At the end of 1962, with the help of herders, Wu Siyuan finally built several houses that he had been thinking about for a long time, as well as a separate toilet of his own.

Even though it’s just a dry toilet!

That year, he also built a chicken shed in the courtyard wall and started raising broiler chickens.

He raised broiler chickens in the small orchard in the yard.

Occasionally feed some grass.

Don’t forget, there are about ten acres of Leymus chinensis planted in [Shennongjiao Space].

After harvesting, the yield was 435 kilograms per acre, and a total of about 4,350 kilograms of high-quality forage was harvested.

They are all high-quality roughage with good palatability. Broiler chickens like to eat it and they lay big eggs!

Many families here raise chickens and ducks, which is a good choice whether they are used to eat or to trade with others.

The reason why Wu Siyuan became a "chicken farmer" was because he had no choice.

It was because he discovered that the high-intensity labor on weekdays, coupled with the "refining grains and essence" to practice internal strength at night, would not work without enough meat, and the bones of the body would be damaged!

He had no choice but to do this.

Because there are only fish in [Shennongjiao Space], but no other meat.

The herdsmen of Chilechuan Ranch praised him as a hard-working and capable young man. In less than a year, his life was prosperous, but he lacked a woman to warm him up.

Wu Siyuan smiled after hearing this. Women are nothing. Women can only affect the speed of his cultivation!

The time came to the summer of 1963.

Relying on his status as a cultural person, Wu Siyuan told several familiar herdsmen that he had developed a variety of Leymus chinensis that has higher yields, richer nutrition, and is more popular with horses. He asked them to carve out a piece of grass in the pasture. Land, help plant these grasses and see the effect.

The people of this era still have respect for cultural people. They cannot tell the difference between an agriculturalist and a Chinese teacher.

And the pasture area is huge!

The herdsmen looked surprised and were happy to help.

They found Wu Siyuan a piece of land slightly closer to the hillside, covering an area of ​​about 200 acres, which had been leveled before.

A group of herdsmen shouted and shouted, and under Wu Siyuan's guidance, they sown the Leymus chinensis seeds given by Wu Siyuan in an extensive manner.

At first, these herdsmen were very interested. When they had time, they came over to take a look.

After looking at it for a long time, I found that the grass provided by Wu Siyuan didn't seem to be outstanding, just like the Leymus chinensis that can be seen everywhere in the pasture.

Gradually, they stopped coming.

I just remember Wu Siyuan's instructions and try not to drive the horses here to eat.

Time passed little by little.

August has come quickly.

It is the time when the pasture is harvested, dried and used as winter food for the horses.

One day, when they harvested Wu Siyuan's 200 acres of Leymus chinensis planting base, they were immediately overwhelmed by the extraordinary growth of the grass.

Having lived on the pasture for so many years, they have an intuitive understanding of the yield of pasture.

However, the forage on Wu Siyuan's planting base far exceeded their expectations.

The difference can be seen with the naked eye!

They remembered what Wu Siyuan said at the beginning, and suddenly became interested.

Cut, stack and weigh!

The average yield per mu is 320 kilograms! And Wu Siyuan only managed them very roughly.

In this era, the yield of wild Leymus chinensis per acre is less than 200 kilograms.

Wu Siyuan planted 200 acres here, so the total amount of pasture harvested was 64,000 kilograms.

This batch of forage not only has high yield, but also has very good palatability.

The horses in the pasture all like to eat it, so they gain weight!

As mentioned before, Chilechuan Ranch is a military horse farm, and it is responsible for the political task of raising horses.

The quality of the forage grown by Wu Siyuan was so good. Needless to say, other herders followed suit by taking the Leymus chinensis seeds produced at Wu Siyuan's base and planting them in their pastoral areas.

Wu Siyuan didn't care either. The favors he owed before must always be repaid.

Moreover, these seeds that bloom and bear fruit in the outside world are only 20% more beneficial than ordinary Leymus chinensis.

Because outside the [Shennongjiao Space], the effect of these optimized seeds will be weakened by 5% in each generation!

There is still 20% plant-beneficial effect, but after a few more generations of breeding, it will be much weakened.

However, Leymus chinensis is a perennial pasture plant. After planting, it has a harvesting period of nearly ten years.

When the time comes, Wu Siyuan will just replace the first-generation Leymus chinensis seeds and plant them!

In the summer of 1964, only one-tenth of the grassland in the entire Chilechuan Ranch was replaced with Wu Siyuan's new variety.

By 1965, it had climbed to one-third. Although a lot of the land planted this time is the third-generation Leymus chinensis seeds from [Shennongjiao Space] with only 15% beneficial planting effect, only a small part was taken out from Wu Siyuan’s Leymus chinensis planting base, and the beneficial planting effect is 100%. 20/20 second-generation Leymus chinensis seeds from [Shennongjiao Space].

By 1966, three-fifths of the grassland of the entire Chilechuan Ranch was planted with Wu Siyuan’s [Shennongjiao Space] Leymus chinensis seeds.

The pasture production of the entire pasture has increased dramatically!

In 1964, pasture production only increased by two percentage points on the original basis.

By 1965, the pasture's pasture production had increased by nearly 4 percentage points based on the initial level.

By 1966, pasture grass production had increased by more than six percent.

It seems that the growth rate is indeed not very large. It is not as exaggerated as the 25% or 20% growth rate under theoretical conditions.

That's because under semi-wild planting conditions, it's difficult to ensure adequate fertilizers, so the growth rate of yield per mu is so low.

But even if it is 2%, 4%, 6%, multiplied by the base number of hundreds of thousands of acres, the results will be very different.

In those years, the horses grew stronger and stronger.

Newborn foals are also full of vitality and rarely die in infancy!

Chilechuan Ranch can successfully complete the horse-raising tasks assigned by the army every year.

The staff of the Chilechuan Ranch have also received many praises from the military!

It can be said that wherever the people of Chilechuan Ranch go, they always hold their heads high and their chests high!

The herdsmen of Chilechuan Ranch know who has made the greatest contribution.

Every time I see Wu Siyuan, I give him a thumbs up and praise him, "He is a cultural person after all, but he is different!"

"I have herded so many horses and planted grass for so many years. It is the first time I discovered that grass can be grown like this!"

"Awesome, Lao Xu!"


In those years, no one called him "Lao You" anymore. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about it. Wu Siyuan's life on the ranch could be said to be like a fish in water!


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