Hearing his name called by the personnel officer, Du Rulin took a deep breath, stood up with his head held high, and arranged the formal clothes he had rented at a large price.

Now a lot of rumors about Kuoguang Company have leaked out to the outside world. Although the rumors are different, the two most basic points cannot be changed - high salary and less trouble.

Du Rulin, who knows that his image is very strange, hopes very much that he can get this job.

Before this, he had applied for jobs in countless companies.

However, whether it was the front desk or HR, when they saw his face with Chinese characters, Mediterranean, black-rimmed glasses, and slightly protruding belly, they all subconsciously thought that it was some big customer or a big leader who had never shown up before, and they all said hello. Tea and cigarettes are served.

One HR even regretfully told him that the company had no plans to recruit a general manager when he learned that he was looking for a job.

Who would know that he became like this just because he traveled back and forth and ate too much junk fast food...

And because of his image that was too harsh, he was repeatedly rejected by various companies. He had to continue to travel back and forth, and had to eat more foreign fast food. His image also ran in an uncontrollable direction, and he fell into a trap. A vicious cycle of people becoming extremely speechless.

Du Rulin was about to despair, but two days ago he suddenly saw the recruitment information of Kuangguang Company, and the recruitment requirements were very consistent with his image!

And this company has a pretty good reputation.

A great opportunity came from the sky, and if you miss it, you will probably live forever. Du Rulin did not hesitate at all and immediately chose to apply, even flying all the way from the far north to come overnight.

During the brief moment when Du Rulin was reminiscing and sorting out his clothes, the person who had gone for the interview not long ago found a seat not far or near from him and sat down.

As a competitor, Du Rulin subconsciously looked at this man with his peripheral vision.

He has a good temperament. He wears formal clothes and has a middle-parted hairstyle, which makes him look like a big boss.

But compared to me, it's still a little worse.

Pushing the door and walking into the personnel office, Du Rulin saw four interviewers sitting behind the desk, namely Lu Shuyuan, Shao Yiqi, Weng Ziqin and Wen Lianji.

Du Rulin had gone through many interviews and quickly got into the mood. He bowed politely to the four leaders and handed in his resume.

"Hello leaders, I am Du Rulin. I am very happy to have the opportunity to participate in an interview with your company." He said in a stable and clear voice.

However, when he finished speaking, he only saw the people behind the desk looking at each other and starting to whisper to each other in a low voice. They did not immediately ask him questions.

What's wrong?

What's wrong with you?

Du Rulin, who was originally confident, suddenly became nervous.

But at this time, he could only wait anxiously, unable to do anything.

Lu Shuyuan said quietly: "Hey, as soon as this person walked in, I felt like I was back in the old 4S store when the salesperson was assigned to work overtime by the leader..."

"What's his name, Du Rulin, right?"

Shao Yiqi nodded slightly: "Yes, just looking at his image, I would believe him if you said he could scrape oil out of stones!"

The image of his father once again appeared in his mind, but compared with the Du Rulin in front of him, his father actually seemed so amiable and considerate of his subordinates.

"I feel like it's him. Others feel a little worse." Weng Ziqin also agreed with the other interviewers.

Wen Lianji, the agent who is directly responsible for the anchor himself, is more cautious: "Don't just look at his appearance. What is his character like? Has he done any back-up? Don't create any internal conflicts by then."

Although Wen Lianji had not yet joined the company when Hu Yiqin fell out with the company, no one wanted to have such a difficult-to-serve boss.

"After investigation, he is quite good, but his image...well, many people are afraid that recruiting him will affect the company's image."

"Then it's him?" Shao Yiqi asked.

Wen Lianji nodded: "Just him."

"But it seems like we haven't even asked a question yet..." Weng Ziqin couldn't help but complain, "Are you admitting someone now?"

At any rate, let's just show off. Judging from the way he hesitates to speak, he must be extremely well-prepared and confident to face any tricky questions.

In the end, they were recorded directly without even asking a question...

"This is how our company is, get used to it."

After the four interviewers made their decision, Lu Shuyuan raised her head, showed a slight smile, and said to Du Rulin, who was so nervous that cold sweat began to break out on his forehead: "Mr. Du Rulin, congratulations on successfully passing our interview. We are looking forward to it." Working with you in the days to come.”

Du Rulin, whose legs started to tremble, was stunned.

What the hell?

You didn't even ask a question and just admitted me? !

After all, it is a company with a good reputation and a certain scale. Is it so careless in recruiting people?

Lu Shuyuan picked up the phone on the table and called the front desk: "The interview has been completed. Yes, we can save the other interviewees from waiting. Well, before leaving, give them a bottle of cold drink and reimburse the round trip fare. Be nice."

The two new front desk staff have good business skills, but they still lack some experience and need to be reminded by her senior.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Shuyuan looked up at Du Rulin, who was still unresponsive, took out a labor contract and handed it over, still smiling: "Mr. Du, this is a labor contract. If there is no problem with salary and benefits, after signing, You can start working next Monday.”

"After signing the contract, go to the conference room. Our chairman wants to meet you."

Du Rulin walked out of the personnel office, still in a state of confusion.

With this treatment, he almost thought he would be deceived and sold somewhere.

What is Kuangguang Company trying to do to offer itself such a high salary?

"Let's go to the conference room first and see what kind of person their boss is..."

Pushing open the heavy door of the conference room, Du Rulin saw a well-dressed young man.

Is this the boss?

Du Rulin did not dare to neglect at all, and quickly stepped forward: "Mr. Yang, hello!"

The moment he saw Du Rulin, Yang Ruoqian was sure that this was the talent he was looking for.

Even though Yang Ruoqian has been the boss for more than ten years, the moment he saw this face, he couldn't help but feel inexplicable irritability and anxiety, longing for this person to disappear from his eyes - just like a poor student who suddenly saw this person when he was in school. It was the same when the dean and class teacher passed by.

Just this face can bring negative feedback to the audience... To be able to recruit such an anchor, it seems that his employees are very good.

Reading comprehension is done well.

The contradictory and ambiguous orders I gave to my employees obviously had an effect!

This Du Rulin will never become popular!

Yang Ruoqian was completely relieved.

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