I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 105 Winning a prize? I didn’t say what award I won.

But frequent unexpected successes have made Yang Ruoqian develop the habit of adding more layers of insurance to everything.

It is a traditional company reserved item to deceive new employees into failure.

"You're welcome, take a seat." Yang Ruoqian pointed to a seat at random, "Do you know why you are given such a high salary?"

Facing the big boss directly, Du Rulin felt a little nervous.

So direct, straight to the point? !

The issue of raising wages was raised at the beginning, and high wages were specially emphasized...

Isn't it just to prepare the ground for the high-intensity and difficult work to be arranged next?

Du Rulin knew that the boss was about to beat him up, so he quickly acted like he was listening: "You, you say it."

"A high salary means you don't have too much pressure. If you fail, think about your no-liability guaranteed salary. Do you suddenly feel that failure is not so terrible? Do you have the courage to fail... on the road of exploration? Are you ready to move forward?" Yang Ruoqian encouraged the new employees, "We are an innovative company, and here, failure to innovate is more terrifying than failure. Do you understand?"

"Remember, you would rather fail than not innovate!"

Du Rulin saw that Mr. Yang, who was well-dressed and looked like a hero in the world, actually said such words, and immediately wondered if he was drunk.

Generally speaking... most bosses will ask their employees to use whatever method, whether conservative or innovative, as long as they can make money.

When did innovation become more important than success at an entertainment company?

You are not a scientific and technological enterprise...

Du Rulin nodded: "Okay, boss, then I..."

Yang Ruoqian put away his laptop and handed the employee handbook to Du Rulin: "When you join next Monday, the company will have a dedicated team to tailor live broadcast content for you. If you have any ideas of your own, be sure to tell your agent, everyone Brainstorm ideas, got it?”

After all, new employees have never experienced brainstorming before, so it is easy for them to accidentally come up with an earth-shattering live broadcast content that becomes famous overnight.

So he must be limited to the framework of the three smart people in the background.

Three people become tigers, even if Du Rulin feels something is wrong in his heart, he will definitely obey subconsciously under the deception of Shao Yiqi and the others.

That's the plan!

Du Rulin nodded confusedly.

It’s a good thing to have an expert help create live content. He will definitely not make nonsense and cause confusion to colleagues.

Although Du Rulin looks like a stubborn leader, he is still a worker at heart.

Yang Ruoqian clicked on the employee handbook again and reminded: "This is the employee handbook. You must know and memorize all the regulations above. There are no typos or grammatical errors in the handbook. All the contents are literal. If you feel that the company If there is any problem, please follow the employee code."

What the hell?

Du Rulin, who has been refreshing his outlook since he came to Kuangguang Company, was once again confused. What does an employee handbook mean without typos or grammatical errors?

What does it mean that if there is something wrong with the company, everything should be based on the employee code of conduct?

If it weren't for the fact that the sun was shining brightly in the sky, Du Rulin was also a staunch materialist, and he almost thought he was playing some kind of game with weird rules.

An employee handbook was described by Mr. Yang as if it were a scourge.

Du Rulin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded frequently: "Ah, I will definitely memorize it."

Soon, it was time to get off work, and a big boss with a monthly income of 2,000 yuan went to the house next door to have a meal as usual.

Yang Ruoqian was in a very good mood after taking another general under his command.

The employees are busy with the company's affairs, so he doesn't need to worry about it for the time being...

Now there is only one issue that Yang Ruoqian has to consider - in the company's expansion mission, one of its anchors is required to win a city-level award with a certain gold content.

The quarterly festival of the Shark Platform is in full swing, and the city-level regional competition will be held in a few days. It seems that the system wants to let itself compete in this competition?

Competitions like this only look at revenue and not popularity. The company's capital pool is extremely abundant. If you spend hundreds of thousands, it is easy to win the municipal competition.

But there is a very serious problem - once you win this kind of competition, you can get huge push traffic from the platform, and the winner will even be directly displayed on the homepage.

In this way, won't the number of fans increase again?

Wouldn't that run counter to Yang Ruoqian's goal?

No, you absolutely can’t do that!

Anyway, the system only requires that you win an award in at least a city-level competition, and it doesn't say what competition it is or what award you want to win.

Marathons, fishing competitions... As long as the organizers don't be too wild, they all meet the standards.

You want me to be hooked?


However, there don't seem to be any athletes among the anchors... As for the dance competition, well, it would be no problem for Huang Rushi to participate, but it would be more or less difficult to win the prize.

Wait, other competitions are not allowed, but e-sports competitions are not allowed?

Wouldn't it be enough to let Ruan Min'er just participate in a city-level, somewhat reliable e-sports invitational tournament?

Moreover, this girl never shows her face during live broadcasts. Even if she participates in a competition and wins an award, no one will recognize her. And when the time comes, she will not attract any traffic to the live broadcast account if she wins an award. Kill two birds with one stone!


"Eat seriously! What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed in it." Chang Zhiqing tapped the bowl with her chopsticks in dissatisfaction, pulling Yang Ruoqian out of his fantasy of a better future.

Yang Ruoqian came back to his senses, took a serious bite of food, and then looked up: "I think our company should expand some business."

Chang Zhiqing sneered mercilessly: "What kind of business are you expanding? Your super luxurious swimming pool family package that no one paid for in a week?"

"Don't you think that among our first three anchors, except for Huang Rushi who has opened up a new path, the number of fans of the other two has gradually entered a bottleneck period?" Yang Ruoqian said with a blushing face, "It's time to open up a new game Tao, develop new ways of playing."

It's time to use the "grouping" mechanism provided by the system to dilute the fans of Ruan Min'er and Gao Naiyun.

Yang Ruoqian has no idea how to dilute Gao Naiyun's fans.

But Ruan Miner...

Wouldn't it be diluted by forming a five-person e-sports team for fun?

Huang Rushi's dilution failed, so he can't fail every time.

Ruan Min'er's game level is indeed high, but she is still far behind the top. There is no fear that she will become famous if she does something special.

"Speak directly if you have anything to say." Chang Zhiqing folded her long legs habitually.

"I plan to take Ruan Min'er to participate in a city-level e-sports competition to see if she is interested in this aspect."

(I don’t know how to write e-sports plots, don’t worry)

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