The east is not bright, the west is bright!

[Changji Private House Malatang] has become a loyal customer of Wu Siyuan Cilantro. They come to purchase a batch every day, ranging from fifty or sixty pounds to twenty or thirty pounds.

Wu Siyuan's 800 kilograms of Shandong coriander are decreasing at this rate.

Malatang restaurants also have a relatively large demand for spring onions. [Changji Private House Malatang] once bought spring onions from Wu Siyuan. From then on, Wu Siyuan also contracted the spring onions for the Malatang store. There are one or two spring onions every day. Amount of ten kilograms.

In this way, Wu Siyuan's vegetable business is proceeding smoothly.

These seasoning crops can be said to be a cost-free business, but the profits are still quite high, which increases Wu Siyuan's income.

The time came to June 18, 2012.

In nearly a month, Wu Siyuan spent a huge sum of 47,000 yuan, and his fruit shop was finally renovated.

The decoration style adopted by Wu Siyuan is simple, and the interior is neatly arranged and looks beautiful.

The wooden base cabinets, yellow walls and warm lighting create a soft atmosphere.

The fruits are arranged in layers, and the tilt angle of the box is just right. When placing the fruits, attention is paid to the matching of dark and light colors. The design of the price tag with white characters on a black background is clear and convenient for customers to purchase.

Wu Siyuan had already thought of the name of the fruit shop, and it was called [Shen Nong Orchard]!

The name is, on the one hand, alluding to the [Shennong Corner Space], and on the other hand, it is also a metaphor for Wu Siyuan, who has the [spiritual eye] skill, just like Shennong who tastes hundreds of herbs, bringing high-quality fruits to consumers.

Of course, nowadays, there are all kinds of strange store names. Wu Siyuan's store name can only be said to be quite satisfactory, not surprising at all.

The signboard is made of acrylic luminous fonts, and the font color is mainly green.

Only when it is green can it look alive.

As early as a few days ago, the signboard had been customized by the manufacturer and hung up, but it had not yet opened and was covered with red cloth.

June 19, 2012.

Wu Siyuan informed Boss Chen of [Hongwang Supermarket] that he would not renew the lease of his stall here. Chen Yuhao also understood and wished Wu Siyuan's fruit shop a prosperous business and abundant financial resources.

Wu Siyuan naturally thanked him profusely.

At four o'clock in the morning on June 20, 2012, Wu Siyuan called a van for help, plus his own electric tricycle, went to the Jiahe Fruit Wholesale Market, carefully selected more than a dozen kinds of fruits, and then transported them to him. [Shennong Orchard]!

From 6 to 7 o'clock in the morning, Wu Siyuan was busy in the [Shen Nong Orchard] alone, and finally put all kinds of fruits on the shelves and put the price tags on them. Put it in the freezer to keep it fresh.

The entire [Shennong Orchard] finally feels dazzling under the soft yellow light.

Wu Siyuan looked at his masterpiece and smiled.

He ran to the toilet to wash up quickly, took out the prepared clothes from the [Shennong Corner Space] and changed them. He also had some bread and milk for breakfast, and then began to prepare for a new journey.

The fruit shop's business license and food business license have been obtained long ago and will not affect Wu Siyuan's opening.

On June 21, 2012, at 8 o'clock sharp, Wu Siyuan opened the door on time to do business and pulled off the red cloth on the signboard with a mixed mentality.

The signboard of [Shennong Orchard] appeared in this food street for the first time!

There is no lively lion dance.

No firecrackers to celebrate.

There were only two congratulatory flower baskets. One was a gift from the owner of [Hongwang Supermarket] and the other was a friendly gift from the landlord.

For some businessmen who pay attention to appearance, this kind of scene is really a bit shabby, and it will also convey a small-minded impression to the outside world.

But Wu Siyuan doesn't care. He sells fruit based on stable quality, high quality and low price, and he won't work on these frivolous things.

After he pulled off the red cloth, he said hello to the shop owners on the left and right, said a few words, and then returned to the shop.

The environment of the shop is much better than the open-air stall Wu Siyuan rented before. There is no sun or rain, there is a fan and air conditioning, and the seats are comfortable. The most important thing is that this is his own shop.

This psychological feeling is different.

At [Hongwang Supermarket], no matter how good the business is every day, there is still a feeling that it is someone else's territory.

But in [Shennong Orchard], it won't be like this. This is his territory!

It’s like the feeling of [home] that Chinese people have always had in their hearts.


At 8:30 in the morning, customers began to arrive one after another.

A few days ago, Wu Siyuan has been telling his old customers that he is opening a store here, and he has told them the address. If they want to buy fruit from him in the future, they can go to the store to buy it. The price will still be the same.

No, those familiar uncles and grandmothers began to come to the door, and Wu Siyuan began another busy day.

The stall diagonally opposite [Shen Nong Orchard] is located in a prime location and is the storefront of the chain fruit supermarket [Qian Orchard].

On the first day Wu Siyuan's [Shen Nong Orchard] opened, the first thing he noticed were the employees of [Qian Orchard].

We were once friends who were walking together.

Even if the two positions are different.

Wu Siyuan specializes in low-priced fruits, which are of high quality and low price.

Qianguoyuan, on the other hand, focuses on mid- to high-end fruits.

Both target different customer groups.

But it has to be said that the cake in this community is only so big. If one more family competes for food, part of the market will be taken away.

The young female store manager of [Qianguoyuan] stood at the door, frowning slightly, looking at Wu Siyuan's [Shennong Orchard].

As early as when Wu Siyuan rented a stall to sell fruit at [Hongwang Supermarket], the young female store manager noticed him. But what he didn't expect was that this young man developed so quickly, and... Here in Xingye Community , You dare to rent a shop for eight to nine thousand yuan a month. How brave. Aren't you afraid of losing all your money?

The young female store manager of [Qianguoyuan] looked at Wu Siyuan's store a few more times, then shook off the thoughts in her mind, walked into her own store, and started a new day's work.


One of the most obvious benefits of having his own store is that Wu Siyuan does not have to go to great lengths to return the plastic frames and last-stock fruits to the warehouse at night. Moreover, Wu Siyuan can also buy more fruits at one time and put them in the [Shennong Corner Space] ], when the fruit in the store is sold out, he can just take it out to replenish the fruit. He does not have to go to the fruit wholesale market every early morning to purchase.

This way Wu Siyuan can really relax a lot!

That night, Wu Siyuan ran the fruit business until 10:30 for the first time before calling it a day.

After closing the store door, Wu Siyuan took stock in the store.

Today, 958 kilograms of fruit were sold. The average profit per kilogram of fruit increased to 1.85 yuan, and the gross profit was 1,772.3 yuan.

Last month, the focus was on renovating the store, and the opening hours of the fruit business were shortened. However, relying on selling fruits, coriander, and green onions, the profit was 34,200 yuan.

The store rental expenditure was 17,000 yuan, the store decoration expenditure was 47,000 yuan, the purchase of freezers, fruit cabinets, work computers, accounting systems and other such purchases cost another 13,450 yuan, and the daily living expenses were 5,600 yuan...

All in all, Wu Siyuan spent 83,050 yuan just to open this store.

Wu Siyuan's initial capital preparation was 95,000 yuan, with 11,950 yuan left.

Counting last month's profit income of 34,200 yuan, Wu Siyuan still has 46,150 yuan of working capital on hand.

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