The bell owned by Shion is a relic left to her by her mother, Maitreya, the previous generation of witches, and she has been carrying it with her all these years.

What Ziyuan didn't know was that the bell was also a seal.

Her mother sealed half of Shion's power with her own power.

So when the bell is broken, Maitreya's power will burst out instantly, and it will also make Shion regain her original power.

However, there is a surprise here.

That is, the wave of power erupted by Maitreya immediately resonated with the seal of the nearby ancestral hall!

The two powers have the same source, so this power is like a key, which not only unlocks Ziyuan's seal, but also the seal that seals the monster's body.

This change suddenly exceeded everyone's expectations.

A huge purple-black energy beam shot up into the sky in an instant, and the earth began to shatter.

That is the resentment and evil thoughts accumulated in the monster's body over the years!

Then a black coffin covered with spells slowly emerged from the ground.

Then with a bang, the coffin exploded, revealing the body of the monster inside.

It was something like a puddle of mud, nailed to the bottom of the coffin with seven nails.

Now, with the destruction of the ancestral hall and the shattering of the coffin, the seven nails fell to the ground one by one like rootless weeds.

Shinji never imagined that in the end this ghost thing would be released by himself.

It's just that before he could make any moves, someone reacted first.

It is Ziyuan whose strength has skyrocketed!

"seal up!"

After Zi Yuan rushed over to pick up a nail, without even thinking about it, he plunged into the pile of purple-black mud in front of him, and then began to seal.

The special sealing technique unique to the witch began to take effect, nailing the mud to the ground, no matter how much it squirmed, it couldn't get rid of it like before.

Seeing the effect, Ziyuan immediately picked up another nail, and stuck it into the monster's body again with the same trick.

Although the monster has lost its soul, its body still has instincts, just like a dead but not stiff worm.

Now the struggle is even more intense, even wanting to swallow Ziyuan directly.

However, Ziyuan handled it with ease and was extremely calm.

In the blink of an eye, the third nail was re-pierced into the monster's body.

If things go on like this, Ziyuan, who has taken out the sealed power, is fully capable of re-sealing and suppressing the monster's body.

After all, no matter how immortal the monster's body is, it has not given birth to real wisdom.

So it's not that hard to deal with.

But everyone overlooked one thing, that is, why did Shanhu and Mr. Di try to release the monster's body in such a way?

The eye on Shanhu's forehead had already been opened, calmly watching everything around him.

And when Shion was about to drive the fourth nail, his eyes glowed with a purple light, and then fired a ray that connected to the monster's body.

The monster's body stopped moving immediately, allowing Ziyuan to hammer nails on him.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, it was too late by the time Shinji noticed the light in Shanhu's eyes.

The eyes on Shanhu's forehead disappeared completely at some point, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, Mr. En has entered the monster's body with the original soul of the monster.

Because Mr. Enemy had completed the parasitism of the monster's soul long ago, this time the transfer went very smoothly. The monster's body did not have a rejection reaction, but was very 'happy' with his return.

This feeling of being like a fish in water made Mr. Enemy very happy, and he was able to control the monster's body with almost no effort.

"Has no one ever told you how rude it is to stick nails into someone's body?"

A mouth and an eye suddenly appeared on the surface of the mud, which shocked Shion greatly.

But the movement of her hand was not slow, and she was ready to pierce the fifth nail.

As long as all seven spikes are driven into the monster's body, she can re-seal the monster's body.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A gray ray shot out from the monster's eyes immediately, precisely destroying the special spike in Zi Yuan's hand.

And without giving Ziyuan another chance, she cast several annihilation spells in succession, instantly destroying all the equipment.

These things that restrain monsters may not have any effect on him.

With no constraints,

The monster wants to devour the closest Shion like a slime.

As long as he can kill the opponent, no one will be able to seal him.


With the sound of applause, Mister Enemy directly swallowed his loneliness, and Zi Yuan's figure instantly disappeared in place, replaced by a blood-colored crystal.

Red Blood Operation Supernova!

Countless bloody bullets immediately covered the entire body of the monster, and it was riddled with holes.

However, the muddy body endows Mr. Enemy with extremely high plasticity and resilience.

It seemed to be smashed to pieces, but in fact it was reassembled very quickly, and then gradually condensed into Mr. Enemy's original appearance like plasticine.

"Hahahaha, this body is really better than ever, I feel great!"

Mr. Enemy laughed out loud, completely indifferent to Shinji and the others beside him.

Then in the next second, Shinji, who used the Hidden Blow, came behind this guy, raised his knife and dropped it, splitting him in half.

But Mr. Enemy seemed as if he couldn't be beaten to death. His split body turned into two balls of mud, and then flickeringly glued together, forming Mr. Enemy's appearance again.

biququ/ht/50426/"This star really wants to retire"

Shinji was really surprised this time.

Not far away, Ziyuan shouted: "Monsters are immune to all physical damage and most ninjutsu, the only weakness is the seal, let me do it!"

Come to daddy!

Shinji condensed the power of the spell in his throat unbelievingly, "Kneel down! "

The monster who had just turned around immediately fell to its knees, which made Mr. Enemy very upset.

It just so happens that old and new grudges are counted together!

But before he got up from the ground, he was educated again.

"" Divided into 5 pieces"! "

Mr. Enemy's arms and legs all fell off, plus his body was exactly 5 yuan.

But he has no concept of pain at all, instead he feels very uncomfortable!

The most important thing is that such spells, if you meet others, may be the kind of jokes that cannot be realized.

But for Mr. Enemy, this is something that can be easily achieved.

How hard can it be to pinch a piece of plasticine?

Therefore, the consumption and backlash have been reduced to the minimum, allowing Shinji to fully display it.

"'Become a gourd baby'! "

Under Shinji's gaze, Mr. Enemy's height and appearance began to change, and in the end he really turned into a gourd baby.

And it looks like a gourd boy!


There should be a theme song here, sing!

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