I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 252 What if I don't hate it?

In the room, two powerful auras are colliding and confronting fiercely!


The fruit plate and teacups all fell to the ground and were smashed to pieces.

After hearing this movement, there were immediately noisy footsteps outside.


The door was kicked open.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Mohigan rushed in with a group of ferocious younger brothers, holding various weapons in their hands, staring at the gentleman man viciously.

Every time a fat sheep comes to the door, they will talk about the project and price with each other in such a 'friendly and amiable' way.

After the negotiation is settled, the other party will be "very friendly" and "please" leave a good review.

And "promise" that they will never trouble them again afterwards, and even if they are left with a bad review, they will "absolutely not" retaliate.

So in fact, Moxi, the twelfth oiran of the Red Mansion, was already notorious in the local circle, and her morals were corrupt.

Except for those uninformed outsiders who would occasionally be fooled, this place is usually a magic cave where no one dares to come!

But as the number of outsiders being deceived increased, Moxi's business of slaughtering fat sheep had become more and more difficult. Sometimes it might not be possible to open a shop for ten days and a half months.

It is said that the people behind the Red House are already preparing to remove her, and even found a replacement, just wait for her to give up her position, and then re-hype a newcomer to take the position.

But who would have thought that stealing a chicken would not be enough to lose the rice, not only did the newcomer fail to show up, but an oiran was also brought in.

Well, Moxie was originally the thirteenth oiran, coming from the end of the crane.

As a result, the twelfth oiran didn't like her, and made all kinds of cynicism and tricks.

So the twelfth oiran was gone, and Moxi successfully upgraded from the thirteenth oiran to the twelfth oiran.

"You go out first, I didn't call you, don't come in."

Moxi withdrew her momentum, and drove her out impatiently.

This can be regarded as saving them.

The gentleman smiled strangely when he saw this, and didn't know what he thought of.

"Since you don't want to join, then I won't force it anymore. But sooner or later you will realize the fact that aliens and humans cannot coexist. Even if we want to, humans will try to drive us to extinction. I hope we will meet again next time When the time comes, you will give up this boring house-playing game and find the true meaning of your existence."

After saying these words, the gentleman put on his bowler hat again and left.

As for the money that was taken out earlier, he didn't even bother to look at it.

"Damn, what does my mother want to do, do you still need someone to teach you?"

Moxi curled her lips in disdain, but her frown did not relax.

Because that guy put a lot of pressure on her from the moment he came in.

If there is a fight, she is not sure if she can win.

What's worse is that there are still several other powerful auras left on that dog-like guy.

This means that her chances of winning will be infinitely reduced.

You may not be able to win if you fight one by one, let alone a few more.

"It's really bad luck!" Moxi cursed secretly, and then she was going to find her beautiful sister to comfort herself.

She didn't want to get involved in such a troublesome matter.

Because in her opinion, whether it is human beings or curse spirits, it is none of her business.

She just wants to live the life she likes, free and happy.

It has to be said that this kind of thinking is different even among the curse spirits.

On the other side, the gentleman man joined the other two companions after leaving the red building.

"It seems that Mr. En's 'eloquence' has regressed, and he failed to persuade the other party to join us." The sewing man looked behind the gentleman man, and said directly what was in his heart.

I have no idea how embarrassing my words are.

But Mr. Enemy was not angry, instead he smiled, "As expected, after all, the companions who can be spotted by me are very... well, tempered."

"give up?"

The guy who hid his whole body in the black robe, with an exquisite hourglass hanging on his waist, slowly spit out two words.

"No, I have never given up these two words in my dictionary, unless the other party has already made me uninterested."

"Oh? Then what are you going to do?" the sewing man asked curiously.

"Really, are you interested in making a few more toys?"

The gentleman's eyes stayed on the group of gangsters led by Moxigan outside the red building, and his smile was extremely vicious.

After a while, three ugly monsters caused the crowd to riot and scream!

Although it didn't take long for these monsters to collapse and die, the impact was great.

Just like when you see the first cockroach in your home, it means that many cockroaches have started living in your home.

Who can guarantee that the few monsters that died are all there?

What if you are just looking for fun, and a few monsters appear, let alone disturb your interest, the most important thing is whether you are still alive.

If it gets out, the business here will be impossible.

In desperation, the forces behind the Red House tried their best to appease the masses, and at the same time quietly released a confidential mission in the underground gold exchange.

In fact, not only the guests are afraid, but they are also afraid!

So it's better to invite someone to investigate carefully. If there is no one, everyone will be happy, the business will continue, and the dance will continue.

If there are any, don't be afraid, kill them all, and then use this to spread the word to prove that the safety here is guaranteed, and it will not be the same as making money by then.

Only the twelfth courtesan, Moxie, looked very ugly, because three of her subordinates were missing, and among them was Mohigan who was loyal to her.

. . . . . . .

A few days later.

Although nothing happened on Oiran Street, the business here was inevitably affected.

It's deserted during the day, and only at night is it more or less popular, but it's not as lively as before.

"Senior Shinji, did we come to the wrong place? It seems that this place is not as fun and lively as we heard?" Ah Fei couldn't hide his disappointment.

"I don't know either, let's ask about the situation first."

Shinji was also somewhat disappointed.

Nation of Fire number one?

Oiran Street?

That's it?

If it weren't for the amount of money he gave, he would really be leaving.

As for the remaining two, they are sexually indifferent, almost uninterested in women.

Sasuke was better, after all, he was young, occasionally he would blush slightly when he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

Fei Duan simply looked at this group of women from "poor families" with the eyes of looking at pork.

In his eyes, there are probably only two types of people.

One is worth offering sacrifices to Lord Evil God, and the other is not worth it.

Obviously, these weak chicken women with well-developed chest muscles are not worthy of offering sacrifices to Lord Evil God.

(Lord Cthulhu: Uh, isn’t it a bit sloppy. Why don’t you think about it again? Ask me? What if I don’t hate it)

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