The battle is finally over.

There was a mess all around, telling how terrible the previous battle was.

Thanks to the fact that there are few people around here, even if there were people, they would have already run away, so there were no casualties.

However, the surrounding buildings were actually destroyed a lot.

After Shinji got the money from Tsunade, he took people away refreshed.

Beating Tsunade violently is still the second thing, the main thing is to see the pain in the flesh when Tsunade pays out the money, which is really cool!

So he was unambiguous, and donated all the money he snatched from Tsunade, plus the property he got from opening the [Mist of Wealth Bead] these days to the Daming Mansion.

At first, the people in the Daming Mansion thought he was looking for trouble, but when they heard his reason for coming, they were all dumbfounded.

Apart from their own ninja village these days, where ninjas will compensate those affected by the war after the war?

not a single one!

And Shinji did this just for peace of mind, after all the owners of these buildings didn't offend him.

After confirming that the property was enough to rebuild the buildings damaged in the battle, Shinji took people out of the Daming Mansion.

They left the Daming Mansion on their front feet, and Tsunade led someone back to find them.

But this time she didn't come to steal money, but to give money.

She was responsible for half of the residential buildings that were destroyed before, and even more than half of them were destroyed by her.

Even a heartless bastard like Shinji felt a little sorry, let alone Tsunade.

Money can be avoided, but it cannot be ignored.

So she returned all the remaining money to the people of Daming Mansion, and asked them to use it to rebuild the houses that were destroyed just now.

This incident also alarmed Toki, who had regained her original identity.

And when she learned the cause and effect of the whole thing, she couldn't laugh or cry.

Toki finally took the money.

By the way, it seems like a slip of the tongue, leaking everything about the previous conversation with Shinji and others.

Only then did Tsunade know what big things that bastard had done.

I thought I was good enough, but I didn't expect the other party to do better than her.

And there is no shortage of her money at all!

After realizing this, Tsunade immediately regretted it, and wanted to get the money back.

But she can't do such a shameful thing without trust.

So when he walked out of the gate of the Daming Mansion, the corners of Tsunade's eyes were moist.

Three words, distressed!

"It's over, and it's time to start eating dirt again."

Jing Yin followed and walked out with a blank face, already having the idea of ​​completely screwing up.

Even Sakura and Ziyuan lost their usual smiles.

No one likes to eat and sleep in the open.

Of course, they are ninjas and adjust quickly.

Then Tsunade came up with another bad idea. With the little money she had left, she walked into... the casino in a tragic and tragic way.

An hour later, Tsunade walked out again with a thick stack of IOUs in his hand.

Sakura couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes.

But when Tsunade walked over, he threw out a purse to her, "Let's go, go back."

Sakura opened it and was shocked.

"This is..."

"Oh, that's all that's left, and the rest is lost. But I think there should be enough for us to eat and drink along the way."

Tsunade acted very indifferent.

This scene should have been very warm and touching.

But before he took two steps, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

"Where's that woman with big breasts? Don't let her get away!"

"Damn it, you dare to play tricks on me, I will never forgive you!"

"Boss, that woman is over there!"

"Then why are you still standing there, catch me!"

Ever since, a group of people rushed towards Tsunade and the others shouting Yaya, with fierce expressions on their faces, as if Tsunade owed them money.

Uh... Tsunade does owe them a lot of money, and the thick stack of IOUs in his hand is proof.

Apparently Tsunade is back at his old job.

This casino was severely pitted once.

Then take a chance and slip away.

Sakura was still in a daze, Shizune hurriedly grabbed her and Ziyuan and ran wildly with each other.

Looking again, Tsunade was almost gone.

At this speed, even if Lei Ying came, he would give a thumbs up.

"What are we... running for?"

"How do you think Tsunade-sama got the little money in your hand! If you don't run away, are you waiting to be sold for mining?!"


Sure enough, I recognized a fake teacher, right?

Sakura looked hopeless, and floated up like a kite, and was grabbed by Jing Yin's arm, which shows how fast she is at this time.

In the end, the people in the casino failed to catch them, so they had to go back extremely unwillingly.

. . . . . .

At the same time, Shanhu followed a purple-black bird to the vicinity of the Bird Country.

This special bird was what he could use to find Miko Ziyuan when he returned to the underground palace to find the woman of 'Death'.

Why does 'Death' know so much sealed information about monsters?

She had been in contact with Ziyuan in secret long ago, but Ziyuan didn't know it.

Plus she didn't kill anyone, so Shion's precognition didn't work either.

So when Shanhu came back to ask her for an explanation, she was not surprised, but took out the ghost bird that she had prepared a long time ago and handed it to Shanhu.

A lock of hair containing the aura of the witch Ziyuan is stuffed into the body of this ghost bird, and it can find the position of the other party regardless of life, old age, sickness or death in the ends of the world.

At that time, although Shanhu was very upset about why the other party had such a good thing, he didn't get it back sooner.

But when he took one more step forward at the border, his complexion changed instantly, and he retreated quickly.

In less than a second, he felt that part of his life had been cut off. If converted into life span, it would be about 3 to 5 years.

This is too scary!

If this woman really needs to harvest human souls, she only needs to go to any country and walk around with a halo of death.

It's almost impossible for anyone to survive.

It wasn't until this moment that Shanhu really understood why Mr. Di was so afraid of him.

Before finding a way to crack it, it seems that there is only one way to deal with this guy by staying far away and using long-range attacks.

But it is obvious that the other party cannot have only this ability.

So Shanhu didn't say anything, and left directly, and didn't want to come back here in this life.

Then he followed the ghost bird all the way to here.

Looking at the human kingdom ahead, Shanhu put on the hood on his head and walked forward quickly.

At this time, Tsunade and others had already left the country of birds from another direction.

But they didn't know that the uninvited guest had chased after them.


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