I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 896 Super Double (Monthly Pass 50+ More)

Xiaopang dragged an oiled paper bag with one hand, and the two pieces on it were warm and numbing.

The other hand pressed the hand of the young man in society, with a stern expression.

"Get your hooves off her!"

"What kind of dog-headed toad-face are you meddling in your own business?" The young man in society squinted at Xiaopang.

Xiaopang raised his leg and yelled at his stomach.

"I am your uncle!"

Seeing the boss being beaten, young people from other societies rushed forward.

Xiaopangshuai was only three seconds old, and was entangled by several people.

"Run!" Xiaopang shouted to Jiaojiao.

Suizi waited in the car for a while, and seeing that Yu Jingting hadn't brought the two children back, she walked over and saw Yu Jingting leaning against the entrance of the alley with a cigarette in his mouth, blowing out smoke rings leisurely.

"What are you looking at, why haven't the two children picked up yet—ah!" Suizi followed Yu Jingting's line of sight, startled.

Xiaopang was beaten by a group of people.

How cool it was to stand up, how embarrassing it will be now.

Jiao Jiao is really fierce.

He picked up his schoolbag and strangled the young man's neck, shouting:

"Stop it all! Otherwise I'll kill him!"

"Hahaha!" Yu Jingting laughed.

Suizi kicked him angrily.

"You have nothing to do! Our child is being bullied, are you watching a play here?!"

"Didn't I see that the situation is controllable? You didn't see how powerful our sister is, um, yes, it's the demeanor that our old Yu family should have."

Yu Jingting had seen enough, so he straightened up and shouted to the other side:


The few social youths looked this way, saw that Yu Jingting was tall and burly, he was not easy to mess with at first glance, so he ran away.

When Yu Jingting passed by, everyone ran away.

Only the young leader who was about to be rolled his eyes by Jiao Jiao was left.

"Help." The young man who was rolled his eyes by Jiao Jiao spoke with difficulty.

He felt that he was so close to the gate of hell!

Seeing her brother coming, Jiaojiao let go of her hand.

The young man who saved his life rubbed his neck that had been strangled and muttered in a low voice:

"You look so quiet, why are you so ruthless?"

Yu Jingting raised his foot and kicked him in the stomach, kicking him ass.

"She is kind to a scum like you."

Yu Jingting held the young man by the neck, and was going to find an empty alley to show him what "self-cultivation of a street slipper" is.

As a former Street Liuzi, seeing that the current Street Liuzi's personal quality is so low, it is simply disconcerting.

"Wait!" Jiaojiao called to stop.

The young man looked at her expectantly, hoping that she would be merciful and say something nice for him.

"Liu Meimei, are you with me?" Jiaojiao probed.

In her heart, she hoped to get a negative answer.

Suizi was stunned for a moment, and then there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

The children she taught are beautiful and sweet.

But it has nothing to do with being stupid.

"How do you know?!" The young man couldn't help cheating, and Jiaojiao fooled him casually, and he tricked himself.

Jiao Jiao bit her lip, too angry to speak.

Sure enough, Liu Meimei colluded with idlers in the society and made this show for herself.

The reason why she could think of this was because things were too coincidental.

During that period of time, only the students who stayed behind to rehearse the program would pass by. Liu Meimei ran out to skip class for half a day, so why did she have to wander around the school gate at night when no one was around.

The time and place seem to be deliberately blocked.

Jiaojiao was unwilling to think of people so badly, but the reality gave her a blow.

"How much benefit did she give you?" Jiaojiao continued to ask, "What is the purpose?"

"We are all loyal, how can we betray—" the young man hadn't finished chanting his righteous slogans, when Yu Jingting was seen snapping his fingers there.

Swallowing his saliva, the loyalty he had put on with great difficulty no longer exists.

"She gave me 5 yuan, let us scare you." The young man dodged his eyes from side to side.

Jiao Jiao was still judging whether this sentence was right or wrong, but Yu Jingting got started.

From the young man's pocket, he took out 50 yuan.

The young man wanted to grab him, but Yu Jingting's opponent was there, his face was pale.

Yu Jingting held up the money and compared it.

"The 5 yuan is to scare you, so what is the 50 for?"

The young man's knees softened and he fell to his knees.

Suizi's face was also ugly, and she felt cold in her heart.

"Brother, I didn't do anything, you came here when I didn't do anything! I'm innocent, that damn girl asked me to do it!"

"Oh, what do you want me to do? Tell me." Yu Jingting's voice was very soft, but his eyes could already eat people.

The young man knew that he had encountered a ruthless person, so he didn't dare to hide it. He knelt on the ground and wiped his tears and said:

"She told us to tear off the little girl's clothes, just torn clothes, and didn't let us do anything else. Really, if I tell a lie, I will be hit by a car and killed when I go out."

tear clothes! ! ! !

The corner of Suizi's mouth curled down fiercely, that Liu Meimei was young, but her heart was very vicious.

Thanks to her family's emphasis on safety, that femme-hearted white-eyed wolf didn't know that Jiaojiao was picked up by car every day.

Otherwise, this must be a big deal.

"Hehe, tear off the clothes, that's all?" Yu Jingting dragged the young man, strangled his neck, and said as he dragged him into the alley, "Come on, I'll give you just one."

Suizi was also furious at this moment, someone actually tried to bully her sister-in-law under her nose, if this matter was forgotten, she and Yu Jingting wouldn't have to mess with each other.

Suozi looked up at his watch.

"I'll give you half an hour. It's time for dinner at the police station. Don't delay the comrades on duty for dinner."

Suizi's meaning is very clear, beat, beat to death.

Throw him to the police station after the beating, don't even think about that Liu Meimei.

After calculation, the beds in work-study schools are still very rich.

She doesn't mind throwing a few more problem girls in.

She likes to undress people so much, and she doesn't mind helping Liu Meimei choose a work-study school with serious bullying, so that she can experience it.

Yu Jingting really did what Suizi said and beat him for half an hour.

A pig's head was dragged out, and she was about to stuff it in the trunk and send it to the police station, when Jiao Jiao spoke.

"Sister-in-law, can I handle this matter? Don't call the police, let him keep his mouth shut, and don't let Liu Meimei know that I already know her true face."

"Oh?" Suizi raised her eyebrows, making Xiaopang anxious.

"She has treated you like this, and you still want to let her go?!"

"It's not that I want to let her go, but her, do you want to let yourself go? Sister-in-law, can you let me deal with it? I caused this matter, and I want to end it myself. "

When Jiaojiao said this, there was a bit of Suizi's expression when she made a decision between her brows.

Seeing this little expression, Suizi felt relieved.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Xiaopang still wanted to speak, but Yu Jingting lazily stopped him.

"Brother Ting, I'm worried that Jiaojiao is soft-hearted, and that Liu Meimei just doesn't deserve sympathy."

"Hey, her sister-in-law has already spoken, what are you doing?"

Yu Jingting knew his daughter-in-law and Jiao Jiao too well, Xiaopang seemed too naive.

Girl's heart, sea needle, look at his sister's cruel little eyes, is that the eyes when you want to forgive others?

It's obviously following his wife's ruthlessness when attacking, this is what she wants, super double.

I will add the monthly ticket owed today, and I will reward it tomorrow.

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