I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 103 Don’t let instinct defeat you

At this time, it was almost time to get off work. The employees who were nervously waiting for Mr. Yang's reply could not help but cheer in the office after seeing the three words "very good".

"Did you see that Mr. Yang said our idea was correct?"

"It actually passed the review in one go. It seems like we are making rapid progress."

"We actually followed Mr. Yang's thinking this time!"

"Don't get too carried away. If Mr. Yang hadn't given us clear direction and guidance, we still wouldn't be able to keep up with his pace. We should take advantage of this opportunity to absorb more experience and strive to be able to complete it completely independently next time."

Mr. Yang often has some extraordinary ideas and operations...

But this time, the employees proved that they can too!

Shao Yiqi nodded with satisfaction, completely forgetting his previous confused state: "Then I'll notify the personnel department and ask them to quickly release the information on recruiting anchors."

With that said, he got up and headed to the personnel office.

Lu Shuyuan, who had just received a promotion and a salary increase, seemed to be very busy. She was typing information quickly into the computer and didn't notice anyone walking in from outside.

"Lu Shuyuan, we are planning to recruit another anchor. Can you help us publish the recruitment information?" Shao Yiqi looked at the time and sounded a little anxious.

It's almost time to get off work. If I don't hurry up and use the last remaining working time to get things done, everything will have to be postponed until tomorrow.

Mr. Yang would really dare to open the door and drive people out of the office if they didn't get off work after midnight...

"Ah?" Lu Shuyuan realized that someone had come in and quickly raised her head, "You, please pass the information to me or put it on my desk. I probably won't be able to finish it today."

Are you so busy just after taking office?

Does the company still need to recruit people?

Even if we take the elite route, with one agent and one operation responsible for four or five anchors, it is actually more than enough.

Shao Yiqi asked curiously: "What are you busy with?"

"The company is recruiting too many people this month... people responsible for maintaining the constant-temperature swimming pool, lifeguards, and coaches. The most important thing is that Mr. Yang also asked to recruit two night shifts because the swimming pool is open 24 hours a day." Lu Shuyuan said quickly while While typing, he said, "Also, Mr. Yang said that he will hire two more operators, agents and publicists. The three of you will probably be promoted to supervisors soon."

"Ah? Are you expanding your recruitment?" Shao Yiqi actually doesn't care much about promotions and salary increases, and he doesn't care much about the swimming pool. He is more concerned about the overall structure of the company now, "There are only four anchors now, plus the plan There are only five people to be recruited, so do you need so many backstage staff to serve you?"

There are three operations, three agents and three promotions each, which means that five anchors have nine backstages to serve...

And Wen Lianji, she had just joined the company a short time ago, and she was promoted even though she, as an agent, probably didn’t quite understand it?

It feels a little bloated.

Lu Shuyuan shook her head: "This is Mr. Yang's decision, and I am only responsible for the implementation. Oh, also, if there are suitable candidates to interview, I have to trouble the three of you to interview together. My professional level may not be enough. .”

When a new person applies for a job, Lu Shuyuan can only judge whether the person is suitable for joining the company in terms of personality or other aspects, but the judgment on business level must be left to professionals.

Although Weng Ziqin is just an entry-level operator who has been in business for a few months, Shao Yiqi is a spur-of-the-moment publicist who relies entirely on unbridled publicity, and Wen Lianji is a heavyweight newcomer with no theoretical knowledge...

But at least the three of them will be more professional than Lu Shuyuan... right?

"Okay." Shao Yiqi could only compromise, "It does look very busy."

When recruiting anchors for the first time, Shao Yiqi, a second-generation rich man, was quite anxious - not because of money, but because he wanted to prove himself in front of his college classmates.

I just showed off in front of my parents, and felt an urge to work hard in front of my classmates.

This is Shao Yiqi's mentality.

Seemingly sensing the anxiety of her colleagues, Lu Shuyuan comforted her: "It doesn't matter. Mr. Yang is so tolerant of a person. Even if you fail this time, he will definitely not deduct your wages. And Mr. Yang himself does not always show up at the beginning of the month." Just recruit anchors, don’t worry.”

Shao Yiqi was still about to say something, but suddenly the alarm clock sounded on the hour.

It's time to get off work.

Lu Shuyuan immediately shut her mouth, closed the computer as quickly as possible, grabbed her things, and rushed out of the office as if she was running away.

While running, he did not forget to remind Shao Yiqi kindly: "Hurry up, if you leave a little later, be careful Mr. Yang will deduct your salary..."

Due to the company's expansion and Yang Ruoqian's secret influence, it took three days for Shao Yiqi to finally get several resumes of job seekers.

The trio in the background were currently in the company's conference room, looking at the information of these people and discussing it.

Looking at nearly 20 resumes, Shao Yiqi had trouble choosing: "How about the three of us select the two candidates we think are the best, and then let them come for interviews, and finally select the best candidates?"

Now Kuaiguang Group has gained a certain degree of popularity and reputation. Not long after the recruitment news was sent out, many people came to apply.

Wen Lianji nodded: "Okay."

"I agree, but we still have to reach a certain degree of consensus before making the selection." Weng Ziqin flipped through the documents in his hand, "When selecting people, should we focus on entertainment or more on reality?"

Shao Yiqi asked: "What do you think?"

Weng Ziqin said: "I think authenticity is important, but the importance should be ranked lower than entertainment. At least I think the anchor we choose cannot be too...'realistic', so that the audience can at least subconsciously feel that this is just a live broadcast, just Video. Just a slight difference may be able to wash away the discomfort of many viewers."

To completely restore the image of an annoying leader is really too discouraging.

"No." Shao Yiqi, who thought he was already proficient in reading comprehension, objected immediately, "The boss's reply only mentioned the word "truth" and nothing else. It shows that in the boss's view, the priority of 'truth' is higher than other words. factors.”

"At least, on the outside, it must be consistent with the 'real'."

"Weng Ziqin, sometimes you need to overcome your instincts in order to truly follow the boss's ideas. Hasn't the plan we submitted been approved by the boss? Why are you starting to doubt yourself again now?"

Shao Yiqi said seriously.

Weng Ziqin was stunned, nodded slowly, and his eyes gradually became firm: "Yes, you are right, I need to overcome my instinct..."

Seeing that everyone had reached a consensus, Wen Lianji slapped the table: "Now, let's start choosing!"

On Friday afternoon, Du Rulin was sitting in the waiting area of ​​the personnel office, nervously waiting for the results of the interview. He held a bottle of mineral water in his hand and took a sip from time to time, trying to relieve his anxiety.

Suddenly, the door next to him was opened, and the person who had gone for the interview not long ago came out with a nervous look on his face.

At the same time, a voice came from inside.

"Okay, your interview has been completed. Please wait outside for a moment. The interview results will be out today."

"Next, Mr. Du Rulin, please come in."

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