Faced with an unkillable monster, it is difficult for these members of Root to have any solution.

And even though they have all been severely brainwashed, and have been planted with the seal of eradicating tongue disasters, everyone is under control.

But this doesn't mean that they really gave up their feelings completely, and they are not afraid of death at all.

Even though they look like that most of the time.

On the other hand, Shinji and the others are not idle, this is Gen's base after all, Hidan alone cannot attract all the enemies.

So there are still many root members who took the initiative to meet them.

Shinji was too lazy to waste time on these people, but Sasuke was very interested in these people who came to vent his anger, and immediately started killing.

Xu Zuo, half of his body, suddenly condensed, attacking and defending in one.

Hold two machetes and start slashing wildly!

Root's base suffered huge damage immediately, and none of the surrounding Root members were spared. It's hard to leave a whole body behind.

After all, there is only such a limited space in the base, and there is nowhere to hide.

And these people's temporary counterattack basically couldn't break Susan's defense at all.

What kind of ninja and ninja, as long as you have a pair of amazing eyes, even the Five Kages will kill you!

Don't come out to steal the show if you don't deserve to leave your name.

When Hidan and Sasuke pushed forward all the way, they finally saw the target of the trip—Shimura Danzo known as "Nabe Shadow".

Anyway, regardless of whether you have done it or not, whoever did it, as long as it is a scapegoat that cannot be explained clearly in the plot, you can try to shake Danzo on the head first, and there is at least a half chance that he will not be wronged.

As for the remaining half, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the existence of "Guo Ying" is to take the blame for everyone.

Tokiomi, he was given the nickname Kodanzo.

"It's actually you?"

When Danzang saw the person coming, he was somewhat surprised, because he couldn't figure out that the two sides had always kept things in check, and the other party shouldn't have this reason to trouble him.

Could it be that you want to fish in troubled waters?

But even if they were fishing in troubled waters, they shouldn't come to Gen's base.

It can't be because of the things he did in Wuyin Village, so he is being blamed now, right?

Danzo's eyes flashed a little puzzled, but he was beaten to his lair, and he never thought that this matter could be resolved.

"Akagi Shinji, if the old man remembers correctly, you should be called by this name, and your position is Mizukage consultant. When the old man came back from the country of water, you were the guards. But now you brought someone to call at this time, Presumably there should be Mizukage involved in this incident. After the end, I will definitely ask Kirigakure for a reasonable explanation."

"And now, you all have to stay, and none of you want to leave."

Although Danzo spoke very forcefully, he didn't mean to go first at all. Instead, he sent out the last few people around him.

There are not only "old acquaintances" Shanzhongfeng and Younv Qugen in it, but there are two other people who are very noteworthy.

One of them immediately spread the scroll that sealed something on the ground, and then sealed it and pressed it.

"Ninja Law Super Beast Fake Painting!"

In an instant, several tigers made of ink jumped out of the paper, changed from 2D to 3D, and then rushed out ferociously.

Before it was over, scrolls that had been drawn in advance were spread out one after another, and all kinds of ferocious animals were 'resurrected' and jumped off the paper.

Eagles, snakes, unicorns, birds, dragons, rats, cats and more.

For a moment, people wonder if they have come to an ink painting zoo.

But these beasts in the style of ink and wash look mighty, but in reality they are just that.

Not only is the destructive power unsatisfactory, but the defense is even worse. Basically, as long as it is hit, it will immediately 'reveal its original shape' and turn into a ball of ink.

Sasuke's Susan almost wiped out all the black beasts with just two swipes.

However, the ink on the ground and the ink spilled in the air suddenly turned into a torrent, bypassed Sasuke's Susan, and turned into ropes to bind him.

"Ninja Moliu!"

At the same time, another member of Root also made a move.

And as soon as he made a move, everyone present was surprised!

"Wood escape · thorn killing technique!"

The rattan-like wood quickly restrained Sasuke's Susan, and created multiple wooden pillars around it to lock Sasuke's Susan to prevent escape.

Because they were all aware of Sasuke's threat, they were very afraid of the half-body skeleton.

As for Danzo, he couldn't hide the killing intent in his eyes.

After he captured Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan, he was severely beaten once by the huge energy body condensed by the other party.

If it weren't for leaving a few men behind, it would be a question of whether he could escape unscathed.

Later, he studied for a long time, and after the Uchiha clan was wiped out, he got a lot of information.

That's when he knew what the power was

"Susano! I didn't expect this brat who survived the Uchiha clan to master such a powerful force at such an age. It's a pity that I can't use it!"

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi flashed in Danzo's mind.

He is jealous that the Uchiha clan can always produce that kind of peerless genius, who can achieve strength and achievements that ordinary people can hardly match in a lifetime at just a teenager.

But no matter what kind of genius, before it fully grows, it can be destroyed!

And what is the difference between a destroyed genius and an ordinary person?

No, a destroyed genius is probably not as good as an ordinary person!

And Danzo likes to do this kind of thing the most.

"It's actually Wood Dun?!"

Fei Duan looked at A Fei with some surprise, because he knew that A Fei would also be able to escape.

Ah Fei's expression was also very strange at this moment, but he didn't think it was so incredible.

After all, his Mutun was obtained after transplanting the cells between the columns.

Madara has been studying the cells in Hashirama all this time. It is impossible for Konoha not to study, trying to recreate the glory of Mutun.

It's just that the other party will appear here at Gen, which is somewhat surprising.

Logically speaking, as the owner of the Wood Dune, no matter what his previous status was, he would definitely be valued.

Even if you join, you should join Anbu.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone as Hokage to let him stay under the hands of a person like Danzo.

Then the answer can only be one!

The owner of this wood escape was secretly cultivated by Danzo with Hokage on his back and everyone behind his back, and its purpose is self-evident!

A Fei's eyes flickered suddenly, and he thought of one thing.

Maybe this wood escape ninja can be used to breed more Bai Jue.

Although the effect is definitely not as good as the cells between the columns, the cells between the columns are no longer available, and it is already rare to be able to settle for the second best.

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