Suizi came out with Chen Lijun on her arm, sat down on a chair in the aisle, took out a newspaper from her bag and handed it to Chen Lijun.

The couple held the newspaper to cover their faces and whispered.

"What are you fussing about?" Chen Lijun asked.

"You just sit and watch it. Jiaojiao said, it's not as good as the bloody TV series you watch at night. She will clean your house for a year."

After talking about this, Chen Lijun became energetic, and immediately sat up straight, her eyes wandering back and forth on the edge of the newspaper.

They are registered as specialists, and the general gynecology clinic is two rooms away.

Going forward is the lobby of the hospital, where people come and go.

Chen Lijun pushed the tassels.

"Look at the man next to the sign in the lobby, why is it so weird?"

It was a young man in his twenties, holding a camera in his hand, sneaking around, looking around.

In the specific environment of the hospital, everyone was in a hurry, and it was very suspicious for such a person to come out suddenly.

"Congratulations on discovering the bright spot, don't make any noise and continue watching."

The door of the general gynecology clinic opened, and Jiao Jiao came out from inside.

The man next to the sign immediately raised the camera in his hand, and was about to take a picture of Jiao Jiao, when his shoulder was pressed down.

The man turned his head impatiently: "Who—ah!"

Xiaopang hit him with a fist, covered the man's eyes, and said expressionlessly, "I'm your father!"

The man was caught off guard by his blow, and the camera in his hand fell to the ground.

Fatty walked up, picked up the camera before the man could react, and pulled out the film inside.

To be honest, the camera film cannot be exposed, and the exposure will be useless.

"Are you sick?!" The man started secretly filming Jiaojiao and Liu Meimei since they entered the hospital.

He was very skillful in his shots, he only took pictures of Jiaojiao alone and missed Liu Meimei.

After working so hard to shoot for so long, Xiaopang burned all the fruits of the man's labor all at once.

"Well, I've got a disease that makes me feel uncomfortable if I don't beat you!" Xiaopang kicked the man in the stomach.

Standing in the corridor, Jiao Jiao saw the chubby hammer man, with the corners of her mouth slightly upturned.

It seems that this time without her help, Xiaopang finally became a real hero.

Xiaopang fought with others a few times before, and he always had to help Jiaojiao to escape. This incident made Xiaopang quite worried, so he asked Yu Jingting for advice after returning.

I learned two practical moves from Yu Jingting, and my fighting skills improved immediately.

After Xiaopang beat him to the ground, he realized that the other person looked familiar.

"You are Li Tiehui?!"

The man also recognized Xiaopang, and hurriedly covered his face with his hands, trying to get up from the ground, but Jiaojiao who was driven over kicked him to the ground.

Jiaojiao's kick was so brave and heroic that Suizi nodded again and again, and shared her experience with Chen Lijun:

"It's good for girls to have longer legs. Not only do they look good in clothes, but they also have strength when kicking people."

Chen Lijun nodded, staring intently.

"Why are you fighting? Shall we just sit and watch if we don't want to help Jiaojiao?"

"Our child is not at a disadvantage. What are you anxious about? Keep watching."

Suizi's eyes didn't move away from that side, watching Xiaopang grabbing the man for questioning, it seemed that the two still knew each other.

"How do you know Liu Meimei's brother?" Jiaojiao asked Xiaopang.

She has already recognized that the man she kicked to the ground is Liu Meimei's stepbrother.

Liu Meimei and him are neither a father nor a mother. Liu Meimei's mother took her to remarry Li Tiehui's father. They are brothers and sisters in name, but they are not related by blood.

"He is also a chess player. I have played against him."

Although Li Tiehui is already in his twenties, he is only an amateur chess player. Xiaopang can't remember whether he is an amateur 5th or 6th dan.

Xiaopang's professional dan was obtained by participating in the national competition. He rose from amateur 7th dan to professional 3rd dan, defeating Li Tiehui.

Just one round widened the gap between their identities. Xiaopang was promoted and got the opportunity to participate in the international competition in winter, while Li Tiehui had to start all over again.

"Could it be that you want to use Jiaojiao to suppress my morale, lead me to make mistakes, and then lose my qualifications, and you will be a substitute?" Xiaopang is indeed a professional chess player. When he saw Li Tiehui, he immediately connected everything in his mind. Woke up.

Amateur chess players who have reached the 6th dan or above can play as substitutes, but it must be that the professional chess players in front have problems.

Among the thirty-six people in the capital who are officially qualified as chess players, Xiaopang has the lowest qualifications and the latest promotion.

If there is a problem with Xiaopang, he will have the opportunity to substitute.

"I'm just passing by to take a few photos, don't spit on people!" Li Tiehui broke free from his coquettishness, got up and argued vigorously, but his eyes involuntarily glanced forward.

Jiao Jiao followed his line of sight to look over, Liu Meimei lowered her head and hurried out.

This is to see the deeds brought to light, to run!

Jiaojiao pointed at Liu Meimei and shouted, "Liu Meimei! I still have your B-ultrasound film!"

Liu Meimei didn't turn her head, she walked quickly, and the door was right in front of her eyes.

Just when her hand was about to touch the door, a long arm blocked her way.

Liu Meimei looked up, Yu Jingting chewed the bubble gum, spit out a big bubble, raised his hand and waved at her.

Liu Meimei's pupils became dilated, and she didn't understand what she had planned, how could things go wrong, Xiaopang and Jiaojiao's brother were not what she planned to appear.

She made an agreement with Jiaojiao to let Jiaojiao accompany her alone.

Then she tricked Jiaojiao into going in to help her get the medicine, and asked her brother to stand by and take pictures outside.

I just want to wait for Jiaojiao to come out and take a few photos, and then post them on the school bulletin board, so it will be difficult for Jiaojiao not to drop out of school.

But from the moment Xiaopang kicked Li Tiehui over, the situation got out of control.

Yu Jingting blew out the bubble gum and smiled at the man beside him:

"Principal Zhang, don't you think it's a coincidence that I met a student from your school."

Only then did Liu Meimei see that there was a man standing beside Yu Jingting, who was the principal of their school.

Suddenly his face turned ashen, and he was too scared to make a sound.

Why is the principal here?

"Which class are you in? Why are you here?" Principal Zhang looked Liu Meimei up and down without any impression.

Principal Zhang was dragged here by Yu Jingting. His wife had a gynecological tumor. Yu Jingting helped him find a doctor, and today "coincidentally" brought him here for a meeting.

The connections of Yu Jingting and his wife should not be underestimated. As long as they think about it, there is no opportunity that they can't create.

"Hi principal!" Jiao Jiao ran over.

Principal Zhang recognized Jiaojiao not only because her elder brother and sister-in-law donated a lot of things to the school, but also because Jiaojiao had won several national piano championships. Teachers will be deeply impressed by this kind of children with good grades and special talents.

"Yu Jiaojiao is here?" The headmaster looked at Jiaojiao and then at Liu Meimei, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

Liu Meimei burst into tears and said, "Jiaojiao, at this point, you can't hide your pregnancy. I just came with you."

Chen Lijun, who came to watch the live broadcast, was furious. This kid ran the train with his mouth full!

"Pfft!" Suizi was happy, and Yu Jingting also twitched the corners of his mouth.

This is not a big death?

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