Hurry up for the birth checkup, does my dad have time to accompany you, or I'll go with you." Suizi said.

Fan Huang was very busy during this period, he didn't come back for dinner tonight, and he often worked overtime until midnight. Sometimes Chen Lijun advised him to sleep at work too late, but he refused and had to come back.

"Let's see when the time comes, I can go by myself."

"That can't be done, you can't bear to be frightened in this body now, what if you see something scary in the hospital, what should you do if you move your fetus?"

"What can be scary in the hospital?" Wang Cuihua asked.

"I heard from a classmate that two days ago, a little girl had an abortion without telling the adults in her family. The child left in the bathroom and ran away without flushing it. The pregnant woman who was going to check up later passed out from fright."

Jiaojiao let out a cry of fright, and dropped her chopsticks.

Wang Cuihua repeatedly called out the crime.

"Don't talk about it, I hear it's annoying - are the children so nonsense now? Why don't you tell the adults about such things and make up your own mind?"

"It is said that the little girl is not very old, and she almost lost her life. These children take face too seriously and lack basic safety knowledge. I don't worry about this problem like our Jiaojiao, right? Jiaojiao ?”

Suizi looked at Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao's face turned even paler.

"I don't feel well in my stomach, I'll go in and lie down."

Suizi's words flashed through Jiaojiao's mind at the moment, and she almost lost her life.

Fourth Master squinted his eyes and looked at Yu Jingting who lowered his head and ate fiercely.

Wang Cuihua was eagerly discussing the little girl who had an abortion in the toilet with Chen Lijun, but she didn't notice anything unusual about Jiaojiao.

Fourth Master stretched out his leg and kicked Yu Jingting. He didn't believe that Suizi would say this for no reason, there must be some connotation.

"Wow——" Yu Jingting was about to pick up the meatballs for Suizi, which fell into the bowl, splashing sesame paste on his face.

"Father's face seems to be thinning." Luoluo said vividly, pointing at Yu Jingting.

Suizi pinched his face lightly, stuck out his tongue, and continued to eat with his head down.

"Yu Tiegen, get the hell out of here!" Fourth Master said with a dark face.

Yu Jingting rolled his eyes, stood up, first re-tipped the balls for Suizi, and then followed his father out of the hospital.

"What's the matter with all of them?" Wang Cuihua asked with a question mark when he saw that half of the people were missing for the meal.

Chen Lijun looked at Suizi and asked her daughter with her eyes, what the hell is going on?

Suizi blinked, and under her mother's gaze, she sandwiched a piece of boiled soft and sweet Chinese cabbage for her mother.

"Pregnant women eat more vegetables. This was brought back by your grandson and granddaughter's partnership. It's two hundred catties, and we will divide it up between the two families."

When Chen Lijun heard that the Chinese cabbage was going to be divided, she also wanted to run away.

She doesn't like to eat this thing either!

Suizi said those words on purpose to Jiaojiao.

The effect is also immediate.

After dinner, Suizi was doing some calculations in the study, and Jiaojiao was looking outside the study.

"Sister-in-law, are you busy?"

"It's okay, come in and sit."

Suizi was alone in the study, Jiaojiao closed the door, sat there hesitating to speak, embarrassed, wringing her fingers back and forth.

"Sister-in-law, I have a friend. She doesn't understand something. I'll ask you for her."

"Well, what's the matter?" Suizi put down her abacus and made a tower shape with her fingers.

"My friend, she has a friend who was cheated by the bad guys and became pregnant. I'm quite confused now—I mean, my friend is very confused."

"Well, what are you confused about?"

"I wanted to be good for her, just to help her deal with this matter. She said that if others found out, she would not be able to live in the future. She also has no money in hand. Borrowing money is actually a trivial matter, but abortion is risky. "

These tassels had taught her long ago.

The dangers of abortion are repeatedly taught as a key course. Jiaojiao knew how to protect herself since she was a child. It was only after she got in touch with Liu Meimei that she realized that not every girl knew this, and not all parents knew it like her sister-in-law. educate children.

"Since you know there is a risk, then avoid the risk. Handling this matter alone is a risk in itself. Her family must have the right to know."

"But she said that her stepfather has been trying to kick her out of the house, and if he found out, she would be homeless."

"Well, keep it from the family, and feel fine after taking some medicine? Do you want to go to school next time, do you want your body to recover? Who will bear the responsibility for irreversible damage to your body?"

When Suizi said something, Jiaojiao lowered her head a little, and she also felt that her thinking about the problem was a bit too simple.

"When she told me, I considered whether to tell her family, just worried that it would make her situation more difficult."

Jiaojiao doesn't use "my friend" anymore, she just talks about me, and Suizi doesn't expose her, and shares with her how she just found a partner for Su Zhe.

"The word 'for your own good' already has the suspicion of moral kidnapping. Imposing personal opinions on others will always result in harm, which is contrary to our expectations. Your brother reminded me in time, and I suddenly woke up. "

"Yes, I want to reflect on myself." Jiaojiao lowered her head.

She thought that hiding it was for the good of her friends, and she thought the problem was one-sided.

Suizi shook her head and patted her on the shoulder.

"I just want to remind you to think about the backside of this friendship. You are not the one who is kidnapped by morality. Think about it carefully. I believe you can handle this matter well."

Suizi added: "There is no need to pursue perfection and be harsh on yourself. I am ten years older than you and I have experienced more than you, but I can't make accurate judgments on everything at the first time. It doesn't matter if the initial judgment is wrong. , can be corrected in time without affecting the overall situation, the problem is not big.”

Jiaojiao raised her head, her eyes were bright, she knew what to do.

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