According to the original plan, Sasuke should first inquire about the whereabouts of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, and then directly break the necks of these two veterans.

That way, they can evacuate quickly with minimal movement.

But even if Sasuke chose to use Amaterasu to burn Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan to death, no one stood up to stop him.

Since it's revenge, you have to let your emotions out!

Shinji understood it well, so it didn't matter.

He doesn't even mind taking over if Sasuke doesn't.

After all, for such a disgusting old thing, letting them die too simply is cheap for them.

"how do you feel?"

Sasuke looked at the black flames in front of him that were rapidly spreading to the surroundings without saying a word, not only did he not vent his anger after taking revenge, but instead condensed more.

not enough!

Far from enough!

He wants to destroy more!

At this time, Sasuke is like a balloon that is about to explode, and now he only waits for one to detonate.

Shinji frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Now that he promised Itachi, there are still some things to do.

If Sasuke really completely blackened in this way, he will also find a way to stop it.

After all, revenge is a matter of course, but too many innocent people should not be implicated.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't hide what happened here for the time being."

Sasuke didn't extinguish the black inflammation until the bodies of Xiaochun and Mitomenyan were completely burned.

"It doesn't matter, if you find it, you will find it. Let's go, the next person is still waiting."

Sasuke nodded slightly, and left behind Shinji.

. . . . . . . . .

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"


Ji Lai was also slammed into the air, and barely stopped after falling and rolling over a dozen times on the ground.

The former disciple's strength was far beyond his expectation!

He got up from the ground, and suddenly turned his head to look at the Hokage Building.

The top floor there suddenly ignited a big fire, and it was still a strange black flame!

The people inside were also very chaotic. It seemed that someone took the opportunity to sneak into the Hokage Building and destroy it.

But now he has no time to think about other things, he chooses the lesser of two evils.

So he chose to defeat his former disciples and protect Konoha.

"Psychic art!"


Jiraiya also knew that ordinary means could not deal with 'Yahiko' at all, so he was going to amplify his moves.

"Little Ziraiya, what's the matter?" Immortal Zhijian asked in surprise after looking at the surrounding situation.

"There is a powerful enemy attacking Konoha, we have to face it. I hope the two immortals can help me."

Fukasaku and Shima looked at each other and nodded in unison, "Since Zirai also said so, then we two old bones can only use some waste heat."

"Little Naruto is still waiting for me to go back, but forget it, things here are more important."

While speaking, the two immortals jumped directly onto Jiraiya's shoulders.

Jiraiya put his palms together and began to prepare for the sage mode.

"By the way, Naruto's sage mode practice is actually better than Zirai's."

"Little Jiraiya's talent is not bad, but he was always lazy at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't ask us to come out to help every time."

The chat between the two immortals made Zilai very helpless, and somewhat regretted it.

It's not that he has to be lazy, the main reason is that he really can't accept eating bugs

"coming soon!"

Jiraiya suddenly focused his eyes, and then felt a strong suction pulling his body.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Payne Tiandao stretched out a hand and aimed at him.

Then the next second, the raging flames covered all of Tiandao's vision.

. . . . . . .

within the base of the root.

Danzo is listening to the report of his subordinates, and the information about the battles that happened in Konoha is being gathered to him at the fastest speed.

But the strange thing is that root members only wander around in various battlefields, but never intervene.

Even if people from the same village who are dying ask for help, they will leave indifferently, like a machine without emotion.

"It's time to come. Hirizhan, you have tried your best to trap me here and hand over Hokage's position to your disciple. Do you think you can stop me completely by doing this?"

"After today, Jiraiya must die too! And I, Shimura Danzo, will be the hero who saves Konoha! Then I can logically succeed Hokage!"

"Although the Sixth Hokage doesn't sound as good as the Fifth Hokage, it doesn't matter. I won in the end."

Just when Shimura Danzo was YYing.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

He couldn't help but frowned, "Go and see what happened? Could it be that the battlefield has shifted to this area? If so, lure the enemy away, so as not to ruin the event."

"Yes, Danzo-sama!"

The subordinates disappeared immediately.

Danzo thought that this would be all right, but he didn't expect that the movement outside not only did not decrease, but intensified!

Then bang!

Root's base was violently torn open a big hole from the outside!

This is the result of Shinji's control of power, otherwise he will go on in a false manner, and at least half of the people in Gen's base will be killed.

You can do this, but you don't have to.

You have to give Fei Duan a chance to show off, otherwise Gouzi will be disobedient.


"Never allow them to disturb Danzo-sama!"

Fei Duan walked out with a grin on his face.

"Only because you dare to stand in front of Master Fei Duan? I will sacrifice all of you to Lord Evil God!"

"Big words!"

"Let's go together and kill him!"

The root members are all elites, and some of them are blood-stained ninjas.

Fei Duan was hit by a moment of inattention.


Two long knives pierced his heart and kidneys one after the other.

"Heh, it's really just a good mouth."

"Stop talking nonsense, there are still a few guys over there, let's get rid of them quickly."

"Okay, huh?"

The root member standing in front of Fei Duan was about to draw his knife and leave, but found that he couldn't move it?

Looking again, Fei Duan's right hand was tightly gripping the blade, and drops of blood flowed down to the ground.

"It hurts so much you stabbed me, bastard!"


The man looked startled, and immediately wanted to back away, but it was too late, and Fei Duan used the bloody March scythe to dismember him.

On the contrary, the people behind escaped in time.

No wonder!

Fei Duan turned around directly and threw out the weapon in his hand vigorously.

The bloody March sickle immediately turned into a crimson moon and flew out.


The man reacted quickly, blocked Hongyue with a long knife in his hand, and immediately blocked Hongyue behind him, and immediately charged forward instead of retreating.

As a result, when Hongyue flew back, he happened to cut him in half!


The upper body fell directly to the ground, and the long knife in his hand slashed at Fei Duan, but Fei Duan stomped on his head in annoyance.

After being freed from restraint, Fei Duan turned around and rushed into the crowd and began to kill!

I don't know when, the blood of death has already been opened!

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