It has to be said that the restraint of Mu Dun is not only the Tenke Tailed Beast, Susanoo used to suppress the Uchiha clan also has miraculous effects.

Sasuke was surprised to find that he couldn't control Susan to break free at this moment.

Of course, giving him some time, or being ruthless can also solve the current predicament.

Yes, but not required.

Because here, he was never the strongest one.

Seeing that the "biggest threat" has been temporarily controlled, Yamanakakaze suddenly circled behind and threw a large number of kunai shurikens at Shinji and the others.

If this kind of thing wants to cause damage, it can basically only be in a dream, or go back to the ninja school.

Shen Sidong didn't move, but used the red blood manipulation to control the blood flowing from the [Stomach Bag of the Thirsty Man], and intercepted it accurately!

Soon, a large number of shuriken and kunai fell to the ground.

But what is not easy to notice is that there seem to be some other things mixed in these shurikens and kunai.

Several dolls made of clay were directly crushed, but one of the dolls was just knocked to the ground and not shattered.

It's just that the placement of the puppet is not very good, it is very close to Moxie.

Yamanakakaze frowned slightly, his initial target was Shinji Akagi or Hidan.

But the current situation no longer allowed him to wait any longer.

"Take down this woman, and then take the opportunity to launch an attack!"

Shan Zhongfeng has already made a decision.

Most people don't guard against their own people, and it's a woman.

Even if they found out, it would be very difficult to deal ruthlessly with their companions.

"The art of turning the heart into a puppet curse!"

The wind in the mountains quietly seals

Moxi looked around boredly, and suddenly saw an ugly doll lying on the ground, but she didn't take it seriously.

But at this moment, two rays of light suddenly shot out from the doll's eyes, looking straight at her, which shocked her greatly.


Moxi subconsciously stepped on it and smashed it to pieces.


Seeing Shinji and the others looking over, she still pretended to be nonchalant. After all, it would be too embarrassing to spread the news about being scared by a doll!

On the other side, the props used for the technique were destroyed, and Shan Zhongfeng also looked confused.

"how come?!"

"My ninjutsu should have already hit the target, but why is this woman not affected? In turn, she destroyed my doll?"

Shan Zhongfeng couldn't figure it out.

Logically speaking, at this moment, Moxie's consciousness should be locked into the doll, and then Shan Zhongfeng would take this opportunity to transfer his consciousness into Moxie's body, completing the replacement without anyone noticing.

Then use this woman's body to attack other people.

It was supposed to be foolproof, but I didn't expect to be frustrated at the beginning.

Just when Shan Zhongfeng was puzzled, Moxi seemed to realize something, and stared at him viciously.

"Did you use dolls to scare my old lady just now?"

Probably because he didn't expect such rude words to come from a little girl with blond hair and two ponytails, Shan Zhongfeng was stunned for the first time.

"You think I won't know it's you if you don't admit it! You bastard!"

Moxi cursed angrily, and immediately there were a few tails behind her, and then she jumped over.

Shan Zhongfeng was not surprised but happy when he saw this!

Although I didn't know what caused the failure of the spell just now, but this time the opponent actually threw himself into the trap, so don't blame him.

"The Art of Turning Hearts!"

The moment Moxi rushed over, Shan Zhongfeng successfully completed his ninjutsu without any fuss.

At this moment, he even had some complacency.


"Eh? Why doesn't this woman stop?"

"Wait a minute! No! Why can I still see this woman in my eyes? Shouldn't my consciousness be in the other person's body?"

Shan Zhongfeng suddenly turned pale with fright. Since he mastered the secret technique of the Shanzhong Clan, it was the first time that he missed so completely, and he couldn't even find the reason for the failure.

"Disgusting guy, go to hell!"

Moxi, who rushed over to flatter her horse, directly punched Shan Zhongfeng in the face, the bridge of her nose was instantly shattered, the whole fist was completely sunk into Shan Zhongfeng's face, and then flew out with a whoosh.


Although I don't know what the ugly man was doing while standing there and gesticulating at her just now, but this is already an offense!

Moxi will never forgive such an ugly man!

Shanfeng, who suffered a double blow, passed out immediately, and probably couldn't run away with a severe concussion.

And even if it's done, I probably have to go to Kimchi Country for plastic surgery, after all, the punch just now was not light.

As for the question that he didn't understand until he fell into a coma

it's actually really easy.

Not only is Moxi now not even a human being, she also has no real body. She is now a special pet that relies entirely on Shinji.

It can be said that the remaining consciousness is all he has, how could it be transferred away so easily?

What's more, without the existence of a body, even if Shan Zhongfeng exchanged his consciousness, what's the use?

His consciousness cannot exist in a vacuum.

That's why his ninjutsu failed one after another.

It can only be said that he was too unlucky to choose a target who most directly ignored his secret technique.

Seeing the situation, You Nu took the root and slowly withdrew her hand from a corpse.

When other companions were fighting, he didn't act, not hiding, but preparing for this moment.

He first gathered all the corpses together, and then spread the poisonous insects among them. Then immediately released a special enchantment that can speed up the reproduction of bugs.

As long as there are enough cells, the bugs can reproduce sufficiently, so that the dead cells can produce poisonous gas, and then as long as the poisonous gas explodes, the cells contaminated by the poisonous bugs will spread around.

Anyone infected will die in agony!

Obviously, this is a forbidden technique, and it is a forbidden technique that does not distinguish between enemy and friend!

Danzang seemed to have known that Younv Qugen would use this trick for a long time, and had already led the others away from the secret path at this moment.

Sasuke was also able to break free quickly.

Then at this moment, the oil girl who had already finished her preparations took root and made a seal with both hands.

But at the last moment, he hesitated.

Because Shanfeng was still in a coma, he was given up.

If he detonated the poison gas at this moment, Shan Zhongfeng would surely die.

It was such a hesitation that made him fail to complete Danzo's order.

"Forbidden Art Pot Poison Art!"


At the last moment, Shinji directly used [curse] to explode the head of Younv Qugen.

He has always been merciless to those who want to kill themselves.


The body of Younv Qugen fell directly on the ground, her hands still in the posture of knotting.

And as he died, the poisonous insects in his body also quickly left, trying to find a new host.

But after coming to the outside world, he immediately entered the stage of accelerated death.

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