Shinji soon met the boss of the Red House, and learned from him what happened and what they were going to do.

And it wasn't just them who received this task, there were several other groups of people.

After all, the rewards are high, and it seems that the task is not difficult.

On the contrary, Shinji doesn't want to waste time here anymore.

However, he reported the thought of coming, so he still got a corpse from A Fei, and then fed it to [Greedy Eyeball].

[Greedy Eyeballs] Immediately start scanning the surrounding...

"Huh? There really are."

Shinji was somewhat surprised, and then turned his attention to the eye-catching red building.

"Is there only one?"

After locking the opponent's position, he didn't rush to make a move, but started walking around.

He definitely wasn't taking the opportunity to visit Flower Street, he just wanted to be more rigorous and see if there were any fish that slipped through the net in other places.

Unexpectedly, if you accidentally stroll around, it will be one night.

At the same time, Itachi and Kisame also came to Yanliu Village.

After confirming the task, both of them looked suspicious. They didn't quite understand why the leader had to ask the two of them to take such a 'simple' task.

"You don't need to think too much, you will know when the mission is over."

Guixie chuckled, "So how are you going to find out those guys who are hiding?"

"If there is really a curse spirit hidden here, I will check there first."

Itachi looked up at the red building.

Kisame was a little puzzled, "Could it be that you have already found the clues?"

"No, it's just the most conspicuous there."


Seeing Kisame's expression of 'you're kidding me', Itachi had no choice but to continue to explain: "Since there are no frequent disappearances here, it means that the previous methods are no longer available. And this village is the most famous The most important thing is this Oiran Street, and this red building is the most important. More importantly, the place where the three monsters appeared was outside the red building."

"What kind of reason is that?"

"The reason is that I chose it at random."

Kisame glanced at Itachi, and thought, "If you weren't Uchiha Itachi, I would have drawn my sword and shot you just now!"

"I guess the one with the problem must be the number one oiran!"

Kisame seemed to be very confident, causing Itachi to be taken aback.


"Does it need to be said, the first oiran has been avoiding people, and all the guests who have paid a lot of money to go to the top floor have basically lost their families within a few months, so there must be something wrong."

"The analysis is pretty good, don't share it next time."


"It's nothing, I mean do what you want."

"Okay, let's look at mine this time!"

Kisame seemed to be full of confidence, and then was kicked out.

Because if you want to go to the top floor to meet the first oiran, you have to spend money to bid, and only if you win can you have a chance to see the real face.

What did you say?

To carry out the task?

Sorry, it's useless even if the fire country daimyo comes, you have to follow the rules.

The angry ghost almost used the big shark's bombardment technique to blow up this shit red building on the spot!

And they weren't the first to want to go up there.

Some people wanted to go up in the name of a mission before, and they wanted to go whoring for nothing, so they were beaten up and thrown out.

It's useless to find the person who issued the task, even this little thing can't be done, and you still want to find the curse spirit that may be hidden?

Gu Xiao

This is actually a test.

In normal times, Guixier really wouldn't be polite to these trash, just barge in and it's over.

However, the leader had specifically told them to take this task seriously, and it was best not to mess around.

So Kisame endured it, and prepared to sneak in with water for a while to check the situation.

But at this moment, Itachi suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed on a certain direction.

In other words, he was staring at a brat who shouldn't be here!

Under the kind invitation of the proprietress of the shop, Shinji and the others are going to go in to see the world.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Shinji just nodded and agreed out of sympathy when he saw that the proprietress seemed to be living too hard.

It's definitely not because the parents are good-looking and have a hot body.

This point, there is Ah Fei who can testify!

Ah Fei: "I testify, I testify that Senior Shen Si is definitely not such a superficial person. Now it's all right, Senior Shen Si, you can take the knife down, it's really tiring to hold it."

Sasuke suddenly seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and suddenly turned around to look left and right.

But nothing was found, and finally had to give up.

"What's wrong, Itachi?"

Seeing Itachi hiding in the shadows for an instant, Kisame also found a place to hide, and asked him what he was doing by the way.

Itachi ignored Kisame, and when Sasuke finally went in, he came out again.

"I will leave all the tasks to you this time. I have something to do and I need to leave temporarily."


It was the first time Kisame saw Itachi's indescribably serious expression.

Then itachi just turned into a flock of crows and disappeared.

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, it must have something to do with that brat. Brat... brat..."

Kisame remembered that Itachi did seem to have said that he had a younger brother.

Could it be such a coincidence?

Gradually, the night became heavier and heavier, and the guests who came to have fun basically began to rest.

Itachi silently sneaked into the room where Sasuke was.

For Itachi, the task can be ignored, but Sasuke cannot ignore it.

He came to Sasuke, first because of longing, second, to see if the village has fulfilled its promise and helped him take good care of Sasuke, and third, to examine Sasuke's current strength, and then continue to stimulate Sasuke , Let Sasuke upgrade Sharingan in this extreme emotion, so as to grow up as soon as possible.

Then come to him and kill him!

Itachi quietly watched Sasuke who was lying flat and sleeping, and for a moment he couldn't bear to wake up his brother.

"Sasuke must have been tired all day... why don't we arrange a coincidence tomorrow."

Itachi sighed, and was about to leave reluctantly.

But because he was a little absent-minded, he accidentally touched a transparent silk thread around him.

Sasuke was awakened instantly!

He turned over and got up from the ground, then looked vigilantly towards the window.

After such a period of exercising in the wild, Sasuke has already learned what it means not to relax his vigilance at all times, so he must do this when he sleeps so as not to be beaten half to death in the middle of the night...

However, although his movements were fast enough, there was a person who was even faster than him.



A slightly pale but powerful left hand grabbed Sasuke's neck before Sasuke could react, and then smashed him against the wall.

Then, the next moment, the four eyes met.

After Sasuke saw the other person's appearance, he was shocked for a moment and suspected that he was still in a dream!

Otherwise, why is this man here? !

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