I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 102 You can’t let Mr. Yang make money to pay us wages, right?


Shao Yiqi, who was secretly hiding in the corner to find his boss for off-site support, was confused by the two words on his phone.

However, after waiting for several minutes, Yang Ruoqian didn't send him any more messages.

"Anyway, classmates, if you say a few more words, will you die?" Shao Yiqi couldn't help complaining in a low voice, "Reality, what is reality?"

Not only did getting the "spoiler" from the boss not solve my doubts, but it made me even more confused.

Shao Yiqi put away his cell phone, turned to the office area with a lot of questions, and announced loudly to other colleagues: "I completely understand what the boss wants us to do!"

Weng Ziqin looked over suspiciously: "Is it true or false? You're not just guessing again, right?"

We are all comrades who have experienced being mercilessly rejected by General Manager Yang. Everyone knows how much water they have in their stomach.

"There will be no mistakes this time." Although Shao Yiqi felt guilty, he still held on, "I just boldly contacted the boss and got first-hand tips from him!"

"Mr. Yang gave me a hint? Tell me what it was!"

Everyone was clueless, but suddenly this crucial help came, and everyone became excited.

Shao Yiqi smiled: "Truth, the boss only has one request, and that is truth."

"Real?" Weng Ziqin looked puzzled, "Does it mean that we take pictures of the real daily life in the company?"

There is nothing interesting about daily life in the company.

Everyone works hard at 996 during the day, and when they get home at night, they watch videos or watch work. This sounds too boring.

Although the employee benefits of Kuaiguang Group are very good, because employees are very self-conscious, everyone is still working hard most of the time, and there is nothing new.

Or maybe take pictures of the food in the employee canteen, the company’s heated swimming pool, or the massage room that must be used every day?

Shao Yiqi smiled: "You forgot our previous analysis, the subject matter should be closer to the capitalist side."

"Uh, what do you mean, we directly bring Mr. Yang over to be the anchor and film his daily life?" Weng Ziqin was a little confused, "Isn't this good? Doesn't it mean that we let Mr. Yang go directly to work and then give us Pay wages?”

Let the company boss make money, and then use the money earned as wages to employees...

Then don’t these employees become beggars on their knees?

It would be too embarrassing to tell anyone.

"How is that possible?" Shao Yiqi shook his head. "The boss has a lot to do. He has to deal with so many things every day and manage an entire company. It is unrealistic to recruit him to do live broadcasts."

Although they didn't know it, at this time, Boss Yang, who they said was busy with everything, was frantically fishing in the office, watching TV series and playing games.

Management company?

How can you live with an income of 2,000 yuan a month?

"Then what you mean is that we find someone from outside and let him play the role of the leader of the company?" Weng Ziqin probably understood what Shao Yiqi was thinking.

Shao Yiqi confirmed his colleague's idea: "Yes, we can live broadcast directly in the company, which can help the boss save venue fees, props fees, clothing fees..."

"Yes, you can help Mr. Yang save money!" Wen Lianji of the Moonlight Clan couldn't help but interrupt.

Although Mr. Yang even bought a swimming pool, it was definitely not short of their small money, but no matter what, it was still their little thought.

As an operator, Weng Ziqin is very concerned about issues related to live broadcast content: "Then, let's find an anchor who fits Mr. Yang's image and let him play Mr. Yang? Live broadcast of real life in the company?"

"That's wrong." Shao Yiqi shook his head again, "What Mr. Yang said is true, not our company's truth... because our company's situation is actually inconsistent with most other companies."

Employees who had worked elsewhere, including Song Lixin, Ding Daoyi and Lu Shuyuan, couldn't help but nod.

Compared with other companies, the working environment and atmosphere of Kueiguang Company is really good.

"So, what do you think Mr. Yang means?" Weng Ziqin asked.

"We want to recruit an anchor who fits the image of a 'black-hearted boss' in the minds of most viewers." Shao Yiqi unconsciously thought of his father's stalwart figure, and his thoughts became smoother. "We will also arrange some small scripts to take into account the current situation in the workplace. Come out, shoot, add the appropriate touch-ups, and you’re done!”

Recruit an anchor to play the role of a company leader, and then film some work scripts during the live broadcast...

Does this sound a little too boring and monotonous?

Besides, if you shoot like this, won’t people hate you?

I was bullied by my boss at work, so I managed to secretly watch live broadcasts and videos at work to relax my mind, but then I directly saw another me in the world, which was too frustrating.

And there is no other content to adjust the whole process, just the leader bullying the employees?

Nowadays, whether everyone is watching dramas, movies or novels, there must be at least some content that can make the audience feel happy. No one will be able to read it if it is purely bullied.

Dagong workers naturally take on the role of Dagong workers. When they see the live broadcast content being exploited in various ways, they will definitely just want to leave quickly.

After all, this is the first time to recruit people independently, Weng Ziqin is still a little hesitant: "But I feel that broadcasting this kind of content is a bit unpleasant?"

"Don't worry, since it is the general direction set by the boss, nothing will not work." Unlike his cautious female colleagues, Shao Yiqi has always been bold, "Look at the current anchors in our company, which one was not favored before? ? Now you have to learn to think like a boss."

"Indeed..." Weng Ziqin was convinced.

"Let's quickly make a final plan and let the boss check it!" Shao Yiqi turned to look at his two colleagues.

Wen Lianji immediately opened Word: "I'm going to draw up a criteria for anchor recruitment!"

"Then let me write a general direction for the live broadcast content." Weng Ziqin also cheered up.

In the president's office, Yang Ruoqian was watching a movie on his mobile phone when he suddenly saw two documents sent to him by his agent and operation.

"The efficiency is quite high. Let me see how you understand what I said."

Yang Ruoqian felt a little tired after touching fish all day, so he closed the video app and clicked on two documents.

"In terms of character, um... Well-dressed, pot-bellied, and preferably a little bald. Hiss, this character is not bad. It is an ordinary mid-life crisis. The audience will probably be persuaded to leave after just one glance, right?"

Not bad, not bad. Our employees are really good. It’s good that they created such an ordinary persona for the first time they hired people.

After receiving a surprise, Yang Ruoqian opened the next document with great hope and couldn't wait to browse it.

"The content of the live broadcast is to ask this anchor to play the role of the leader of the company and perform a small theater of squeezing employees?"

Good guy, this live broadcast content will even affect everyone’s work if not to persuade them to quit. It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

So sweet.

Yang Ruoqian picked up his phone and gave his approval to the two employees.

"Very good, just follow this idea."

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