The curious Wang Cuihua went out with Suizi to check the situation.

She saw Liu Meimei standing in front of her own room door like a drowned chicken, with a big puddle of water stains on the ground.

Yu Jingting led the two children and stood on the sidelines to watch.

That undisguised and arrogant laughter came from Yu Jingting.

Suizi scanned around with his eyes, but didn't see any pots.

It wasn't water poured from a basin, and it couldn't have come out out of thin air.

Take a closer look, there are several pieces of transparent plastic. This guy has filled the condom with water!

Suizi easily restored the scene just now through the "material evidence" on the scene.

Yu Jingting filled a huge water polo with a cover, which can hold seven or eight catties of water, don't ask how Suizi knew.

After pouring water and putting it on the door, waiting for Liu Meimei to push the door, being hit by such a big "water polo" was absolutely heart-wrenching.

"Why did you hit me!" Liu Meimei wiped off the water from her face, and asked Yu Jingting in a crying voice.

"Why do you deal with people who are not pleasing to the eye?" Yu Jingting snorted, "When you bullied my family when we were young, never thought that such a day would come?"

Liu Meimei really didn't expect it.

She has never seen an adult who cares about a child.

Now I have seen it.

Jiao Jiao's room was opened a crack, Jiao Jiao probed her head, glanced at it, and retracted her head again.

Liu Meimei stared at the door of Jiaojiao's room, wishing she could poke a hole through the door.

She didn't dare to contend with the mighty Yu Jingting, but transferred her hatred to Jiao Jiao.

This look did not escape Jingting's eyes, he turned to ask Suizi.

"Have you ever seen a semi-automatic human body pitching machine?"


Without bowing his head, Yu Jingting stretched out his hands and patted the two children's shoulders lightly.


Two water polos were sent out from the children's hands, and Liu Meimei was smashed all over.

This time it was a water polo filled with balloons, not the huge "unscrupulous" water polo just now.

Suizi was speechless.

Yu Jingting put his hands on his hips quite proudly.

"Look, it's semi-automatic, and it can be reissued."

Liu Meimei didn't dare to stay outside anymore, she couldn't get any explanation from Yu Jingting, she could only ask for loss.

The two children chased Liu Meimei and threw it, but Liu Meimei closed the door and dared not come out.

Seeing her posture, Suizi estimated that she would not even come out for dinner.

"Can you teach the child to be good?" Suizi complained, rubbing her temples.

She was really afraid that the street trickster would teach the two street tricksters.

"Don't be so serious, let's go and eat."

Yu Jingting was in a good mood, if you provoke him, no matter how big or small, there is no one who would not hit him.

As Suizi expected, Liu Meimei did not come out for dinner at night.

Early the next morning, as soon as Jiao Jiao woke up, Liu Meimei came over.

Liu Meimei's eyes were red, as if she hadn't had a good rest.

"Jiaojiao, you must help me!" Liu Meimei held Jiaojiao's hand as soon as she entered the door, and her skinny hand used all her strength, like two small pliers, to wrap around Jiaojiao's wrist.

"Meimei, what do you want me to do for you?" Jiaojiao's eyes were slightly complicated.

"Go back tomorrow, you can accompany me to the hospital, okay? I really don't want to procrastinate any longer." Liu Meimei said pitifully.

Jiaojiao's eyes turned cold, and the corners of her mouth twitched downward.

"Meimei, my brother teased you today. If you have any resentment towards him, you can tell me directly, or you have other difficulties. As long as you say it, I will help you."

"What are you talking about? I don't hate you at all. I just want you to accompany me to the hospital. We are best friends, aren't we? If you don't accompany me, no one will accompany me. "

Liu Meimei looked up at Jiaojiao as if she had made up her mind.

"I just want you to accompany me to the hospital."

Jiaojiao was silent.

This minute was a torment for both of them.

"If this is your request, I promise you." Jiaojiao said, eyes full of disappointment.

Liu Meimei was very happy, shaking Jiaojiao's hand back and forth.

"Jiaojiao, you are really my good friend."

"." I would rather never know you, Jiaojiao said silently in her heart.

This was the last chance she gave Liu Meimei, but obviously, Liu Meimei didn't seize it.

Liu Meimei went out happily, and after a while, Jiaojiao looked through the window and saw her walking towards the hot spring pool.

I still have the mind to take a hot spring

"How could I give this kind of person a chance?" Jiaojiao said to herself, she felt a bit like a fool.

Or sister-in-law was right, she shouldn't have hoped for bad guys, expecting Liu Meimei's conscience to find out, it's just daydreaming.

Since Liu Meimei is unkind, don't blame her for being unrighteous.

Thinking of this, Jiaojiao decided to find Suizi.

Suizi just came over to find her for breakfast.

"Sister-in-law, are you going to have a prenatal check-up with Aunt Jun tomorrow?" Jiao Jiao asked.

Spike nodded.

"Then let me invite you to watch a play. It must be much more exciting than the eight o'clock file that Aunt Jun chases every day."

Suizi twitched the corners of her mouth, obeying orders rather than being respectful.

The little princess of her family has also reached the age of slaying dragons with a knife.

After the three-day trip to the hot springs, Suizi and Chen Lijun had a routine prenatal checkup.

The results of the examination were all good, and the doctor also showed Suizi a B-ultrasound.

The black and white B-ultrasound is so dark that Suizi can't see anything.

"Aunt Wang, what color do you think I should make clothes for the baby? Blue, pink?" Suizi asked.

This month, it can already be seen that the doctor is Fan Huang's friend, so you can speak directly.

"What color do you prefer?" Aunt Wang asked with a smile.

"Actually, I'm fine, but my daughter said she likes blue, so I bought more."

This set of words made the two of them talk seamlessly.

Suizi was actually asking about boys and girls, Luoluo kept yelling that it was a boy, and the Chinese medicine doctor Fan Huang consulted said he was a son, so Suizi bought a lot of fabrics for boys.

"Haha, your daughter is really a caring little padded jacket, she is quite accurate in seeing things."

Suizi felt relieved.

It seems that my brother was right.

"What are you talking to the doctor about?" Chen Lijun sat up and wiped the gel on her stomach with a tissue.

"It's nothing." Suizi went over and whispered something in Chen Lijun's ear. Chen Lijun looked surprised, and then reached out to hit her.

"Hey, even if you have both children, there's no need to dislike your good girl so quickly." Suizi looked aggrieved.

"Bad girl! Can't you leave me some surprises? I'm still thinking about watching it after I'm born in a few months."

"When you're duplicity, don't smile so happily, okay? If you're like this, I'll suspect that you're patriarchal." Suizi joked.

Chen Lijun was amused by her. In fact, she was happy whether it was a man or a woman. It was just that she knew it in advance, but she was still a little unwilling, and was guessed by Suizi again.

Suizi has been hoarding baby boy supplies crazily in the past few months. Chen Lijun can't understand her daughter's confident appearance, and she still wants to give birth to a little girl who is angry with Suizi.

"The business is done, let's go to the theater as soon as possible. After watching the play, we have to hurry up to annoy people in the afternoon."

"What's the matter? Angry. People?"

Chen Lijun raised a question mark.

The second watch is a little later, and there is an epidemic at the author's house again, hey, I don't know what's going on, worry

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