I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 897 Suozi took it easy

Fan Huang gave Suizi a stack of hot spring coupons, and Suizi arranged them all.

In addition to these people in my own family, I also invited three members of Xiaopang's family.

For the rest, she invited the three members of Chen Lun's family, returned them to Chen Lijun's two cousins, and Chen He and his wife who had just sent their son to work-study school.

The last one was decided by Jiaojiao, and it was given to the three female classmates who often played with her, including Liu Meimei.

A group of people chartered a minibus and set off in a mighty way.

Chen He and his wife were listless and listless. After their son was sent away, the couple felt very uncomfortable. Suizi asked them to come over to relax.

Chen He braced himself to talk to Yu Jingting about business matters. The two people's pig farm has been growing very well recently. Chen He wanted to expand the scale and make persistent efforts, but Yu Jingting only said that he was not in a hurry for the time being and would wait and see.

Suizi accompanies her mother to enlighten Chen He's daughter-in-law. She is not in good health, and sending her son to work-study school is also a blow to her. Suizi has done a lot of ideological work for her before, and now she has accepted the reality a little bit.

Fourth Master and Wang Cuihua were playing with Xiaoluo, Jiaojiao was chatting with her classmates, and Liu Meimei was sitting by the window, uneasy.

She asked the young people in society to block Jiaojiao's affairs. She thought that Jiaojiao didn't know, but she could feel that Jiaojiao was indifferent to her.

Although she was also invited this time, it was the other two girls who chatted with Jiaojiao.

In fact, Jiaojiao has quite a few friends on weekdays, but Liu Meimei is the one who clings to Jiaojiao the most. Now that Jiaojiao suddenly stops getting close to her, Liu Meimei's psychological gap suddenly emerges.

Everyone chatted about their own things. Chen Lijun's two sisters-in-law were sitting in the back of the car, whispering to their ears.

"Why did Li Jun think of us all of a sudden?"

The relationship between the two of them is not too close to Chen Lijun on weekdays. Although it is not a bad relationship, there is still a long distance between them.

So being invited for no reason, it was hard for the two cousins ​​not to think about it.

"Who knows, but Lijun's belly is a bit small. Do you think it's malnutrition? The daughter-in-law in the front yard of my house has the same belly as hers, but it's getting bigger. The daughter-in-law hooked up with her father-in-law."

The two sister-in-laws were quiet at first, but then they simply opened their voices to gossip. The owner of the house, the Li family, said all kinds of gossip from their mouths, exaggerated more than twice, and had a taste of magical realism.

Wang Cuihua originally had a good time teasing the children, but her brain ached when she was quarreling with the two chattering gossip women behind her.

I couldn't help but whispered into the tassel's ear: "What are you doing with them, it's too noisy."

Even Wang Cuihua, a veteran gossip lover, couldn't stand the latter two, which shows how long the tongues of these two sister-in-laws are.

Suizi blinked, and she stopped barking if she didn't make noise.

For her family, this trip to the hot spring is a relaxation and leisure, but for some people, it is the Shura field. How can the desired effect be achieved without finding two humanoid loudspeakers to go out and spread gossip?

The seats in the car were carefully arranged by Suizi, allowing Chen Lun and Liu Meimei to sit in a row with an aisle in between.

At first, Chen Lun was afraid of Jingting, so he sat upright.

After driving for less than half an hour, I couldn't bear it anymore and flirted with Liu Meimei.

Jiaojiao and Suizi were sitting behind him, watching his flirtation with Liu Meimei.

Jiaojiao was very disgusted, and Liu Meimei lied to her, saying that she had completely broken up with Chen Lun.

He also said that Chen Lun had lied to her to have a child.

Damn it!

Those two glued eyes are full of drama, it's still adultery drama!

Suizi saw that Jiaojiao looked like a little game cock, and was overjoyed.

Very good, this ready-made negative teaching material for puppy love is just right for Jiaojiao and Xiaopang.

The hot spring villa is on the outskirts of the city, and it took more than an hour to drive there.

It is said to be a resort, but it is actually a nursing home, and the guests are all retired cadres. The environment is definitely not as luxurious as the later generations, but it is clean and quiet.

Suizi arranged rooms for everyone. She deliberately arranged two of Jiaojiao's three classmates in the same room, but let Liu Meimei live in a single room.

The room arrangement is also exquisite.

On the left are the three members of Chen Lun's family, and on the right are two tongue-in-law cousins.

Jiaojiao asked Suizi to arrange this, and she made it clear that she wanted to do something.

After arriving at the place, Chen Lijun was a little tired, so she lay down to catch up on sleep.

Others packed their bags and went to the hot water.

There will be no fancy hot springs like those of later generations, no red wine pools, ginseng pools, nothing.

The hot spring pool is built outdoors, like a big bathhouse, men and women are mixed together, soaking in swimsuits.

Suizi didn't want to squeeze in with everyone, so she cleaned the bathtub in the room.

The bathroom here also uses hot spring water, and the same goes for soaking in the room.

Bring your own disinfectant, first disinfect the room of my mother, in-laws and Jiaojiao, and then disinfect my own room.

Yu Jingting sat cross-legged on the bed to watch her work.

"The water here is the waste heat of magma from the granite rock base. The temperature is much higher than other hot springs. It is sterilized and sterilized. It is better than your sterilized water, right?"

Suizi is the kind of person who will never take a bath even when she goes to a public bath. She doesn't take a bath herself, and she doesn't let Yu Jingting take a bath.

She didn't say it directly, but she seemed to chat with him unintentionally, what kind of illness did the younger one get after taking a bath in the public bath.

Diseases are not repeated, such as beriberi and skin diseases × diseases, one round at a time.

It wasn't until Yu Jingting assured him that he would not go out in the future that these disturbing news completely disappeared from his home.

Yu Jingting seriously suspected that his daughter-in-law had some cleanliness obsession.

After Sanitizing the bathtub, Suizi replaced the slippers and bath towels with her own ones, and put on all the sheets, quilt covers and pillowcases. Then she straightened up in satisfaction, looked around, and answered his questions by the way.

"Don't worry about disinfecting the poison. In our family, except for pregnant women and children, it is always right to pay more attention. You can go and check later to see if Jiaojiao's quilt cover has been changed."

Yu Jingting pouted.

Those families only brought a small package for a change of clothes when they went out to play. His wife, as if fleeing from famine, brought a few sets of bedding when opening a few rooms, and the trunk was full of his family's things.

Suizi looked around, and finally landed on Jingting.

To be precise, it was on Yu Jingting's underpants.

From the moment he entered the door, he put a little thought into it, took off his outer pants, and only wore boxer shorts, sitting on the bed and posing for a pose.

Trying to use his strong muscles to hook up with Suizi to give him a hungry sheep to attack a wolf.

As a result, this little girl cleaned up frantically as soon as she came in, without even looking at him.

Seeing Suizi staring at his underpants, Yu Jingting immediately put his hand on the elastic band, is this going straight to the point!

"You just sat on the same sheet, go take a shower and get new pants."

"." Yu Jingting was full of complaints, this girl with a cleanliness is too much!

With the mentality of playing against her, Yu Jingting planned to roll around on the bed she had just made.

"Diseases come from the mouth, you must clean them up, understand?"

Suizi made a pun, and Yu Jingting became energetic in an instant.

Humming a ditty, he went straight to the bathroom, and was properly grasped.

After washing his whole body as quickly as possible, Yu Jingting, who came out wearing a bath towel, rushed out.

Hey, where is his wife? !

Standing in an empty room, Ting Ge, who was wearing a bath towel, had a big word in his mind:

Be fooled by her!

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