The speed at which Tsunade leads the people on the road is not fast, but it is not slow either.

It took less than a day to enter the Land of Rain, and as long as you pass through the Land of Rain, you can directly enter the Land of Fire.

In addition, that demigod Hanzo hadn't shown up for a long time, so Tsunade finally decided to go this way.

There is no way, the matter of Nagato killing Hanzo is an absolute secret, and few people know it at all.

Most people outside thought that Hanzo was still alive, just hiding behind the scenes.

After all, they never imagined that Hanzo, who had the title of 'Demigod', would be killed so easily without even making a big fuss.

And the first time Tsunade led people into the Land of Rain, Nagato discovered them through the Utora Free Art.

"Xiao Nan, some guests have arrived. The purpose is unknown. Go and entertain them for me. If you are sure that the target is for us, you must not let them leave alive."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Xiaonan was very reassuring in her work, Nagato just told her the location of the few people he locked, and then began to close her eyes to recharge her energy.

Xiao Nan's speed is not slow, but when she rushed over, she felt that the scene in front of her was very strange.

Because Tsunade and the others just found a tavern, they were happily eating appetizers and drinking wine, and they had no intention of hiding their whereabouts at all.

What kind of trick is this?

Xiaonan couldn't handle it all at once.

Although many years have passed, Konan still recognizes Tsunade.

It's not because the impression is too deep, but because the intelligence organized by Akatsuki will be collected in her hands in the end.

Therefore, she can almost memorize the information of the important people in the major ninja villages, including Konoha Princess Tsunade Hime.

She hesitated again and again, instead of showing her body directly to test it out, she hid in secret to monitor.

It's not too late to make a move after confirming what tricks the other party is playing.

Then she was outside in the rain for two hours...

"Huh~~~ Ha! Refreshing! Sure enough, shochu goes better with rainy days."

Tsunade's face was tinged red, and he breathed out a mouthful of alcohol, then shook the bottle in his hand, and found that there was indeed not even a drop in it, so he reluctantly put it down.

"Master Tsunade, I can't drink any more."

Shizune persuaded Tsunade as usual.

And Tsunade tried his best to get Shizune to agree to drink another bottle.

There is no way, all the money knocked this time is in Jing Yin's hands.

Of course, if she had to drink, she also had a solution. At worst, she ran away and threw all the disciples down to wash the dishes.

Although I don't pay much attention to it, as a disciple, shouldn't I share the burden for the teacher?

One more thing, Tsunade is not really an alcoholic.

For some reason, the first time she stepped into this country, she felt that someone was secretly watching them, and that feeling lingered like a gangrene.

It wasn't until she walked into this tavern that she didn't feel this way anymore.

So she realized that there might be a problem with the rainwater.

But after she asked casually, the shop owner said that it rains here all the year round, and nine out of ten rains are common occurrences.

Tsunade had heard about this before.

If there is a problem with the heavy rain covering the whole country, how terrible are the people behind it?

Tsunade shook, and began to doubt his previous guess.

For a country where it rains almost every day, maybe she thinks too much.

But just to be on the safe side, she stayed for a while longer, wanting to see the situation.

If there is really a problem, this period of time is enough time for trouble to come to the door.

But nothing happened.

"It seems that I am really too sensitive."

Tsunade put down the empty wine bottle and decided to leave first.

Just when Jing Yin went to settle the accounts with relief, she suddenly heard the guest at the next table mention a noun...God?

"Could it be that Hanzo is no longer satisfied with the title of demigod, but has he started calling himself a god?"

Tsunade shook his head, thinking that the other party was probably seriously ill.

Could it be that after he died, he was still prepared to be confessed?

It doesn't matter if it's a demigod or a god, as long as it doesn't bother her.

After finishing the accounts, Tsunade led the people away.

It's just that the faint feeling of being watched by others appeared again.

Tsunade stretched out a hand to catch the rainwater, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Is there still a problem with the rain?"

"Forget it, if you come, you will be safe. As long as you don't come to trouble me."

They found a hotel, and they stayed there directly, waiting for a night's rest before continuing their journey.

And Xiaonan, who had been with them secretly for a day, felt strange and went back to tell Nagato about it.

Nagato pondered for a while, "The other party may have sensed something, so he deliberately did this to numb you. Of course, it may also be that the whole thing was an accident, and the other party happened to pass by here."

"I also think there are only two possibilities. But it shouldn't be aimed at us, otherwise there shouldn't be a little girl around me."

Xiaonan's point of view is very logical. Knowing that this kind of infiltration mission is very dangerous, it is impossible for someone to bring a few oil bottles with him.

Not even the most arrogant person would do that.

But Tsunade brought Shiute with him, Sakura and Shion...

Almost all of them can't provide much help in the battle.

Nagato nodded, agreeing with Xiaonan's point of view, "However, you can't be careless. Before the other party leaves the Kingdom of Rain, we still have to monitor their every move."


Nagato does not want to reveal the location of the base camp to the people of the five major countries.

At present, the tail beast capture plan is in progress, such as two tails, five tails and four tails have all been captured and sealed.

The two-tailed jinchuriki were captured by Kakutsu and Muramasa, the five-tailed jinchuriki were captured by Deidara and Scorpion, who had already failed once, and the four-tailed jinchuriki was completed by Nagato controlling Payne Rokudo himself. arrest.

Among the remaining tail beasts, Sanwei failed to capture and was suspected to be taken away by Akagi Shinji.

Nine-Tails Jinchuriki failed to capture him, Kisame was seriously injured, and Itachi was almost blind for a time.

There is no way to perform the task for the time being.

In this case, it would be more beneficial for the Akatsuki organization to hide in the dark.

So Nagato would rather let Tsunade go, and he doesn't want his important plan to change suddenly because of an insignificant person.

Konan naturally understood what Nagato meant, so he immediately made arrangements.

And she herself is also preparing to remotely monitor the movements of Tsunade and the others 24 hours a day, so as not to make mistakes and ruin major events.

Of course Tsunade didn't know that she had attracted so much attention, so he fell asleep until dawn.

Then Shanhu, who was wearing a black cloak and a bamboo hat, followed Mingniao to the Kingdom of Rain.

"I hate this weather!"

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