What Wu Siyuan didn't know was that not long after he left the market, Lin Meiyi, a young woman he shared with him, came here.

She was holding several plastic bags filled with peppers, vegetables, tofu, spring onions, pork and other foods. When she was passing by the Zhangjiang Aquatic Products Store, a grass carp jumped out of the water tank and landed on the table. It was still alive. The ground is jumping and jumping, very lively.

This picture suddenly caught the eye of the young woman Lin Meiyi.

She walked up, looked at the still beating grass carp, and asked, "Boss, how do you sell this grass carp?"

"Beauty, you are so discerning! This grass carp just arrived at noon today. It was just fished out of the fish pond. It is very fresh! The current price is 9 yuan per pound." Huang Yisheng opened his mouth and said.

"Then give me two kilograms." Lin Meiyi hesitated and said.

"Okay!" Huang Yisheng grinned and asked a boy at the vendor to start killing the fish, scraping the scales and cutting the meat.

"2 pounds 3, a total of 20.7 yuan, beauty!" The boy at the fish stall put the weighed grass carp meat in a plastic bag and placed it in front of Lin Meiyi.

"So expensive." Lin Meiyi muttered, and then started to pay.

"Pay it, boss." Lin Meiyi handed the money to Huang Yisheng, then turned and left.

She bought some kitchen supplies such as garlic and soy sauce at the vegetable market. She felt that there was nothing she needed to buy, so she took large and small bags of ingredients and walked to Xingye Community.

More than twenty minutes later, Lin Meiyi returned to her room sweating.

Lin Meiyi's family of three rented the master bedroom, which has a bathroom and is relatively large.

The master bedroom is divided into two small rooms by cloth walls.

One is the room of 17-year-old high school daughter Zhao Xuemei, which can only accommodate a bed, a study table, and a simple wardrobe.

The other room is the room of Lin Meiyi and her husband Zhao Jinghong. It is relatively larger, but not much bigger. It just has an extra refrigerator.

After Lin Meiyi took a short rest, she began to put the ingredients she bought today into the refrigerator by category.

She doesn't cook at noon because her husband and daughter don't have to come back for dinner.

She simply used the shared kitchen to heat up the leftovers from the morning, ate something casually, and then continued busy with housework.

Time passes bit by bit.

When Lin Meiyi finished washing all the family's clothes, she looked up at the clock on the wall. It was almost five o'clock.

My daughter and husband will get home around six o'clock.

Before that, Lin Meiyi had to prepare the meals for the family tonight.

time is limited.

Lin Meiyi took out the ingredients she bought today from the refrigerator and walked to the kitchen.

Simple dishes such as stir-fried water spinach, scallion omelette, and tomato, egg and minced pork soup were made by Lin Meiyi without much effort.

For the last dish, Lin Meiyi plans to use the grass carp she bought today to make steamed grass carp.

The grass carp has just been soaked in water for a long time, washed and cut into pieces, and placed with slices of ginger and green onion. Then add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, oil, sugar, and fresh soy sauce, and put it into the pot. Steam.

After 15 minutes, a fragrant fish smell came out of the pot.

This is not the first time Lin Meiyi has made steamed grass carp, but the dish she made this time is obviously more delicious than before.

She opened the pot with a bit of pride, sprinkled with chopped green onion, and started cooking.

Three dishes and one soup!

At this time, it happened to be 6 o'clock.

Lin Meiyi's daughter Zhao Xuemei also came back a long time ago. When she saw that her mother had prepared the food, she very wisely came out and helped serve the dishes.

The young couple next door who had just graduated had also returned from get off work early. They smelled the tempting fragrance and walked out of the room.

The woman in the young couple is a woman with blond hair, big eyes, a height of less than 1.6 meters, flat chest, and cute appearance.

Her name was Cai Bixia. She smelled the fragrance and looked intoxicated, "Sister Meiyi, the food you cook is so delicious. Brother Hong is so lucky to have a wife like you."

Lin Meiyi smiled lightly, "Actually, they are all simple home-cooked dishes. Xiaoxia, you are so smart. As long as you are willing to learn, you will soon be able to cook better than me."

"How could you not be as capable as you!" Cai Bixia pouted, "Who can say that someone can't even cook, but only eats fast food every day!"

Cai Bixia started complaining about her boyfriend next to her.

Her boyfriend suddenly looked helpless.

"Okay, Xiaoxia, Xiao Li, do you want to come over and have a meal together?" Lin Meiyi invited politely.

Xiao Li is Cai Bixia's boyfriend. His surname is Li, and his last name is named Feng.

"Really?" Cai Bixia asked excitedly, but when her eyes glanced at the reluctant expression on the face of Lin Meiyi's daughter Zhao Xuemei, she immediately changed her tone and said, "Forget it. Li Feng has already called and ordered the takeout to be delivered."

"Okay. Let's do it next time." Lin Meiyi just said it politely and used the stairs to come down.

At this time, a bang came from the entrance.

The eyes of several people present were attracted, and then they all saw Wu Siyuan's body.

Wu Siyuan had just gone to clean the newly rented room, and his whole body was stinking from exhaustion. When he saw everyone's eyes focused on him, he was a little surprised and asked, "Hey, are everyone cooking today?"

"No! It's just that the steamed grass carp cooked by sister Meiyi tastes so good that we were all attracted to it." Li Feng's relationship with Wu Siyuan was okay and he took the initiative to answer his question.

"Grass carp..." Wu Siyuan said to himself, what a coincidence. He had been struggling all day just for grass carp.

He sniffed the air, and it was indeed fragrant.

So Wu Siyuan also nodded and said, "It does taste good."

At this time, Lin Meiyi's daughter Zhao Xuemei couldn't help but interrupt, "Mom, the dishes are getting cold."

This is so embarrassing.

Lin Meiyi quickly apologized to the others, "I'm sorry, the kid is not sensible."

"It's okay, we delayed your meal time. Sister Meiyi, you go to eat first." Cai Bixia said.

Wu Siyuan also followed, "I'm going to take a shower first too."

So, the couple Cai Bixia and Li Feng went out to eat, Wu Siyuan ran to take a shower, and Lin Meiyi and Zhao Xuemei brought the food to the small room.

Not long after they were put away, Lin Meiyi's husband, Zhao Jinghong, also came back.

After simply washing their hands, the family of three sat at the small dining table to eat.

Zhao Xuemei was the first to pick up the steamed grass carp. After chewing it carefully, she didn't even take a few bites of rice. She picked up a large piece of grass carp and put it in her bowl. While eating, she kept saying, "Mom, dad,... This grass carp is so fresh.”

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Jinghong first took a piece of grass carp and gave it to his wife, and then he also took a piece to taste.

"Well, it's indeed more delicious than before! Meiyi, your cooking skills have improved a lot." Zhao Jinghong boasted about his wife.

"Actually, today's grass carp is fresh. The boss said it was just fished out of the fish pond and it is very energetic." Lin Meiyi did not dare to take credit, "But, Ahong, Xiaomei, since this grass carp is delicious, you should eat more. "

Zhao Jinghong and Zhao Xuemei, the father and daughter, could not be polite. You took one bite, I took one bite, and soon the steamed grass carp was eaten from the disc.

At this time, most of the other dishes were left.

When Lin Meiyi saw this scene, her heart moved slightly.

Early the next morning, after her daughter went to school and her husband went to work, Lin Meiyi walked to the vegetable market.

Since both her daughter and her husband like to eat it, she is going to buy more and put it at home today.

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