I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 205 Death Crisis (3rd update today)

"Okay, it's too dangerous here, I have to take the two of you away."

Iruka grabbed one in each hand and walked out.

"let me go!"

Naruto kept yelling and struggling.

And Sasuke kept chanting a name, "Akagi... Shinji, Akagi... evil god?"

Could it be that the person he saw in his dream really existed?

He couldn't help but recall the strange special pattern in his dream, which was exactly the same as the pattern he saw printed on the back of the other party's neck just now!

"I must figure this out!"

. . . . . . .

Domain - in the sky wheel hourglass.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was out of breath, and his body was already stained red with blood.

Although he paid a considerable price, he has also discovered a way to deal with the enemy's attack.

That is to launch a counterattack at the moment of being hit, destroying the sand blade and so on.

In this way, although they will still be injured, only skin trauma remains, and they will not be killed directly.

Although it is still very passive, it is already the best way Sarutobi Hiruzen can think of.

Even so, there will still be people who lose blood and fall to the ground due to severe injuries.

More importantly, he also discovered a situation.

That is, the sand under his feet is actually sinking non-stop. Even if he didn't notice it at first, he can be sure now.

He didn't know what the end result would be if the sand kept sinking, but there was a high probability that nothing good would happen.

"Curse of Sand Transformation Hell Seabuckthorn Spear!"


An enemy who was in a daze and hid in the sand launched an attack again. Countless seabuckthorn guns shot out from the yellow sand under his feet, which was more difficult than those sand knives in the air.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people were stabbed to death.

After all, you have to fight back at the moment of being attacked to ensure that you suffer the least damage. This is really too difficult, and if you don't pay attention, you will be angry.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also had a blood hole on his leg because he was a little absent-minded just now, making the situation even more serious.

And when Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking about how to force the opponent to come out, a sound like glass being smashed suddenly came from above his head.

Looking up, someone actually appeared?

"Shinji Akagi? It's him?!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was a little surprised, but the person who jumped in after the other party made him change his face.


In his view, Asma's reckless behavior was like committing suicide!

as expected!

Before the person landed, dozens of sand blades whizzed out and attacked in an almost teleporting manner.

And most of them came towards Shinji, only a few sand blades cut on Asma's body.


Asma immediately spattered blood in the air, fell to the ground, and her eyes went dark.

In fact, he has always been skeptical about what Shinji said before.

But now he finally knew why the other party said that.

The inevitable attack that cannot be avoided is too terrifying.

However, Shinji didn't care about these sand blades at all, he pulled out the beheading sword and swung it casually a few times, smashing all the sand blades that flew towards him.

"how so?"

Seeing this scene, not only the surviving Konoha ninjas were dumbfounded, but even Seibot who was hiding in the sand was shocked.

"No, it's impossible!"

With a roar, a huge sand giant stood up from the yellow sand.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

Now that the enemy has taken the initiative to enter his domain, it is impossible for him to continue hiding.

Of course, staying in the body of the sand giant doesn't count.

"Curse of Sand Transformation Hell Seabuckthorn Spear!"

Countless seabuckthorn guns burst out from the yellow sand under their feet again, but this time the target was only one person.

"Hahaha, silly trick."

Shinji laughed and ran directly towards the sand giant, but none of the seabuckthorn spears could touch him.

Without the must-hit effect, everything returned to the original point again.


The sand giant landed suddenly, trying to trample Shinji to death, but Shinji jumped up with a solemn expression.

Ten Strokes of Curse Waluowaluo!


In Shinji's eyes, the light spot at 7:3 is infinitely magnified.



One of the sand giant's legs was cut off by Shinji, which shocked everyone.

"It's not over yet!"

Shinji let out a loud roar, and jumped up again after landing.

Ten Strokes of Curse Waluowaluo!

Another slash cut off the sand giant's other leg.

Then the sand giant fell to the ground with a bang.

"Saibot, what do you think this is?"

"give me back!"

The moment he saw the snakeskin sword, Seibot fell into a state of rage.

Although he felt a little strange already, he knew that this sword was his Golden Snake Sword.

However, Shinji used the snakeskin sword to activate the ten-stroke spell again, and pierced the sand giant's chest with one sword.

There was a bang.

The sand giant collapsed directly, and the palm he grabbed turned into yellow sand before it touched Shinji, flowing down.

Seibot was finally exposed in Shinji's field of vision.

A large amount of magic power is concentrated in the throat...

"Flooded!" "

Seibot just wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, water gushed out of his body.

Only then did he wake up, wanting to reintegrate into the yellow sand.

But Shinji wasn't going to give him this chance.

"Confinement"! "

Cybernet, unable to desertify, was frozen in place all of a sudden, unable to move.

""lethargy"! "

Seibot's eyes immediately went dark, and his tense body instantly relaxed.

At this time, Shinji, who quickly came to him, pierced the snakeskin sword into Seibot's eye socket, and then cut it out with force!


Under the severe pain, Seibot, who had used his willpower to resist the drowsiness, suddenly woke up.

One of his eyes was actually gouged out? !

The endless anger made Saibot gradually lose his mind, and a huge amount of spell power surged out, all flowing into the yellow sand under his feet.

Now everyone felt the sand under their feet sinking at an extremely fast speed.

"Go to hell!"


No, it must not be that simple!

Although he didn't know what the other party had done, Shinji's intuition told him that once all the sand flowed away, he might die here too.

Originally, he was still considering whether to use the master ball to try to catch this guy. After all, Seibot in his prime was the strongest magic spirit he had ever seen, and even Tuogen was a little bit short.

Of course, if Tuo Gen is allowed to continue to grow, the outcome between the two is unpredictable.

But right now, I'm afraid I don't have this chance.

Under the eyes of the opponent who was about to breathe fire, Shinji pointed the snakeskin sword in his hand at Seibot, and then activated [Golden Snake Dance] instantly.

I saw a ferocious golden snake directly ejected and bit Seibot.

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