Shinji laughed unkindly.

Because he found that it seems that [spell] Tianke is an 'easy to influence' enemy.

Consumption and backlash are surprisingly small!

Mr. Enemy is stupefied, he is now parasitically controlling a complete monster, not only has all the power of the monster, but also can freely use his own spells.

To put it bluntly, the current him is definitely stronger than the original one.

But what just happened?

He was flattened and rounded by the opponent like a piece of plasticine.

Could it be that this bastard in front of him is his nemesis? !

"Go to hell!"

"Annihilation Curse Return to Ruins!"

Immediately, two gray beams of light shot out from the eyes of the 'Little Vajra Gourd', pointing directly at Shinji.

And Shinji stretched out his right hand to make a finger snap gesture, and the violent mantra lingered around his body, as if blessing various special effects, blowing his hair up.

"Virtual form, this!"

An energy wave that can easily cut even space erupted instantly and bombarded with Mr. Enemy's spell.

Generally speaking, Mr. Enemy's annihilation spell can dissolve all things.

But the imaginary quality released by Shinji does not exist at all, and because it does not exist, it will not be melted.

The power of the virtual formula depends only on Shinji's spell power and his understanding of the no-lower-limit technique.


Mr. Enemy's annihilation spell was actually erased in reverse.

Diamond Gourd Di's eyes widened immediately, unwilling to admit what he saw.

Even when Woody used his body to forcibly resist his return to the ruins spell, he was not so surprised.

Because he already knew how Woody was 'cheating'.

But the guy in front of him was one-on-one, using a more powerful attack to counteract his spell, which meant that he was suppressed!

Being suppressed by a human being is unacceptable to him!

The next moment, Mr. Enemy was overwhelmed by the unabated energy wave.

Shinji's incomparable and powerful strength made Shion, who saw him make a serious move for the first time, shocked and stunned.

It doesn't need her to do anything at all!

The monster that almost 'destroyed the world' seemed no match for that man at all.

Even... that man is even scarier.

She had no doubt that the other party would really kill her before, it was a cold and intimidating man.

So does she count as changing the 'future' now?

Thinking of everything that happened in the dream, Zi Yuan was a little uncertain.

However, in reality, everything is not over yet.

Mr. Enemy, who was hit by Shinji's strongest attack so far, did not die.

Even though the monster's body had been destroyed a lot, Mr. Enemy turned into a meat ball lying quietly on the ground at this moment.

But the moment the attack ended, the monster's body began to proliferate spontaneously, twisting and deforming.

For a deformed creature with no vitals, as long as there is still one cell, there is a possibility of resurrection.

Moreover, Mr. Enemy can also use the reversal technique - healing, which further strengthens his survivability.

Shinji didn't just watch the other party come back to life, he immediately performed the virtual formula again without saying a word!

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Shinji's boldness seems to make Mr. Enemy a little anxious, but it seems that Shinji's speed may be faster.

But at this moment, the purple-black meat ball that was constantly twisting and growing suddenly exploded.

Countless raindrops of mud splashed everywhere.

This change stunned Shinji, who was turning on the special effects, and the attack he had just prepared stopped at the final stage.

The enemy blew himself up, where is he going to hit with this apocalypse?

Then he saw that the splattered mud still had a tenacious life, wriggling non-stop, as if wanting to gather together again.

And some of them seemed to have sensed something, and began to squirm towards the living people here.

A stupid toad thought it was some new food, flicked its tongue, and ate a piece of mud into its stomach.

Then a terrible scene happened.

The toad directly fell to the ground in pain, and was swallowed by the mud that had been eaten in its stomach.

"Be careful! Don't touch these ghosts! This is the offspring that the monster splits on its own. Although it is still in its original form, it has the potential to devour life and evolve infinitely."

Zi Yuan shouted loudly, and then used witchcraft to wipe out all the mud that approached.

Although she can't deal with the full body of monsters in the heyday, it is not difficult to just kill these split offspring.

The witchcraft passed down to her by her mother is the greatest nemesis of monsters.

But the rest were in trouble.

Just because Ziyuan can destroy offspring at will doesn't mean that other people can do it too.

Fei Duan used the bloody March scythe to blow away all the mud around him, but he couldn't really hurt these ghost things.

Even the cut mud immediately turned into multiple offspring, only a little smaller.

Using ninjutsu is similar.

Zuo Zhu used Fire Dungeon and Lightning Dungeon successively, but to no avail.

The ninjutsu defense of these descendants is extremely high, as if they were specially designed to deal with ninjas.

Seeing this, Shen Si pondered for a while, and then he swung his sniper, and directly blasted the spell prepared in his hand at the ob-obed Shanhu who was hiding not far away!

Shanhu wanted to scold her, even if he didn't...

This is to see him as a bully? !

There is no way to take Mr. Enemy, so use him for surgery?

Shanhu's teeth were about to be crushed, but they didn't come hard.

Because Mr. Enemy was suppressed before and was almost killed again, the scene is still vivid in my memory.

"Lava Spell, Lava Substitute Dive!"

Fortunately, Shanhu had already made preparations, leaving a fake shell in place, while the real body had already dived deeply into the ground.

The terrifying energy wave wiped out all the obstacles on the attack route in an instant, as if someone had wiped out a line horizontally with an eraser in the binary world!

When the Shan Ju, which was only an empty shell on the ground, was wiped away, a cave melted by magma was immediately exposed.

These super magic spirits have really become more and more slippery and difficult to kill.

Shinji smacked his lips twice, but didn't pay much attention.

The real biggest threat is Mr. Enemy who parasitizes on monsters.

Anyone can escape, only he must die!

"Curse Cang!"

Using the technique with no lower limit, Shinji condensed a small black dot and released it into the center of the open space.

Then an incomparably astonishing suction burst out!

If Nagato were here at this moment, he would be stunned.

Because this move [Cang] is very similar to the Earth Explosion Star, but it does not have the destructive power and sealing power of the Earth Explosion Star.

But if you only look at the suction, it seems to be stronger, similar to a small black hole.

And what's more flexible is that the impact of space reduction can only take effect on specified things!

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