As a landmark building of Konoha, out of respect for the successive generations of Hokage, most people would not come to such a place.

Konoha's ninjas would not come here easily, nor would they allow others to mess around in such a place.

But this is all relative. As one of the famous Sannin and the granddaughter of the first generation Hokage, Tsunade sat on the stone statue of her grandfather every day and no one dared to say anything.

This afternoon.

Tsunade sat on the Hokage Rock of the first generation Hokage and looked at the sunset. Her white legs were hanging on the Hokage Rock and swaying gently. Her breasts were dazzling in the sun.

"Why did you think of coming to this place?"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded from behind, and there were also slight footsteps.

"Why are you here?"

Tsunade knew who the person was as soon as she heard it, and continued to drink without looking back.

Looking at her back sitting alone, Orochimaru slowly came to her side and took out two jars of wine from behind.

"I heard from Shizune that you're leaving tomorrow?"

Orochimaru handed him a jar of wine, with the words "Tsunade" clearly pasted on the jar.

Tsunade was slightly stunned when she saw the jar, and she didn't bother to be polite with Orochimaru. She took the jar and looked at it carefully.

Although the quaint jar was ordinary, the old stickers showed that the wine was already quite old, at least two and a half years old.

"When did you brew the wine?"

Instead of answering Orochimaru's question first, she was concerned about the unopened aged wine in her hand.

Facing Tsunade's inquiring eyes, Orochimaru boldly rubbed her head. He hadn't done this for a long time, and the last time was a few years ago.

This move naturally made Tsunade frown, but she weighed the jar in her hand and resisted punching Orochimaru for the sake of the wine.

Just when Tsunade was a little impatient and was about to lose her temper, Orochimaru took away her palm.

"12 years ago!"

Orochimaru said a time that Tsunade didn't expect, 12 years ago, Konoha's 35th year.

That year, Orochimaru had just come to this world, Kato Dan had just died, and it was also the year when Orochimaru kissed her.

Brewing wine is certainly not a problem for the mad scientist Orochimaru. This skill is a must for a time traveler. He succeeded after trying a few times.

The wine in this world is a bit similar to the sake of the island country. The degree is not so high, and the taste is a bit strange. Orochimaru is a bit uncomfortable with it.

For scientific research, although he has to keep a clear mind at all times and rarely drinks, he occasionally drinks when he is free.

Looking at Orochimaru's smiling face, Tsunade silently opened the seal on the wine jar.

As soon as a little gap was opened, a mellow and strong aroma of wine floated out, making Orochimaru on the side a little intoxicated, not to mention Tsunade, the alcoholic.

I don't know if it's because of the wine she drank before, but Tsunade's face was flushed at this moment, and she smelled the wine with a look of enjoyment.

After tearing open the seal and opening the wine jar, Tsunade couldn't wait to take a sip.

As the wine went down her throat, a burning sensation spread from her throat to her stomach, and Tsunade knew it was strong liquor, with a higher alcohol content than what she thought she had drunk.

"Ah...! Good wine!"

Tsunade smacked her lips, savored the feeling carefully, and continued:

"Did you brew it yourself?"

Orochimaru, who also opened the seal, nodded slightly and took a sip at the same time.

The two of them drank one after another, and the atmosphere became a little dull.

From this position, you can see the whole picture of Konoha. Today is a sunny day, and the weather is refreshing shortly after the beginning of autumn.

There is no first cup of milk tea in autumn, but there is the first jar of wine in autumn. The person who accompanies you to watch the sunset is more romantic than the sunset!

"Are you really going?"

After a while, Orochimaru broke the silence first. Men still have to take the initiative.

Tsunade did not answer this question, but just glanced at him lightly, and the meaning in her eyes was very obvious.

"Can you not leave?"

Orochimaru continued to ask relentlessly. This time, Tsunade did not choose to remain silent, but said lightly:

"If you don't leave, will you support me?"

As expected, he heard what he wanted to hear, and then smiled slightly.

"Okay! I'll support you!"

"Tsk... do your research!"

The two spoke casually, making the somewhat heavy atmosphere lighter.

Orochimaru is still the same Orochimaru, and Tsunade is still the same Tsunade. The relationship between the two has not faded with the passage of time, but it is also difficult to go further.

Then the two talked about the past, mostly about the time around Shizune in these years.

Because it was during this period that Orochimaru changed her impression of her, maybe it was because she paid attention toThe power is all on Kato Dan, maybe Orochimaru has really changed a lot.

Orochimaru: "Are you sick?"

Tsunade: "No!"

Orochimaru: "Hehe... I thought you were sick for many years, why haven't I seen you smile!"

Tsunade: "Being a human is hard enough, what's so funny."

The two chatted intermittently, and the wine in the wine jar was gradually empty.

The wine brewed by Orochimaru is more than 50 degrees, even after so many years, the degree has been reduced a little, it is still more than 40 degrees.

At some point, Tsunade's face has a hint of drunkenness, but the movement of her hands has not stopped.

The sunset is setting, the sunset is rising, and two figures are sitting on the stone statue of the first generation of Hokage looking at this beautiful scenery, and it is sunset again.

"In life, how many things can be done as one wishes? The sun sets in the west, but it will rise again. Why do we still keep unhappy things in our hearts?"

Twelve years of companionship, one more year than "Eleven Years", still failed to warm this cold heart.

How many twelve years can there be in life? If there is another reincarnation, Orochimaru can launch the Konoha collapse plan.

"Clouds will disperse and dreams will disappear, but memories will not disappear. People in the world pursue hope, but they only get memories."

Looking at this woman who is one of the few he cares about, Orochimaru can only sigh.

He is not a person who is good at expressing his feelings, but even if he can speak eloquently, it is difficult to be effective in front of Tsunade, a woman with a heart as hard as cement.

Otherwise, Jiraiya would not have been able to impress Tsunade in his fifties.

After today, maybe they will be enemies when they meet again. Orochimaru cherishes this last time in his heart.

"How should we say goodbye?"

The breeze blew their hair, and the sunset stretched their shadows very long.

"Like when we first met!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Orochimaru recalled his childhood memories.

"My name is Orochimaru, please teach me!"

"I am Tsunade, I am so glad to meet you!"

Both of them fell into long-lost memories. In this scene, Orochimaru sighed to the sky!

"When people come to Luoyang, flowers are blooming, but I don't meet spring when I come. If the spring breeze has pity for flowers, can you let me be young again!"

He turned his head and looked at Tsunade. This was the first time he expressed his feelings to Tsunade so directly, and it was probably the last time.

Who told Orochimaru to encounter an unsolvable problem when he fell in love for the first time in his life? Tsunade is his white moonlight.

Hearing these poems, Tsunade was also slightly stunned, and then her eyes met Orochimaru's deep eyes.

The two looked at each other for a long time, one minute, two minutes, five minutes.

In the end, Tsunade was the first to give up. The blush on her face became more intense, and her expression became gentle.

The long-silent heart trembled slightly, and the next moment, Tsunade met Orochimaru's gaze and, as if possessed by a demon, quickly pecked him on the forehead.

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