Now that he has become proficient at the work, it is relatively easy to take care of the fruit trees he planted, and Wu Siyuan feels like he has a lot more time.

In the ranches of the 1960s, there were no mobile phones, computers, games, or any entertainment facilities. Showing a movie was a rare event that happened only a few times a year.

Wu Siyuan, who felt a little bored, could only keep finding things to do for himself!

This time, he focused on the grass on the grassland.

Pasture for horses to eat!

Speaking of pasture, let’s talk about pasture first.

Chilechuan Ranch is not an ordinary ranch, it is a horse farm and a military horse farm.

It has a political background.

Therefore, in the movie, under the protection of the herdsmen, Xu Lingjun was safe and sound, because others did not dare to attack the racecourse casually.

Why did a racecourse have such a deterrent effect in that era?

Because in the 1960s, the central government at that time proposed that the entire army should be transformed into mules and horses.

Although the first mechanic appeared in the country in the 1950s, the international military trend is also developing toward mechanization.

However, the foundation of New China is weak, the highway system has not yet been completed, and the road traffic situation is very complicated. In many cases, tanks and artillery must be towed by mules and horses. Implementing mules and horses is currently the most suitable method for the Chinese army at that time.

Against this background, the entire army began to build military horse farms and livestock breeding. It was under this circumstance that the Chilechuan Ranch was established.

At a time when society was generally starved of food, the herdsmen of the Chilechuan Ranch still had sufficient food supply.

The town and county where the ranch is located stipulates that the monthly ration of cooking oil is three taels and the ration of meat is half a catty, and the quality of the meat cannot be guaranteed.

The herdsmen of Chilechuan Ranch are different. Their monthly supply of cooking oil is one pound and two taels. As for meat, in which month does each production company not slaughter two pigs?

Therefore, there is a reason why so many people later fled to Chilechuan Ranch.

Of course, to enjoy such good treatment, the herdsmen of the Chilechuan Ranch also have heavy political tasks. There are regulations on how many horses to provide every year!

And it’s a strict rule!

That's why, in the movie, the herdsmen of the Chilechuan Ranch had the confidence to ignore those people, citing the lack of forage production and the fact that the horses would lose weight if they didn't eat enough, and took Xu Lingjun up the mountain to graze!

It's hard to go up to the mountains to graze herds. You go there for more than ten days and can't go home for a month, but it's better than being dragged away and suffering!

The herdsmen are also willing to endure this hardship with Xu Lingjun!

Xu Lingjun was so moved!

But then again, the excuse used by herders - insufficient forage production is indeed a reality!

In the grassland on the Chilechuan Ranch, the commonly grown pasture species is Leymus chinensis.

Leymus chinensis is also known as alkaline grass. It is one of the important establishing species in meadow grasslands and arid grasslands in the eastern steppe region of Eurasia. It grows well in cold and dry areas. It turns green early in spring and turns yellow late in autumn. It can survive for a long time. Provide more green feed within a certain period of time.

In terms of nutritional value, there is a folk proverb: "Leymus chinensis is oily, and it will gain fat even if it is not fed." This shows its good reputation.

After Leymus chinensis is prepared into hay, the crude protein content is about 10%, and it is rich in minerals and carotene. The grass has a fragrant smell and good palatability. If it is well prepared, it can be stored well.

However, it should also be noted that the nutritional value of Leymus chinensis declines with the age of the grass. Simply speaking from the nutritional value of Leymus chinensis, the crude protein content of the above-ground part of Leymus chinensis in the tillering and jointing stages is at its highest peak, generally reaching 14%. At this time, mowing can maximize the nutritional value!

Leymus chinensis is a perennial pasture and is currently the main pasture for horses in my country. It has a well-developed root system, reproduces and spreads quickly, and is cold and drought tolerant but not waterlogging resistant. It is a high-quality pasture and can produce 200-300 kilograms of hay per acre.

Compared with other types of forage that can produce several thousand or tens of thousands of jins per mu in later generations, the yield of Leymus chinensis per mu is really not impressive.

Of course, this yield is also a new variety born after the tireless research and improvement of later generations of agricultural laboratories.

The cost of raising horses is very high, even higher than the cost of raising cattle.

In this era, alfalfa yields 150-250 kilograms of fresh grass per mu, and 30-75 kilograms after drying; the cultivated yield of fresh grass per mu is 600 kilograms, and 120-180 kilograms after drying.

It takes 10 acres of alfalfa to feed one horse, not counting the thick black beans, sorghum bran, bean cakes, etc. The cost will only be higher!

Land will not increase.

But the output per unit of land can be increased.

If the output increases, won’t the cost of breeding decrease?

Wouldn’t it be possible to significantly increase the number of horses that can be bred in the same area?

Of course, Wu Siyuan does not have the scientific research ability to research new high-yielding plant varieties. Not to mention that he does not have it. Given the current conditions of the country, he may not have it.

But technology is not enough, so magic comes together!

Wu Siyuan has a golden finger!

His [Shennongjiao Space] has the ability to optimize seeds at the second level, which can benefit planting by 25%, which means increasing the yield by 25%.

Under large-scale planting, tens of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands acres of large grassland can be increased by 10%, which is an additional output of 200,000 kilograms, hundreds of thousands of kilograms, or millions of kilograms.

How much can this output reduce breeding costs?

After Wu Siyuan made this calculation in his mind, he had the idea of ​​taking action.

Just do it!

The first thing he has to do is to optimize the seeds, which is a time-consuming job!

He collected a batch of Leymus chinensis seeds from the pasture outside and planted them under the orchard in the Shennongjiao Space.

[Shennongjiao Space] There are no weeds or insect pests inside. Without the permission of the owner, when entering the space, it will be blocked or decomposed.

Therefore, when you plant Leymus chinensis in your space, you don’t have to worry about weed infestation.

Generally speaking, Leymus chinensis seedlings are thin and grow slowly. It takes 10 to 15 days after emergence to develop permanent roots. However, in the [Shennongjiao Space], it only took a week.

In less than a month, it begins to tiller and produce rhizomes.

The growth of Leymus chinensis in the space is really gratifying, just like the flowers in the greenhouse, carefree, and it didn't take long to grow to 30 centimeters.

In the outside world, Leymus chinensis is already suitable for grazing when it grows to 30 years old.

However, in [Shennongjiao Space], there are no herbivorous animals to disturb them.

They still continue to grow without any worries.

After another two months, Leymus chinensis has entered heading.

At this time, the texture of Leymus chinensis is coarse and hard, and its palatability is reduced. If it is from the outside, grazing should be reduced.

From booting to the early stage of flowering, it is a period when the root nutrients accumulate more, and it is also a suitable period for mowing and drying.

Of course, there is no such step in [Shennongjiao Space].

Wu Siyuan waited patiently for them to bloom and bear fruit.

Generally, the yield of Leymus chinensis seeds per mu is between 10kg and 25kg, but there are no herbivores or insect pests in [Shennongjiao Space], and their yield is 20% higher, and the space itself is beneficial to plants. The effect was 25%, so Wu Siyuan’s final yield was 36 kilograms, and the yield per mu was 36 kilograms.

Wu Siyuan planted about ten acres in [Shennongjiao Space] and harvested a total of 540 kilograms of Leymus chinensis seeds.

Generally, it is enough to sow 3-4 kilograms per acre of land.

Wu Siyuan's 540 kilograms can sow up to 180 acres of land.

This is a high-quality seed that can benefit planting by 25%.

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