Konoha 47th year

Kakashi was promoted to jonin, Uchiha Obito was killed, the battle of Kannabi Bridge broke out, and Nohara Rin was killed.

Chiyo used the possession technique to let Shukaku possess Gaara, who was still in the fetal stage, and the Sand Ninja Village cultivated a one-tailed Jinchuriki.

But the major events that happened in the ninja world this year are far from over, and some people still think that the benefits gained from this battle are not enough.

At this time, the Land of Rain.

"Hanzo, these ninjas were killed by the Akatsuki organization in your country. Because we are still negotiating with the Hidden Rock Village, we can only transport them back for you first!"

In the heavy rain, more than a dozen body bags were lined up in order, and behind the bodies stood more than a dozen ninjas wearing faceless masks.

The leader of this group of ninjas also wore a ninja vest, but one of his eyes was wrapped in thick gauze.

Hanzo, wearing a gas mask, looked at the people in the heavy rain, and his eyes fell on the body bags on the ground again.

"I have heard a little bit about Akatsuki, but I heard that it is an organization that helps disaster victims and promotes peace."

Hanzo looked at Danzo with some disbelief, hoping to hear more news from him.

"Mr. Hanzo, not everyone has such lofty ambitions as you. It is precisely because of your indulgence that they have no scruples. At that time, they will be affected and completely replace your position!"

Facing Hanzo's doubtful eyes, Danzo talked freely. The reason why he slandered Akatsuki was to use this to get close to Hanzo.

It must be said that Danzo's mouth-to-mouth skills are still quite good. His sharp point of view fooled Hanzo.

Hanzo had to think carefully about endangering his rule. He also wondered if Danzo was deliberately provoking.

But thinking that Konoha was negotiating with Iwagakure, the probability of unexpected events during this period was very small.

What Danzo said made some sense. Akatsuki has been making a lot of noise recently. It's time to knock it down.

The two old swindlers successfully connected, and Danzo left some Root ninjas to assist Hanzo, while Hanzo only needed to mobilize his own forces to find the people of Akatsuki.

A conspiracy against Akatsuki was quietly unfolding, but Akatsuki knew nothing at this time.

At the same time, Konoha Village.

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also took action.

Minato walked out of the Hokage building in a trance, and the sudden news made him a little distracted.

He went straight back home, closed the door, and just saw Kushina who was cooking.

"Minato, are you back?"

Seeing her sweetheart come back, Kushina smiled sweetly at him, but when she saw that her husband was in a bad mental state, she continued to ask:

"What does Hokage want to see you for?"

There was some worry in the words, and hearing Kushina's concern, Minato finally reacted, and a bright smile appeared on his face the next moment.

"Um... Lord Hokage asked me to be prepared mentally, and wanted me to be the next Hokage!"

Minato scratched his head and looked at Kushina with a silly smile.

"Well, okay... ah? Hokage?"

Kushina, who thought she had heard it wrong, replied casually, and the next moment she exclaimed and rushed into Minato's arms, her legs still flapping.

The sudden surprise really made her happy. What could be happier than her man becoming Hokage.

"Did you say when he would take office?"

The two of them were affectionate for a while, and Kushina, who had recovered, asked hurriedly.

"The current situation is not stable, it should take some time."

The position of Hokage still needs the nod of the Daimyo. The Third Hokage is very optimistic about Minato, but it cannot be finalized. The process must be followed.

If Danzo knew that when he was doing small tricks outside, his old rival Sarutobi Hiruzen pushed Minato behind his back, he would probably be furious.

There is Danzo outside and Hiruzen inside. You know my insidiousness and I know your hypocrisy. Brothers and I are connected in heart, and I use my brain with my brothers.

One is looking for external aid outside, and the other is more ruthless and directly steals the house.

The two old swindlers use their own methods. It seems that the selfless Third Hokage is better this time.

As for Orochimaru, who also has the hope of becoming Hokage, what is he doing at this time?

"What a big deal! Danzo, this old guy is really not a good person!"

In the underground laboratory, looking at rows of people tied up and hung up, or it would be more accurate to say that they are experimental subjects.

These are the prisoners captured by Danzo on the front line. There are prisoners from various countries, and the most are from the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth.

Of course, these are the actions taken secretly by the old thief Danzo, which is one of the reasons why he has to go to the front line in person.

What could be more appropriate than doing these dirty things during wartime?It's just that all countries have agreements, and the Geneva Convention requires that prisoners be treated well. Not to mention the persecution of prisoners, countries will not easily give up.

Konoha ninjas will not condone what Danzo did if they knew about it. At that time, Danzo may save his life by relying on his decades of friendship with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But they will definitely push Orochimaru out as a scapegoat, and there is no need to think about killing the donkey after it has done its job.

"The darkness of the ninja world, Danzo is crazy!"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru looked at a container in his hand again, which contained a pair of Sharingan.

Since Orochimaru took the Byakugan of Hizashi Hizashi last time, not only the Hyuga clan, but also the Uchiha clan have increased their vigilance when going out on missions.

In addition to what happened to Obito later, Uchiha paid more attention to the protection of their own Sharingan.

"I didn't expect that Danzo could get the Sharingan under such circumstances. It seems that this old guy can't wait any longer!"

After getting the Sharingan, Danzo became more assertive. He was forced to work by Danzo some time ago.

In the name of exchanging half of the promise, Orochimaru needs to produce some results to hand it over.

Orochimaru naturally couldn't refuse such a request. What he said at the beginning has now become a bargaining chip for Danzo to threaten him.

"It seems that I can't go out for a while, but it's okay, that thing is coming soon."

Hashirama cells have been studied for several years. If Danzo doesn't give him some benefits, he will probably jump up and curse.

For his dream of a Sharingan arm, he just needs to put a knife on Orochimaru's neck and force him to study.

Orochimaru laughed dumbly when he imagined that scene. Will anyone believe it if he tells it out in the future? Someone put a knife on my neck and forced me to commit a crime.

Now that there are so many experimental subjects, I think the research on Hashirama cells can be further promoted.

Clinical trials are always the fastest and most effective method. As long as there are enough test subjects, many problems can be solved easily, but it is a bit labor-intensive.

As for the negotiations between countries outside, he doesn't care about the battle for the Hokage, and concentrates on research.

But not long after, Orochimaru's life rhythm was disrupted by a piece of news.

"Tsunade is leaving?"

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