I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 12 Coriander (Thanks to Xue Zhifeiwu for the tip)

In the next month.

Wu Siyuan was so busy that the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

On the one hand, you have to take care of the fruit stand business, which is an important cash cow after all.

On the other hand, the decoration of the fruit shop must also be taken into consideration.

All aspects of the decoration of the fruit shop must be taken into consideration, so it involves a lot of Wu Siyuan's energy.

In addition, the green onions and coriander that Wu Siyuan previously planted in the [Shennongjiao Space] are also gradually entering the harvest period.

As a result, Wu Siyuan sells fruits during the day, and at night he has to go into the "Shennongjiao Space" to harvest these seasoning crops.

Finally, we weighed and calculated. The 30-centimeter-high Shandong coriander weighed 800 kilograms and the four-season green onion weighed 2,500 kilograms.

This is the unique condition of [Shennongjiao Space]. After adding the space upgrade, it has a 10% planting benefit effect, which is why it has such a high yield.

As for ginger and garlic, their growth cycle will be longer, so they are not yet in harvest season.

Putting so many cilantro and green onions in the [Shennongjiao Space] takes up space.

Wu Siyuan couldn't eat that much by himself.

Simply, Wu Siyuan put them on his fruit stall and sold them.

Shandong coriander costs 5 yuan per catty, and four-season green onions cost 3.5 yuan per catty.

It was interesting that the fruit stall also sold vegetables. Wu Siyuan was often teased by the regular customers who came to buy fruits at first.

However, some regular customers think that the coriander and green onions from Wu Siyuan are of good quality, and sometimes they buy some, but not a lot.

I can't sell 20 kilograms a day.

After all, this thing is not strictly needed, and that’s not to say, but Wu Siyuan is selling it in the wrong situation.

If it were in a vegetable market, Wu Siyuan was confident that he could ship a large amount of goods every day.

But this is a fruit stand!

The customers who come here to buy fruits either don't cook themselves, or they have already bought the ingredients at the vegetable market and bought cilantro and spring onions.

Although Wu Siyuan's coriander and green onions are of good quality and fragrant, there is no such demand after all!

Naturally, Wu Siyuan's daily sales of green onions and coriander were not ideal.

Wu Siyuan had too many things to do during this period, so he didn't have much energy to focus on it. Anyway, for him, except for his personal labor force, everything else was a business without capital.

If it can be sold, sell it. If it can't be sold, put it in the "Shennongjiao Space" first. With this preservation space, Wu Siyuan doesn't have to worry about it going bad.

Sometimes things are like this. The more you want to do something well, the harder it is to do it well. And a thing that you don't put much effort into will be done naturally.

The same goes for Wu Siyuan's batch of coriander and chives.

On the food street where his fruit stall is located, there is a [Changji Private House Malatang]. The business is not bad on weekdays. One time, the coriander was not in stock and was sold out, so the boss had to go out to buy it temporarily.

The owner of the Malatang shop remembered that Wu Siyuan also sold coriander, so he came over to consult. Then he urgently purchased 10 kilograms of coriander from Wu Siyuan at a wholesale price of 4.5 yuan per kilogram.

As a result, after the coriander was put on the shelves, during one noon, several female customers repeatedly added more coriander, causing it to be sold out again.

A female customer also said that coriander has a natural fragrance.

The owner of the Malatang shop naturally sneered at this. The coriander was grown with pesticides and fertilizers. How could it have a natural fragrance? Are they really green organic vegetables? Green organic vegetables are not at this price either!

However, the hot sales of coriander forced the boss to go shopping again.

So he went to Wu Siyuan again and purchased another 20 kilograms of coriander at once!

[Changji Private Malatang] is open until 12 o'clock in the evening, but the coriander is sold out again.

However, Wu Siyuan had already called it a day, and the owner of the spicy hotpot shop naturally couldn't buy Wu Siyuan's exclusive coriander.

The next day, when the Malatang shop owner went to the vegetable market, he bought coriander at a cheaper price than what Wu Siyuan supplied!

In order to avoid not selling enough yesterday, the owner of the Malatang shop bought 40 kilograms of coriander at one time.

As a result, when the business opened at noon, the female customer who came yesterday came over again and ordered a bunch of meat and vegetable dishes, and specially brought several bunches of coriander. After cooking, the female customer only tasted a few bites, and then she screamed and became angry. I called the boss and said the coriander tasted wrong.

The boss tried it and found that yes, it tasted like coriander. There was no rancidity or change in taste. How could it taste wrong?

The owner of the Malatang shop explained to the female customer in a nice voice that this is the taste of coriander, but the female customer still refused to give up and kept saying that the taste of coriander was not the same as yesterday.

The two got into an argument as they talked, and in the end the female customer was so angry that she paid the bill directly, stopped eating the Malatang, and left in anger.

The owner of the Malatang shop was also sulking. How could the good coriander taste wrong? Although the female customer paid, it attracted many people to watch just now, but the reputation of the shop was damaged.

After a while, the store resumed normal operations, and customers came to eat. But not long after, another customer from yesterday came. After ordering several portions of coriander, he frowned after taking a few bites.

The owner of the Malatang shop was watching, and when he saw the customer frowning, he felt something was wrong. He took the initiative to walk aside and asked what was going on.

This customer was much easier to talk to than the first female customer. The coriander he ordered was not as delicious as yesterday’s!

If a person says there is something wrong with the taste of cilantro, then nothing.

But if two people say that, then you have to think about it carefully.

If three people talk, then three people become a tiger.

The owner of the Malatang shop stood at the door of the shop and thought for a moment, then ran to Wu Siyuan and bought another 10 kilograms of coriander.

Taking advantage of the moment when the customer had not finished eating the malatang, he specially asked the kitchen to blanch two portions of coriander, and then brought them to the customer for him to have a taste.

As soon as the customer ate it, he nodded and told the Malatang shop owner that this is what it tastes like.

Is there something different about the taste of coriander? The Malatang boss couldn't help but think.

He went to the kitchen again, cooked two different portions of coriander using the same base ingredients, and then tasted them separately.

Well, the coriander purchased from the vegetable market tastes ordinary, just like coriander.

The Shandong coriander sold at the fruit stall, hey, a strong spicy flavor goes straight from the tip of the tongue to the brain.

The owner of the Malatang shop understood immediately, this is the gap!

Because I purchased a lot of coriander this morning, it would be a pity to throw them all away.

However, the owner of the spicy hot pot restaurant has a clever trick. He directly mixes Wu Siyuan's coriander and the coriander from the vegetable market into one serving.

That way, repeat customers won't complain to him that the cilantro doesn't taste right.

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