I'm doing whatever I want in the time-stop world

Chapter 323: The flames of war, the roar of the ocean (two in one)

Qin Chuan had no intention of hiding the news that the human race's fortress was besieged by the other five races just two or three days after it was built.

While he and Feng Yin were discussing counterattacks, the world was in an uproar because of this battle.

They were shocked by the ruthlessness of the other races and surprised by the amazing results of this battle.

Everyone knew where such results came from.

On this day, the name Luo was constantly mentioned around the world.

The human race's fighting spirit was raging and soon swept across the Sky Stage.

With everyone united as one, more and more epic and legendary levels were born. With the advantage of easier access to the Heart of Myth in the Sky Stage, the number of mythical level powerhouses was also increasing.

In just four days, the human race, relying on the massive resources obtained in the fortress defense war, piled up six new mythical level powerhouses, and the human race's counterattack officially began.

Under the leadership of Qin Chuan, the first thing the human race did was to radiate the neighboring territories with Bai Jiao Territory as the center.

They wanted to sweep all the five territories adjacent to Bai Jiao Territory, master the lord status and enable more human race to enter the Sky Dome Stage.

However, when they officially started to do this, Qin Chuan was surprised to find that in just four days, the Yueling clan seemed to have foreseen the future and evacuated the five territories adjacent to Bai Jiao Territory.

The other clans lost a large number of mythical-level strongmen in the previous fortress defense battle, which was a serious injury. Until now, they have not recovered and have no resistance to the revenge of the human race.

Soon, all five territories fell, and the lord status was handed over to the mythical-level of the human race. The number of territories controlled by the human race increased from one to six, allowing 1,200 clansmen below the legendary level to enter the Sky Dome Stage.

The remaining epic-level and some hall-level players successfully entered the Sky Dome Stage. With the large amount of resources collected in the five territories, their strength increased rapidly. The number of legendary-level players officially exceeded 100, and the number of mythical-level players also successfully exceeded double digits.

Such a big commotion once again caused a sensation in the Sky Steps, but this time, the five races that had taken action before chose to forbear.

After all, the human race was obviously taking revenge for the last incident, and it was not appropriate to offend them at this time.

The various races that were still licking their wounds tacitly pretended not to see this incident, thinking that the human race's counterattack would only stop here, and it would be time to enter a relatively peaceful period next.

Even the Yueling clan, which had evacuated other territories early before, returned to their respective territories.

But unfortunately, the expectations of the six clans fell into vain.

After completely occupying the six territories, only a week had passed, and the human race started a new battle again, centering on the six territories that had been occupied, and constantly encroaching on the surrounding territories.

However, this time, their strategy had been adjusted to a certain extent. They did not expel other races, but only required to master the identity of the lord.

By the way, they looted other races except the Yueling.

This time, all races were angry.

They felt that it was their concession that made the human race so arrogant. They were not satisfied with occupying six territories, so they chose to counterattack without hesitation.

But after the three second-level people who descended were instantly killed by Qin Chuan, the counterattack was defeated again.

The human race began to expand frantically with Bai Jiao Territory as the center. Every time they occupied a territory, the human race would plunder and digest the gains, quickly giving birth to more strong people. After a short period of brewing strength, they would continue to conquer again without stopping.

It seemed that they would never give up until they occupied all the territories of the first level of the Sky Stage.

Such an offensive made all races stunned.

In the 10,000 years of the Sky Stage, no race has ever been so crazy.

After all, no race can say that it can surpass all races and defeat all races with one against many.

But now, the human race has appeared.

They are not stronger than other races, but they have extremely strong individual combat power.

One month after the fortress defense war, the human race has mastered the status of the lord of more than half of the territories in the Sky Rank, with nearly 30 mythical-level powerhouses and thousands of epic-level powerhouses. The strength of the first level of the Sky Rank is close to the result of thousands of years of operation of other races.

The name Luo frightened all races.

As time went by, the powerhouses of all races who came to their senses also fell into real panic.

What would happen if the lords of all territories in the first level of the Sky Rank were human?

The answer is very simple, that is, except for the human race, all the second-level powerhouses of other races could not descend to the first level.

The first level of the Sky Rank is not the area where the strongest combat power of each race is located, but it is the location of the entrance to the Sky Rank of each race, and it is also the foundation of each race.

If only the second-level powerhouses of the human race can descend, then the human race will have absolute say in the first level of the Sky Rank!

Such a situation is absolutely unacceptable to any race.

The human race does not play according to the routine at all, which is simply to start a race war in advance.

Before this, no one thought that the human race would choose such an extreme approach, and they actually succeeded.

The second-level masters of each race chose to descend again without hesitation, but this time, they did not come to fight.


On a seemingly endless ocean, a blue figure sat solemnly on the sea surface. The restless waves were calmed down in an instant under it, and all the creatures in the sea were surging with the idea of ​​surrendering and following.

Qin Chuan and Lin Yue watched the scene below quietly in the air, and their faces showed expectations.

"Shuihua is finally going to break through." Lin Yue chuckled, "Among all the rituals at present, its should be the most troublesome."

"After all, not only does it require a sea area of ​​100,000 miles, but it also requires all the creatures in the sea area to surrender." Qin Chuan couldn't help shaking his head, "It's not difficult to find the sea area, but it's the most troublesome to make all the creatures in it surrender."

It took the two of them four sky days just to wander around in this sea area.

Now, all the conditions for breakthrough have finally been met.

Shuihua, sitting on the sea, seemed to have sensed something, slightly raised his head and looked in the direction of Qin Chuan and Lin Yue, let out a long bark, and then began the final evolution without hesitation.

Under it, a huge aqua-blue dragon corpse slowly emerged from the water. It was a mythical dragon of the water system, and it was also prepared by Qin Chuan and Lin Yue for the ritual of Shuihua.

Continuously absorbing the power of the mythical corpse, Shuihua's momentum rose steadily, and the sea surface was no longer calm. The raging waves swept for a long time. After accumulating to the extreme, a dazzling evolutionary light rushed into the sky.

When the light faded, all the wind and waves stopped in an instant, and the whole ocean was as clear as a mirror.

Shuihua, with a brand new shape, sat upright on the sea surface, raised his head and barked excitedly.


At the location of the water drop mark on its forehead, a slender horn composed entirely of water flow flowed with a water-blue halo. Above the horn, the water waves gathered into uneven shapes, forming a water crown suspended in the air.

On the body of Shuihua, the hair that has become particularly long curls like water waves and covers the whole body, with a clear halo flowing in the sun. Behind it, the two long tails have completely changed and turned into a fish tail.

A mighty momentum that has never been seen before burst out from the body of Shuihua, and the ocean seems to have become a part of Shuihua's body, and it can be used as an arm.

At this moment, it is the real king of water.

Carefully checking the new panel of Shuihua, feeling the power of Shuihua after breaking through the mythical stage and evolving into the final form, Qin Chuan couldn't help but smile with joy.

It's worth it that he specially found the corpse of the strongest individual dragon mythical stage as the material for Shuihua's ritual advancement.

After the breakthrough, Shuihua's strength has increased far beyond expectations.

"Feng Yin has sent a message." Lin Yue said softly, "Each of the six major races has descended a second-level person, intending to negotiate peace with us."

As Feng Yin was not the gatekeeper, it was discovered that Feng Yin, who had re-established his account and once again broke through the mythical level, no longer needed to hide his identity and wander around the Sky Level. He returned to the human camp to preside over the overall situation.

"Negotiation?" Qin Chuan's face had a strange look on his face, "They want to negotiate peace after only occupying half of the territory?"

It must be said that getting something for nothing is addictive.

In the past month of robbing other races, the speed at which the human race's strength has increased has made Qin Chuan a little overwhelmed.

If possible, he hopes to continue robbing like this.

"They should be completely restless." Lin Yue was speechless, "They can't just watch us control all the lords of the territories."

"In this case, other races can't even descend, and they will really be at the mercy of others."

"Since they are all here, let's go and take a look."

Qin Chuan spread his hands, pulled Lin Yue, and took the splash that had just broken through, and disappeared in an instant.

Yeager Territory, this is a territory located on the border of the territory currently occupied by the human race.

Originally, according to the human race's plan, it should have become the next territory occupied by the human race, but because six second-level strongmen descended here at the same time, the human race's offensive had to stop.

The descending second-level did not attack the human race, but calmly proposed to let the human race's speaker come. They would represent the six races and discuss with the human race.

Feng Yin, who learned the news, led a group of human myths to Yeager Territory as soon as possible, and urgently sent a message to Qin Chuan.

After Qin Chuan entered Yeager Territory, Feng Yin informed him of the situation as soon as possible.

"Then let's discuss it." After thinking for a moment, Qin Chuan nodded slightly, and then led the crowd into the main city area of ​​Yeager Territory.

Six figures of the second-level myths appeared at the same time.

Qin Chuan looked at one of them, and a smile appeared on his face, "Krai, I haven't seen you for a month."

"Yes." The Blue Moon Chief Priest, who came on behalf of the Moon Spirit Clan, looked at Qin Chuan with a complicated light in his eyes.

Even she had never expected that the human race would achieve today's achievements under the leadership of the person in front of her.

"This time, the Moon Spirit Clan is just a witness." Krayi said softly, "I will not comment on the content of the discussion."

"Are you here to negotiate peace?" After greeting an acquaintance, Qin Chuan looked at the other five mythical second-level strongmen with unhappy faces and smiled, "How to negotiate?"

"Before the arrival of the human race, the number of lords of each race was similar, and each race occupied about one-sixth of the territory of the Sky Rank." The second-level of the half-demon clan slowly said, "We recognize the strength of the human race, but the lord status must be taken back."

"The human race can only occupy one-seventh of the territory."

"Oh?" Qin Chuan looked at this unseen great demon god of the half-demon clan with interest, "What do you call him?"

"The Sky-Eyed Demon God Pasia."

"It turns out it's you." Qin Chuan looked surprised.

During this period of time, he also got to know some of the second-level experts from each race. Pasia was the smartest among the second-level half-demon clan. He acted cautiously and was one of the few brave and resourceful half-demon clans. Demon.

"Is this what you guys mean?" Qin Chuan looked at the other second realms.

"That's right, our Crystal clan means the same thing."

"The same goes for the dwarf clan."

"The dead ghost clan and the half-demon clan have the same opinion."

"Like the Dragon Clan."

The second realms of each race spoke at the same time.

Even the dead ghost clan, which had the least dealing with the half-demon clan, rarely reached a consensus in the face of the terrible pressure brought by the human race.

After patiently listening to the statements of various races, Qin Chuan smiled, but his smile was a little cold, "What if I don't agree?"

As Qin Chuan's words fell, the atmosphere suddenly became more dignified.

"The human race has never had the habit of spitting out the meat it eats." Qin Chuan looked at the powerful men of the five races who were looking increasingly ugly. "It is impossible to hand over the territory that has been occupied by the human race."


The scarlet eyes of the strong man in the second realm of the dead ghost clan were filled with anger. He was about to explode, but was suddenly held down by Pasia beside him.

"Will the human race continue?" Pasia looked at Qin Chuan solemnly, "You should know that we will never allow the human race to occupy all the territory of the Sky Vault."

"If we really get to that point, we will also take extreme measures to prevent humans from entering the second level of the Heavenly Vault!"

Qin Chuan's eyes flickered slightly.

He had thought of this possibility when discussing with Feng Yin before.

The human race has caused such a big disturbance in the Sky Level, and it is impossible for all races to just sit back and watch.

If the human race cannot be stopped at the first level of the Sky Vault, then their methods will inevitably appear at the second level of the Sky Vault.

You know, there is only one entrance from the first level to the second level.

If various races deliberately block it and bring third-level experts with them, even Qin Chuan will be frightened.

Therefore, from the beginning, the human race never thought of completely defeating other races at the first level of the Sky.

Even if all the strong men of all races in the first level were wiped out, it would still be meaningless if the human race could not enter the second and third levels.

"If you want the human race to stop, you can." Qin Chuan said quietly.

"But I have a condition that you must agree to."

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