"This is indeed the first time I've seen this kind of situation. I can't guarantee that the violent destruction from the outside will have any impact on the people inside. If this causes the folding space to collapse and the people inside can't come out in time, you guys know what will happen. What consequences?"

"Then what should I do? Just wait here?"

Just when everyone was hesitating, Kai and Asma rushed back with Hong after receiving the bandage.

After asking about the situation, Asma suddenly asked: "Since this is the case, can we open a hole and let the people inside come out, or should we go in?"

The people in the enchantment class thought about it, and said cautiously: "There is a certain degree of operability, but no one knows what the specific result will be."

"That's enough, let's try it out! If anything happens, I will bear it."

Right now here, only Asma, who is the son of the third Hokage, has the qualifications to make such a decision.

And just when everyone was about to forcibly open a hole in the folding space to save people, an Anbu member hurried over.

"Where is Hokage-sama? There is an emergency."

"Hokage-sama is now trapped in another space by the enemy, and we are trying to rescue him. What urgent matter happened?"

The Anbu staff hesitated for a moment, but immediately said: "The residential area in the direction of Hokage Rock has also been attacked by a powerful spell, and we need support!"

Asma and the others suddenly looked solemn.

This can never be a coincidence!

In other words, the enemy is likely to come prepared, and there are still unknown number of helpers.

"What's the situation over there now, how much support do you need?"

"The enemy is very powerful. The currently known ability is the unknown ability of high-speed recovery and turning people into monsters. It is very difficult to deal with and requires a lot of manpower support!"

"High-speed recovery?"

"It means that no matter what kind of attack it receives, the enemy can quickly return to its original state, as if it can't be killed."

Asma thought about it, and then said: "Hong, Kai, you two should take someone there."

Against enemies with strong recovery abilities, illusion is a good choice.

But if you can't kill it, there is only one answer, that is, the attack power is not enough.

"how about you?"

"I'm going to rescue the old guy." Asma said with firm eyes.

"No, it's too dangerous." Hong firmly disagreed.

At the moment of the stalemate, a figure slowly approached from not far away.


Everyone showed vigilance and watched the coming person.

"Shinji Akagi, advisor to Mizukage Kirigakure, collaborator of the Third Hokage."

Water shadow consultant?

Or a collaborator of Naruto-sama?

These two titles are really more scary than the other.

The most important thing is that these two titles are connected together, it is hard not to arouse people's imagination.

And Shinji didn't lie, cooperating in business is also a cooperator, but it's not the kind of 'cooperation' that these people think.

"Akagi...Shinji? You were the one who saved us before?"

Asma seemed to remember something.

Shen Si nodded, "It seems that there is still a smart one. To make a long story short, the method you just thought of will not work at all. Not only will it not save people, but you will also involve yourself."

Asma frowned, "Reason."

"It's very simple. You can only enter this place but not exit it. Once you enter it, you will lose the ability to resist. Because in that space, all the enemy's attacks are... sure to hit! Do you understand now?"

Everyone's expression changed instantly.

Must-hit attack?

Doesn't that mean? !

"Hurry up, there's no time."

Asma was in a hurry, and wanted to go in to save people as soon as her brain got hot, and she didn't care whether her actions were useful or not.

Fortunately, Hong is still very calm, she didn't agree with Asma's approach from the beginning, and now after hearing Shinji's words, she can't let Asma fall into danger anymore.

"Hong, don't stop me!"

"Asuma, please calm down first. Since this Akagi Shinji...advisor knows so much information and took the initiative to stand up, there must be a solution, right?"

At the end, Hong looked directly at Shinji.

This is a thoughtful woman.

Shinji smiled at her, but didn't deny it.

"I do have a way to save people."

If so, click to the end.

Just as Asma was about to say something, Hong stopped her, "Tell me, what conditions do you have?"

"It's very simple. I saved you once before, and now I want to help you save others. I owe me two favors, isn't it too much?"

When he said this, Shinji looked directly at the serious Kai.

Can he admit that he is the fighting power of Kaikai!

Kaihuang's strength should not need to be explained by anyone, and Kai's character is also very upright, he will repay what he has, and he can even respect some enemies who conform to his values.

It would be a pity if such a peak combat power could not be recruited into the Cult of the Evil God.

Sure enough, Kai readily agreed.

But he also said, "As long as I don't violate my ninja spirit and don't harm the interests of the village, even if there are tens of thousands of enemies, I will repay this kindness."

To get such a solemn guarantee from Kay, this appearance is already worth it.

Shinji was very satisfied, but he didn't know where that idiot Hidan went, so he waited for a long time.

Forget it, let's get down to business first.

"What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, just like what you said just now, open a hole, go in, and kill the enemy!"

"But you didn't say..."

"I am immune to the enemy's sure-hit effect, so only I can go."


Shinji punched a black flash and blasted a hole in Seibot's domain.

For most domains, the internal defense is stronger than the external defense, but even if the domain is destroyed from the outside, it is useless, the people inside still cannot get out, and it will be repaired soon.

Looking at the yellow sand in the sky, Shinji jumped in without paying attention, and at the same time used the ability of [Field Extension] to cover himself with a bloody veil, so that he would not be affected by the opponent's field's must-hit effect .

It's just that in this state, he can't use the corresponding birth spell.

But it doesn't matter, in addition to the red blood operation, he also has other spells and body skills that can be used.

If it's not that you don't want to expose your true strength, you don't need to be so troublesome, just expand the field and touch the opponent.

And the moment Shinji entered, Asma dodged and jumped in before the others could react.


Hong rushed over, but it was too late, Asma disappeared, and the hole that was broken just now was restored.

Kai said: "Don't worry, all we can do now is trust them. And we still have our own tasks."

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