I'm doing whatever I want in the time-stop world

Chapter 322 The human race's counterattack, the race war that started in advance (two in one)

It turns out that hundreds of first-level warriors are still not enough for Qin Chuan, who has killed twelve second-level warriors.

In the area blocked by the Dragon Spear with the second talent of the Holy Domain, the furious Qin Chuan did not waste too much time to kill all the aliens.

Not a single piece of armor was left.

An excited dragon roar resounded in the bloody battlefield.

As the dazzling light gradually converged, Xiao Hei appeared above the battlefield in a brand new posture. His thousand-meter-long body was like a small mountain, and the blood-red armor covered with black scales surged with a terrifying might that made people palpitate.

Its evolution ritual requires a bloody battle in an extremely tragic war.

Qin Chuan naturally would not miss this opportunity at this moment.

"Clean up the battlefield." Qin Chuan spoke in a deep voice when he returned to the fortress wall.

The surviving human race quickly set out to clean up the battlefield and collect the props and equipment left behind after the aliens fell.

Although the human race suffered heavy losses, the other five races that lost hundreds of mythical rank players undoubtedly suffered more.

"The effect of the second talent of the Holy Land can last for six minutes." Long Ji looked at Qin Chuan, "After six minutes, other races will know everything that happened here."

"It doesn't matter, no need to hide it." Qin Chuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "It seems that I was too kind after entering the Sky Rank, making them think that the human race is easy to bully."

"This Sky Day is about to end. After returning to reality, Feng Yin and I will discuss how to fight back."

"Feng Yin..." Long Ji sighed, "It's a pity that the strength of the mythical rank and the insight talent are gone."

"Next, I don't know who will draw the insight talent."

There are very few players like Feng Yin who are suitable for the insight talent.

It is difficult for other players to fully exert the insight talent if they draw it.

"It's okay, the insight talent is still Feng Yin's." Qin Chuan said, taking out the golden vertical pupil representing the insight talent.

"This..." Long Ji glanced at the vertical pupil, his expression changed rapidly, and when he looked at Qin Chuan again, his eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement.

"How did you do it?!"

"Don't ask." Qin Chuan did not intend to answer.

"...Okay." Long Ji decisively chose to shut up, but his eyes gradually showed excitement.

If the talent can be retained, then Feng Yin's loss is just a matter of retraining.

With the current resource integration capabilities of the special affairs team, it only takes one day to upgrade Feng Yin to the legendary level.

If everything goes well, Feng Yin will be able to re-enter the sky level tomorrow.

The same is true for other players who deleted their accounts in this war.

Most of the players who were killed are epic level, and it won't take too long for the human race to pile up again with such strength.

On the other hand, the five races that came.

More than a hundred mythical level first level players were deleted, and twelve mythical level second level players were severely injured and could not descend again in a short time.

This wave of losses is numb.

And from what Qin Chuan just revealed, this is obviously not the end.

If you attack the human race, you must be prepared to be liquidated.

Six minutes passed quickly.

As the effect of the second talent of the Holy Domain dissipated, the entry and exit and communication inside and outside the domain were no longer blocked.

When the first-level mythical level was confirmed dead by various parties in various ways, the entire Sky Level fell into a violent shock.

The human race, as a race that had just ascended to the Sky Level for only a few days, actually buried all the mythical levels with the joint attack of hundreds of mythical levels from five races!

At this moment, all races trembled!


"No one came out?!"

The ancestor of the Moon Spirit listened to the report of the Purple Moon Priest, and the calmness of the past ten thousand years was instantly broken. The nine-color halo surrounding him dissipated a little, revealing an old and shocked face.

After taking a deep breath and trying his best to calm himself down, the ancestor of the Moon Spirit slowly said, "I know."

"Ancestor, how should my race treat the human race next?" The Purple Moon Priest spoke in a solemn tone.

This time, the human race really didn't make a move, but once they did, it was amazing.

Even the Purple Moon Priest, who had come into contact with Luo and Yue Li many times, didn't expect that the strength of these two guys could be so terrifying.

The Moon Spirit Ancestor was silent for a moment, "Restrict all members of our tribe, evacuate the territory near Bai Jiao Territory, and don't conflict with the human race."

"Evacuate the nearby territory as well?" The Purple Moon Priest was shocked.

"Evacuate all." The Moon Spirit Ancestor spoke slowly, "Mashia, if you were a human, would you let it go?"

"This..." The Purple Moon Priest opened his mouth, then shook his head, "No."

"Neither would the human race." The Moon Spirit Ancestor paused slightly.

"The Sky Steps are going to be in chaos."

"There is no need for our people to be under the dangerous wall."

"Yes." The Purple Moon Priest spoke respectfully, and then changed the subject, "Ancestor, my ancestor has locked the location of Feng Yin of the human race."

"But now it is confirmed that Feng Yin is not the gatekeeper of the human race."

"There are only three people in the first batch of the human race who ascended the Sky Steps. After excluding Feng Yin, the gatekeeper of the human race can only be Yue Li or Luo himself."

"Not necessarily." The voice of the ancestor of the Moon Spirit has completely returned to calm, "Who can guarantee that there are only three people in the first batch of the human race who ascended the Sky Steps?"

"This..." There was a bit of doubt in the voice of the Purple Moon Priest, "According to the information at the time, this should not be wrong, right?"

"The eyes are the least trustworthy." The ancestor of Moon Spirit said slowly, "There are too many hidden abilities in this world, and what you see may not be true."

"Ancestor...you mean..." Priest Ziyue was shocked, "There was a fourth human race at that time, who was the real gatekeeper?"

"This is just a guess." The Moon Spirit Ancestor paused, "At least, we can't be completely led by the human race to think in the direction they want us to think of."

"Think about how our race has treated other races over the past ten thousand years."

"Understood!" Priest Ziyue's voice became solemn and he interrupted the communication.

As the surroundings returned to silence, the Moon Spirit Ancestor slowly spoke, "In the first level, I killed seven people instantly in the second level. Even the invincible Immortal King of the Immortal Clan at that time would never be able to achieve this level."

"It's a pity that I couldn't see Luo take action with my own eyes, and I couldn't judge what kind of methods this human race used."

"Although it's impossible to judge, you already have a guess in your mind, don't you?" A voice came from somewhere.

After hearing the other party's words, the Moon Spirit Ancestor fell silent.

"In the last ten thousand years, I have seen the actions of managers." The ancestor of Moon Spirit said softly, "It is also an instant kill without any trace. The manager can even kill the real person in the material world through the steps of the sky."

"Compared with real managers, Luo's methods are quite different, but they have many things in common."

"After the Immortal King killed the manager, the manager's head disappeared." The ancestor of Moon Spirit said in a deep voice, "We have been looking for it all these years, but we have never found it."

"Now it seems that the manager's head is with the human race."

"Fairy clan, good method."

"Now that we know where the manager's head is, it's good news." The mysterious voice spoke slowly, "With it, we have taken another big step forward."

"Then you have to get it first." The ancestor of Moon Spirit shook his head slightly, "The head of the manager corresponds to the most core authority."

"It's not that simple to get it..." The ancestor of Moon Spirit suddenly stopped speaking and looked in a certain direction.

"That guy can't bear it anymore." The mysterious voice said with a bit of weirdness, "You deal with him, I will withdraw."

After saying that, the mysterious voice quietly disappeared.

The next moment, a majestic figure with a figure like purgatory, gushing out terrifying power, appeared in front of the Moon Spirit Ancestor.

"Poincarelle, I need an explanation."

"Disos, what explanation do you need?" Facing the half-demon ancestor's ferocious eyes, the moon spirit ancestor's tone remained calm.

"Human race, what exactly is it?!"

The half-demon ancestor's voice was full of anger, "How can it be possible for someone in the first realm to be so strong?"

"I'm also very curious about this question." The ancestor of Moon Spirit said calmly, "The human race can actually annihilate more than a hundred mythical first-level troops. It really surprises me."

The half-demon ancestor suddenly fell silent.

He stared at the Moon Spirit Ancestor closely, hoping to see some clues from the Moon Spirit Ancestor's expression, but he saw nothing.

"You really don't know?"

"The human race is not related to our race, how do I know this?" The ancestor of Moon Spirit shook his head slightly, "I don't know much about the human race than you do."

"That's wrong." The Half-demon Ancestor stared at the Moon Spirit Ancestor suspiciously, "Then why do you want the Moon Spirit Clan to maintain friendly relations with the human race?"

"Because he is good."

The ancestor of the half-demon: "?"

His eyes gradually turned evil as he looked at the ancestor of the Moon Spirit, "Pangalel, my half-demon clan is just not good at strategy, not really stupid."

"I'm here today because I want you to take action with us."

"This race war can no longer be fought."

"The strongest man in the human race can treat the second realm as nothing in the first realm. When he reaches the third realm, who among us can be his opponent?"

"We can't sit still and wait for death. We need the six races to unite to encircle and suppress the human race."

"I'm afraid I can't be of much help in this matter." The ancestor of Moon Spirit shook his head slightly, "Our clan is weak and not good at fighting."

"You other tribes can do whatever they want in this matter, and don't involve us."

"I'm afraid this won't work." The Half-Demon Ancestor stared closely at the Moon Spirit Ancestor, "If we don't tie you into the same boat, we're afraid you'll get in trouble."

"I see." The ancestor of Moon Spirit showed a helpless smile, "You have really misunderstood me."

"No matter we win or lose in this race war, our race will never be exterminated, so we don't want to wade into this muddy water."

"Our clan will just watch from the sidelines as you fight against the human race."

"You'd better keep your word." The Half-Demon Ancestor hummed, "I can't reach the first level, but I can reach the second level."

"If the Yueling clan helps the human race, I will definitely take action and kill all the chief priests of your clan."

The Moon Spirit Ancestor's eyes suddenly sharpened, "You say it again?"

"I..." The Half-Demon Ancestor hummed, then spoke in frustration, "I'll just say it if you ask me to?"

He stopped speaking, and disappeared in a flash.

The coldness in the Moon Spirit Ancestor's eyes disappeared instantly, and he looked at the direction in which the Half-Demon Ancestor was leaving, with a strange smile in his eyes.


"After successfully creating an account, take this to the dream world."

Qin Chuan handed the golden vertical pupils to Feng Yin, "Then the talent of insight will be automatically bound to you."

"I didn't expect such a surprise." Feng Yin smiled and did not ask Qin Chuan how he did it. "How is the situation with the gatekeeper?"

"Still the same as before." Qin Chuan smiled, "I sent a message to the gatekeeper. There is no need to come back. Just wander around the stairs of the sky as before."

"That's fine." Feng Yin nodded, "It would be the safest if the gatekeeper doesn't return to Bai Jiao's leadership."

"So far, the gatekeeper has not been exposed to the eyes of all races. The original plan has been going smoothly so far."

Having said this, Feng Yin sighed, "It's a pity that my death has directly eliminated the suspicion of being a gatekeeper."

"There is no shortage of wise men in all races." Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, "There will always be a day when the suspicion formation is revealed."

“When the gatekeepers themselves become stronger, the problem will be solved.”

"That's right." Feng Yin nodded slightly, agreeing with what he said, "I will re-enter the Heavenly Vault at the latest the day after tomorrow."

"Yes." Qin Chuan nodded, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "Five races unite to deal with us. This can't be a good thing."

"Longji has already told me." Feng Yin nodded slightly and looked at Qin Chuan, "What are you going to do?"

Qin Chuan did not answer directly, but mentioned another thing.

"After the battle, the fortress took inventory of the battlefield and seized a total of 187 gold props and equipment, 412 red props and equipment, and even more lower-level props and equipment."

"I think we have gone into a misunderstanding."

"We are the last race to come to the Sky Level in ten thousand years. We will not have new races to participate in the race war in the future." Qin Chuan looked at Feng Yin, "After other races come, they need to maintain the same number as the existing races. Thousands of years of peace, waiting for the racial war to begin."

"But we don't need to."

"According to the introduction in the last update announcement, when the human race reaches the third level of the Sky Level, the racial war begins."

"But I think that the moment the human race enters the Sky Level, the racial war can already begin." Qin Chuan said with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, "If you develop steadily, there is no way to rob quickly."

"It's not a misunderstanding." Feng Yin's mouth twitched slightly, "The main reason is that I didn't expect that you are not afraid of the second realm at all."

All his plans are based on his strength.

Without the variable Qin Chuan, how could the human race take the initiative with its current strength?

Now that we know Qin Chuan's strength, it's another story.

"It's my fault." Qin Chuan rubbed his cheek, "Anyway, our strategy can be adjusted to some extent."

"It just so happened that the five major races joined forces to besiege us." Feng Yin smiled slightly, "Under such circumstances, we took the initiative to attack under the banner of counterattack, which can be regarded as a good name."

"It's just..." Feng Yin couldn't help but glance at Qin Chuan, "How should the Yueling clan deal with it?"

"This..." Qin Chuan touched his chin.

"Watch them perform."

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