At this moment, several voices sounded in my ears again.

Looking up, it was Kimimaro, Bai and Hydrangea.

Although the three were also exhausted, their expressions were extremely excited.

The little faces were already firm, and their eyes were even more piercing!

"Did your ghost brother bully you?"

As soon as the voice fell, before the little guys spoke, Zabuza got a little angry.

"A few little kids, bullying them, am I such a shameless person?"

Zabuza glared at Orochimaru with dissatisfaction, and at the same time looked at Kimimaro and the other two fiercely.

The warning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will show you later!

"Hehe... Zabuza took good care of us along the way. He did most of the things, and we just helped him."

At this time, Bai stood up to speak for him, and the hydrangea next to him also said with a confused look:

"Yes! Brother Oni also boasted to us about the story he had to tell with the Fourth Mizukage!"

Orochimaru's eyelids jumped when he heard this.

The Fourth Mizukage is not a woman, and there is a story that has to be told. What's there to brag about when the assassination failed.

No wonder this guy can urinate in the same pot with Kakuzu!

And Zabuza retracted his gaze in dismay when he saw how they were so smart.

"Hmph! You guys are good at talking. Next time I'll tell you the story that I have to tell with the Third Mizukage!"

After hearing this, the little guys all laughed, and Orochimaru shook his head helplessly.

He rubbed their little heads respectively. They may not be able to help much with this mission, but it is very beneficial to their growth.

Orochimaru also intended to train them through this expedition. They will all take on important tasks in the future, and this is the best time to cultivate their character!

After a conversation, Orochimaru asked them to go back to their homes.

Ye Cang also flashed to Orochimaru at this time.

"According to Luowang's intelligence, the Hidden Cloud Village has already noticed the unusual movements of the Snow Country!"

The Snow Country is adjacent to the Thunder Country, and it is impossible not to notice so many people migrating.

It is normal to know, and it is strange not to know!

If it was a war, I would think someone was going to make trouble.

Fortunately, the countries are still peaceful now, and the ninjas of the Snow Country are heading south, not for them, otherwise they would have come out to stop them.

"It's too late to notice it! Have they taken any further actions?"

The matter is done, and Orochimaru is not worried, but just don't push it.

"According to the spy's report, the Hidden Cloud Village sent a team of ninjas to investigate the situation. They should be on the way now!"

Speaking of this, Ye Cang's expression also became serious. The migration and merger plan of the Northland has just been put on the agenda and it has attracted the covetousness of the Thunder Country. Just thinking about it makes people headache.

As the second most powerful country in the ninja world, the problems related to the Thunder Country are enough to attract attention.

If one is not handled well, there will be constant conflicts. You must know that the Northland has just been integrated and has not yet started to get on the right track.

If you want to fight with such a behemoth, you really can't fight. The foundation of a country cannot be accumulated overnight.

Orochimaru thought for a while, and then waved to Kisame nearby.

"There are some uneasy people in the Hidden Cloud Village. You lead a team to warn them!"

Kisame smiled again when he heard that there was work to do. He was resting and recuperating these days, and he was bored without any achievements.

"How far do you need to go?"

Seeing the flash of bloodlust in his eyes, Orochimaru had no doubt about his business ability.

This is a ruthless man who can kill the Four-Tails alone, and his business level cannot be higher!

"Warn first, if the other party does not listen to the persuasion, kill them all!"

After these words came out, Kisame just nodded expressionlessly, and Ye Cang on the side was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Orochimaru to be so daring! He wanted to kill others for a disagreement, is this really okay? Aren't you afraid of offending Kumogakure?

But she was only slightly stunned, and she was relieved after thinking about Orochimaru's life and deeds in her mind.

Since joining the Northland, Orochimaru did not hide his identity from him, so she naturally knew Orochimaru, a famous figure in the ninja world.

In the past, Orochimaru could be said to be unscrupulous with the support of the strongest hidden village in the ninja world. She thought that now that Orochimaru has come out to work alone, he will be more restrained at the beginning of his career.

I didn't expect her to be so tough. She was either a reckless man who didn't know how to be patient, or she had something to rely on and didn't want to be scared.

It was obviously the latter!

Orochimaru seemed to know what she was thinking, and then he smiled:

"As long as they don't start a full-scale ninja war, there's no need for us to be timid!"

There was another thing he didn't say. Even if heOrochimaru was not afraid of starting a ninja war between the two countries.

Minato can use one person as 60 people, and Orochimaru can do the same, and even do better than him!

Under normal circumstances, the two countries will not start such a war if there is no real conflict of interest or deep hatred.

It is true that Orochimaru is a newcomer, but you can't make him suffer. If you force him into a corner, just go to the Hidden Cloud Village and let them feel the pain!

It just so happens that he also wants to see how powerful he is now. Ordinary opponents are really not satisfying!

Soon, Ye Cang and Kisame talked in detail and made arrangements quickly.

"By the way, ask Zabuza if he is interested in making a trip!"

That guy has energy but nowhere to release it, so it's just right for him to do some rough work.

If you want to get promoted, you have to be diligent. If you don't seize the opportunity to stand out, you will be a worker for life?

"Mafia ninja village, a bit interesting!"

The Hidden Cloud Village is different from other ninja villages. It is said that there has never been a rebel ninja in their village.

Their Kage is a family inheritance, and this situation was not changed until the fifth generation Raikage Darui.

Under this system, there will be no disadvantages of the master-disciple inheritance in Konoha. Anyway, the Kage is their family, and there is no possibility of fighting.

This also reduces a lot of unnecessary conflicts in their village, and each generation of Raikage has absolute strength.

In the village, they have the final say, unlike the Konoha F4 and the major families who fight all day long.

In their village, the principle of capable people are promoted and mediocre people are demoted is practiced, which Orochimaru really appreciates.

He also plans to move this ninja system over, and the ruler must have absolute say in the internal affairs and can stand up straight in the outside world.

At least this is the case in Orochimaru's generation. As for decades later, he will talk about it after he conquers the five major countries.

"Let him be a dictator, and wait until the ninja world is unified, and the merits and demerits will be judged by future generations!"

Following Ye Cang's arrangement, the team led by Kisame quickly left the village.

Zabuza followed him because he couldn't stand the loneliness. After two and a half years of practice, he felt that he could make his debut!

He also settled the villagers in a hurry and accelerated the action of annexing the other three countries.

This time he planned to go out in person to conquer the Iron Country, the Water Trap Country and the Grass Country in one fell swoop, so as to avoid more troubles.

He had to settle the matter before Konoha and the Earth Country could react.

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