I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 101 Is the boss usually in this state of mind? (Ten thousand words have been updated, please

After listening to the so-called "general direction" Yang Ruoqian said, everyone in the company was confused.

Even the security guard Zhu Qifeng, who didn't know much about anchors, was stunned for half a second after hearing Yang Ruoqian's outrageous words.

What is a profession that is both liked and disliked?

This is not a general direction at all, is it just a brain teaser? !

Wen Lianji, who was originally extremely excited, carefully studied Yang Ruoqian's words and found that she couldn't understand them at all.

"Sister Weng, do you understand?" In desperation, the agent girl could only turn to Weng Ziqin for help, "I think what the boss said is very profound."

Weng Ziqin shook his head violently: "I don't understand. What about Shao Yiqi, do you understand? Aren't you the person who is said to know the boss's inner thoughts best in the whole company?"

However, Shao Yiqi was different from the dull expressions on other people's faces. He looked quite confident and quite at ease.

"Isn't this simple? Just do a reading comprehension."

Wen Lianji leaned over curiously: "Reading comprehension?"

"Yes, let's analyze the boss's words word for word, starting from the sentence 'Failure is not terrible'." Shao Yiqi looked confident, "The subtext of this sentence is very simple, that is, let us learn from previous successful experiences and not be fooled by a The anchor’s appearance was bewildered.”

Weng Ziqin suddenly realized it and started to analyze it properly: "Then the meaning of 'fear of failure' is to encourage us to boldly recruit some people who don't seem likely to become popular as anchors?"

"That's wrong." Wen Lianji frowned and objected, "How could the boss's words be so simple? In my opinion, the meaning of the word 'failure' is not failure in the traditional sense, but our Kueiguang Company A spiritual failure. If we take the same path, even if we become popular in the end, it will still be a failure."

Slowly, more and more people join the discussion...

"So, what Mr. Yang really means is that he hopes that we will not stick to a certain format or template and be as unconstrained as possible?"

"That should be it." Shao Yiqi nodded and made a final decision, "Very good, then, let's analyze and analyze, which profession is both liked and hated? This question seems strange, but it should still be There is a solution.”

Song Lixin, who is more traditional and conservative, was the first to express his opinion: "Beggars? Sometimes I feel very pitiful when I see beggars, but the decadence of some of them getting something for nothing makes me hate them unconsciously when I see them."

"No, pity doesn't mean you like it. I think it's the intermediary... Sometimes when you are blind, the intermediary is really useful, but sometimes, you hate this damn middleman so much."

"Needing doesn't mean liking. I think it's the people who work in funeral homes... let's be grateful and afraid at the same time."

"But fear and disgust are not the same!"

The office area gradually became lively, and we began to argue every sentence, but for a long time we couldn't reach a conclusion.

Shao Yiqi also frowned in thought.

What kind of profession makes people like and hate them at the same time...


Shao Yiqi suddenly had an idea. He raised his head and stopped the endless wrangling of other colleagues: "I understand! You have all misunderstood Mr. Yang's meaning!"

"Are you enlightened again?" Wen Lianji turned around and looked over.

"Angle, we need to understand Mr. Yang's words from different angles!" Shao Yiqi snapped his fingers, confident, "Mr. Yang means that we should not analyze the problem from a single angle!"

"What do you mean?" Ruan Min'er didn't understand at all.

"What profession is it that we hate when we face it, but if we are asked to do it ourselves, we can't wait to rush into it?" Shao Yiqi prompted.

I hate it when faced with it, but I wish I could do it myself...


"No, after all, there are still a minority of people who want to be teachers."

"I understand, it's the boss, the leader!" Wen Lianji shouted, "The boss means that the subject matter of our next anchor should be closer to the direction of capitalists."

"But Mr. Yang doesn't hate it either..."

Speaking of this, Lu Shuyuan, who had been bullied in a 4S store, immediately couldn't help but interrupt: "Mr. Yang is just an example. You have never worked in other companies. In fact, most bosses are very annoying."

"Then let's look for an anchor to play the role of the company boss as our next anchor? What is the direction of the live broadcast content?"

The eyes of Shao Yiqi, a second-generation rich man, lit up: "How about recording the boss's life? There is an anchor who became famous because of this!"

Someone immediately objected: "No, didn't you say before that Mr. Yang asked us not to follow suit?"

"Then let's play something else, like a small theater where a black-hearted boss is defeated by his clever employees?"

Let the migrant workers who are usually bullied feel relieved?

But this idea was quickly rejected by everyone.

"It's too fake and embarrassing..."

"It just doesn't look good to me."

"What should we do?"

"Don't worry, didn't the boss say the last thing, if you encounter something you don't understand, you can ask Chang Da... the leader?" Shao Yiqi stood up and walked to Chang Zhiqing, who was watching the show.

"What about that, Mr. Chang? Give me some advice?"

Chang Zhiqing, who knew nothing at all, could give any advice. She crossed her arms and said casually: "I suggest you ask the boss directly."

Dare you kick the ball to me?

Then I'll kick you back.

The employees who received the "advice" were once again collectively silent.

Mr. Yang’s advice is to go to Mr. Chang to solve any problem you encounter.

Mr. Chang’s advice is to go to Mr. Yang to solve any problem you encounter.

Are you two playing matryoshka dolls here?

Are the two leaders usually in this state of mind?

Fortunately, after all, Shao Yiqi has a relationship with these two adults as college classmates. If I can't ask in person, I can ask privately on WeChat. It's not a problem, right?

"Yang Ruoqian, we have analyzed the meaning of your sentence, but the direction has not yet been decided. In which direction do you think our live broadcast content should be expanded?"

Yang Ruoqian in the office was watching a movie when he suddenly heard the sound of a message. He could only press the pause button, lower his head and turn on his phone.

Looking at the message sent by Shao Yiqi, Yang Ruoqian couldn't help but smile on his face.

Very good, even I don’t know what I’m talking about, and you’ve already come up with a whole set of understandings.

With such a chaotic working environment, is it still difficult to train an 18th-tier anchor?

Yang Ruoqian had no idea what Shao Yiqi and the group of employees had just discussed.

But you can still issue an order without knowing the content.

Yang Ruoqian casually made up an ambiguous order for Shao Yiqi: "Real."

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