After Kakuzu and the others returned to the Northland, they did not go out again. They just rested for a day and then cooperated with Orochimaru to settle the villagers.

With the addition of thousands of people, the huge Northland gradually became populated, and many shops were opened.

Adding the original two or three thousand people in the Northland, there are now nearly five thousand residents.

So Orochimaru can be said to be very busy these days, and the street office under his jurisdiction is even more busy.

This forced Orochimaru to increase the number of shadow clones, one person is used as a hundred people, and he is very busy.

Just three days after Kakuzu and others returned, the ninjas who went to the Snow Country also returned.

This migration not only includes residents of the Snow Country, but also residents of an unknown small country.

The population of the two countries combined is as high as five thousand.

This is not only the residents of the Ninja Village, but also the residents of the surrounding villages.

Unlike the Hot Spring Country, some people may be reluctant to leave the place where it snows all year round, but if there is a better environment, they can't help but be tempted.

It was for this reason that Orochimaru sent out two generals, Mangetsu Kizuki and Ringo Yuyuri.

With a dozen members of the Shadow Secret Guard, a few thousand guards might not be enough, but if their local ninjas are included, it would be almost enough.

Langya Xuebeng and Fenghua Nutao are both people who can be dispatched, and there is also the highly prestigious princess Fenghua Xiaoxue, so it can be said that there is almost no possibility of any trouble.

Things are almost the same as imagined. Under the mobilization of Fenghua Xiaoxue, the villagers of the Snow Shinobi Village said that they would follow the queen wherever she goes.

So now there are so many people following. It is beyond Orochimaru's expectation that there are so many people in the bitter cold land of the Snow Country.

Fortunately, their technology is advanced, and hundreds of cars drove directly from the Snow Country.

Even the train was dismantled and pulled together by several cars, and behind it was a huge crowd.

As for Queen Xiaoxue, she came to the village entrance as soon as possible.

"You've grown up a lot! You've worked hard all the way!"

Orochimaru looked at the Queen who came down from the airship and said with a gentle expression.

Except that she's a little taller, a little more mature, a little older, and a little sexier, she's not much different from when they first met.

Maybe it's because she's become a queen, the noble temperament on her body is very intimidating.

"It's my honor to serve you!"

Xiaoxue bowed slightly to Orochimaru, and the queen's domineering aura was swept away.

Among so many juniors, this is one of the few people Orochimaru uses the loyalty mark.

This is also the reason why Orochimaru is so relieved. As the king of a country, Orochimaru can't just trust her casually, and there was no time to cultivate at that time.

"We are all family, there's no need to be so polite, the queen's image should still be maintained!"

He rubbed her little head, the little crown on her head swayed, and then looked up at the long dragon in the distance.

Along the way, Fenghua and Xiaoxue's airship was also escorting their people. They left the team and went ahead until the North was in sight.

"I hope the environment here doesn't disappoint you!"

The two looked at the distance side by side. Hundreds of cars drove over in a mighty manner, and the scene was spectacular.

This moment made Orochimaru a little dazed, as if he had returned to the time and space of his previous life.

"Although I have tried my best to appeal to my subjects, there are still some people who have different opinions. I didn't do my job well...!"

Xiaoxue's eyes were a little guilty when she said this, and she blamed herself for not being able to perfectly complete the task assigned by Orochimaru.

"You have done a good job. This is not your fault. It is normal for people to have different opinions."

Groups of dozens or hundreds of people will have differences, let alone thousands of people.

It is unlikely to have completely unified opinions. Orochimaru only branded some senior and respected people.

It is impossible to be all-encompassing, which is completely within Orochimaru's expectations.

"Do you want to go down and rest first? I'll take care of this."

Hearing that Orochimaru did not blame her, but was concerned about her health, Xiaoxue's eyes became more gentle.

"Thank you for your concern, I came here by airship all the way, it was not hard!"

Xiaoxue smiled sweetly at Orochimaru, and it was indeed true. She did not look tired from the long journey at all.

Just as the two were talking, the team came in front of them.

First, the car carrying the supplies came to the open space at the entrance of the village under the guidance of the staff of the Northland.

Then the driver came down to register, and at the same time, the staff came forward to count the supplies, led by Kakuzu who looked excited!

On the other side, the villagers of the Snow Village came to the personnel registration office on the other side to register to enter the village.

In white clothesCarrying two swords on his back, he slowly came to Orochimaru.

"Thank you for your hard work on the road! Did you have a smooth journey?"

The person who came was Mangetsu Hozuki. His white clothes had turned yellow, and he looked exhausted and tired.

It was not just him. It can be said that almost all the people who came had the same expression.

Orochimaru even saw some patients lying on stretchers or being supported by others.

Bumps and bumps are inevitable on a long journey, and there may be some acclimatization.

Orochimaru had expected this a long time ago. Fortunately, there were several ninjas who were good at medical treatment among the ninjas sent out earlier.

There were also many medical ninjas in the Snow Country, and Orochimaru asked Mangetsu and others to take special care of them.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and it went smoothly!"

Mangetsu Hozuki also breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled, with shark-tooth-like teeth that were particularly eye-catching.

"Go down and rest first! Don't worry about the rest!"

Said Orochimaru, patting his shoulder, Mangetsu Kizuki walked straight to the village without being pretentious.

When passing by the registration office at the entrance of the village, he happened to see Kisame, who was also wearing white clothes and carrying Samehada.

The two greeted each other and then started to whisper. Orochimaru didn't eavesdrop on what they were talking about, because at this time a burst of scolding suddenly came over.

"Hurry up! You undisciplined bastards!"

At this time, Zabuza waved the whip in his hand with an impatient look.

"You are still dawdling in the village. I think you want to taste the five-whip of lightning!"

Before he finished speaking, a few "pa pa pa" whipping sounds rang out in the crowd.

Orochimaru looked up and saw hundreds of dusty and embarrassed people being driven forward by Zabuza.

"I didn't know that Oni-kun would be so arrogant!"

Orochimaru couldn't help but tease Zabuza. This guy was damn reliable. It seemed that this kind of thing was most suitable for him.

Looking around, there were ninjas, civilians, and even quite a few researchers among these people.

These people were really full of personality. It was not surprising. Which outstanding person in any field was not a little arrogant?

Orochimaru had to personally deal with these people. The valuable talents were directly branded.

Those who were worthless and disobedient could only contribute to Orochimaru's scientific research.

"Tsk...! Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken? Next time, I hope that Lord Kanekage will arrange a decent job for me."

Zabuza was very frustrated along the way. It was not his turn to charge into battle. He could only do logistics work.

Thinking about it, he felt a little unbalanced, so he took out his grievances on these captives!

"Teacher! We are back!"

Just then, several voices rang in his ears again.

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