"Why can't you keep such a good thing?"

Yu Jingting sighed at the bath towel.

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, he put on his clothes casually, and he had to go out to see what was so attractive to his little girls.

He also cursed somewhere.

"What's the excitement? I didn't see anyone running away?"

As soon as the murderous Yu Jingting went out, he saw Suizi and Jiaojiao standing under the tree in the yard, whispering furiously.

"Jiaojiao!" Liu Meimei came out of the room, stood at the door and called Jiaojiao.

Suizi smiled and patted Jiaojiao, beckoning her to go over.

After Jiaojiao and Liu Meimei left, Suizi returned to the dark-faced Yu Jingting.

"You smell so sweet." Suizi sniffed.

She made homemade essential oil from white orchids, and then made it into handmade soap, which smelled very good on him.

"Heh, I'm going to roll around in the mud pit now." Why do you wash it so clean!

The daughter-in-law has run away!

"Don't worry, I have something to discuss with you." Suizi pretended not to see that he was losing his temper, and dragged him into the house.

Yu Jingting clasped his arms and looked indifferent.

Hehe, no matter what she said, he didn't cooperate.

"There are two hours before dinner, and you have two hours."

"No, it suddenly occurred to me that I am very busy. I want to meditate, talk to Plato in the air, and explore the mysteries of philosophy...?!"

As Suizi's coat fell to the ground, Yu Jingting's eyes straightened.

His daughter-in-law floated to his side like a goblin, her fingers hooking his chin.

"Plato? I understand, look, lips" Her lips were close to his, but they quickly left when they were about to touch.

"You can't touch each other."

Yu Jingting's eyes instantly filled with murderous intent.

Sui Zixin said that thanks to Plato's early death, if he stood in front of him, he would chew people up, tsk tsk, man!

"Platonic love, that is to embrace the empty space with both hands, and the thoughts are hazy. Are you sure you want to tell me about Plato?"

"I'll come to discuss Plato after finishing the work. This will still have to implement the philosophy of our own ancestors."


"Our own ancestors said, I'm warm and full, and I'm warm and full now, it's time to spend two hours with you."

The specialty of the hot spring resort is fat duck stew. The duck is grown up drinking hot spring water. The meat is plump and tender, with a sweet and umami taste that cannot be tasted outside. The soup is also very delicious.

Suizi specially ordered a few pots to entertain everyone. Chen Lijun, a picky eater, also had a big appetite and drank two bowls.

After dinner, Suizi took Chen Lijun for a walk in the villa.

There are a lot of vegetation nearby, and the air is full of negative ions, which are very good for pregnant women.

"Why doesn't Jing Ting pester you anymore?" Chen Lijun was a little surprised.

Yu Jingting organized some men to play mahjong.


"Jing Ting is an independent man, how can he always revolve around his wife?" Suizi said deliberately deep.

I added in my heart, she was fed in advance, isn't it just to prevent others from gossiping?

Those two hours, she didn't pay for nothing, she will go back later and take a good soak in the hot spring to relieve her pain.

"What's the matter with Chen Lun, Jiaojiao's female classmate?" Chen Lijun asked.

Sui Zixin said that her mother is worthy of being a strong lady in the leadership position, and she is very accurate in judging people.

Chen Lijun didn't pay attention to Chen Lun and Liu Meimei, just a casual look, and she could tell that the relationship between the two was unusual.

"Let's talk about it."

Suizi told Chen Lijun about Chen Lun and Liu Meimei, and Chen Lijun's pregnant belly stood up.

"What?! Is this okay?! I have to tell my mother!"

"What are you talking about? My mother knew about it a long time ago. She is not ashamed, but proud of it. She spreads her son's charm everywhere."

"??? Isn't this nonsense? The girl is pregnant now? Just dragging it like this? Not under the age of marriage"

Chen Lijun just thought that her head was three times bigger, how could she have such unreliable relatives?

"What are you thinking, look at them, they seem to be able to get married?"

Chen Lun's parents probably thought that their family had the throne to inherit, and they would look down on any girl who married. What's more, Liu Meimei, who was pregnant before marriage, could only be used as talk stuff to show off her son's "capital", and they were determined not to let girls in.

"It's too bad your father doesn't know. If he knows, he'll be pissed off."

Chen Lijun knew her man's sense of morality too well. If Fan Huang hadn't been ill and confused, she would not have succeeded, and she would not have such an excellent child as Suizi.

"Hurry up and let Jiaojiao stay away from that girl, don't get a bad habit."

"Jiao Jiao also knows it well in her heart. I think Jiao Jiao brought the other two little girls here, and they are both good."

Apart from exercising Jiaojiao's ability to deal with problems this time, Suizi also played tricks.

She deliberately asked Jiaojiao for a few tickets, so that she could circle the children who were close to Jiaojiao on weekdays. After suffering from Liu Meimei's loss, Suizi had to filter out the friendship situation around her sister-in-law.

Fortunately, except for Liu Meimei's abnormality, those two children are good children. Their family conditions are good and bad, but their temperaments are not bad.

"Jiaojiao has practiced with you for so long, how can she still play with such a dishonest girl?" Chen Lijun couldn't help being prejudiced.

"If you don't encounter trouble, who will know whether you are dating a human or a ghost? Liu Meimei also became abnormal at the beginning of this semester. Jiaojiao has known her for more than two years, and she has been a normal child for these two years. I guess she may have been affected by something. Excited."

For the child Liu Meimei, Suizi sympathizes with her experience but does not forgive her for what she did to Jiaojiao.

In Jiaojiao's words, it was also abnormal at the beginning of this semester, most likely due to the influence of her native family, which caused her to intentionally imitate Jiaojiao, and even get involved with Chen Lun.

"The other children around Jiaojiao are normal, which means that the problem is not with Jiaojiao. You can't deny the whole because of a single case. You can't blame yourself for not having a prophet just because a dog with sudden rabies was bitten on the road. ability?"

"Come on, let me tell you that you wait for me with ten sentences—wait a minute, you know that the two children have problems, but you still arrange their rooms together?! What are you going to do?!"

Chen Lijun finally recovered.

Spike blinked.

"Mom, the baby kicked you at night, did you go to bed late?"

People who sleep late, there is a play to watch.

It may also be a show with hot eyes.

It is not without reason that Suizi fed Yu Jingting in advance.

Yu Jingting led a group of men to play cards until midnight.

Winning or losing a dime is a joy.

Fourth Master relied on his superb card skills—or maybe card stealing skills, to come out on top, and one family won three.

"My daughter-in-law ordered a barbecue at night, and the chef will cook it for us alone. It's about time. Uncle, call your son out and let's eat together. He's a grown man, so he can have some drinks."

Yu Jingting said to Chen Lun's father.

Chen Lun's father, who was named, nodded repeatedly, but when he returned to the room, he found that his wife had already gone to bed. This was a suite, except for his and his wife's master bedroom, which was connected to Chen Lun's second bedroom.

Chen Lun's father went to push the door, but there was no one in the room.

Where did my son go this late at night?

Chen Lun's father was thinking about it when he heard a beautiful and exaggerated shout from outside the door:

"Ah! Chen Lun! Why are you in Liu Meimei's room—ah, Liu Meimei, why aren't you wearing any clothes?!"

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