I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 202 Small businessman’s exclamation

Chang Zhiqing understood, turned off her phone, and started speaking for the first time since entering Spark Group.

"Mr. Ma...according to our investigation, your company's wages are deferred for one month, right? This cost must be included and deducted from the purchase price."

As soon as these words came out, Ma Yuan's face suddenly became confused.

Which cutie in the company would tell such a thing to others? Don’t you understand the principle of not making a family scandal public? !

There is really no sense of collective honor at all!

Scolding fiercely in his heart, Ma Yuan couldn't help but look at Chang Zhiqing with strange eyes.

I thought that the beautiful woman next to Mr. Yang was here to make fun of her, but she didn't expect to give him a hard slap when she came up.

Chang Zhiqing was too lazy to care about what others thought, and continued: "Your company's level of music production seven years ago was certainly good, but judging from the current situation, you have completely lost this ability. The songs in the past two years have been It can only be described as disgusting, it cannot find any commercial value, and there is no possibility of IP development, and it will even ruin the company's reputation."

"In other words, your copyrights, after our evaluation, are negative assets."

"Your company's office building is rented, and all the office equipment were configured ten years ago. With all due respect, the price at the time of purchase cannot be used as a reference for asset value assessment. For the specific value, you need to ask the electronic waste We can only draw conclusions after we stop. But the overall amount will not exceed 10,000 yuan.”

"Various equipment for music production has a high value on paper, but it is extremely difficult to sell. It has a price but no market. It also needs a big discount..."

"You owe the bank close to 10 million. If Kuoguang acquires you, he will also inherit this debt of close to 10 million."

"To sum up, the real assets of your company..."

Chang Zhiqing's tone is calm, her speaking speed is neither fast nor slow, and every word can be heard clearly.

But Ma Yuan heard sweat dripping from his forehead.

It's over. I thought Mr. Yang was young, handsome and easy to talk, and he gave me all kinds of face and steps. I thought I could get money and run away now.

It turns out that she is the Smiling Bodhisattva, and the real living King of Hell is that beautiful woman!

What's the use of fooling Mr. Yang? This beautiful woman next to him is of no avail.

As a top student in the same school as Yang Ruoqian, Chang Zhiqing followed the company from abjection to prosperity. She had never seen any scene before, and with so much experience, it would only take a matter of minutes to beat up a private enterprise boss who only knew how to speculate.

At the end of the day, Chang Zhiqing turned on her phone and gave a flat offer: "150,000, we will take all the shares in your company."

One hundred and fifty thousand? !

From the starting price of 1.5 million, it was directly cut to 0? !

Ma Yuan's eyes widened. The price was much lower than he expected.

"Mr. Yang, can you... give me a slightly higher price?"

Cutting a zero is a bit too much.

Chang Zhiqing said expressionlessly: "Mr. Ma, don't forget that your company is still carrying a loan of nearly 10 million. In other words, Kuaiguang Group just cut the purchase price from 11.5 million to 10 million." One thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand, this is also the highest bid we can give.”

"As far as we know, your company's loan is secured by your personal assets. I suggest that you seriously consider our offer."

As Ma Yuan listened, his unwillingness kept spreading, and he always wanted to argue a few words.

But he didn't dare to say anything more.

Because Chang Zhiqing... is right.

As the weaker party, Ma Yuan actually didn't have much choice at all. He could either take away the poor 150,000 and exit the game sadly, or wait for the company to go bankrupt and liquidate and exit the game in embarrassment.

As long as they are not crazy, most people will not choose the latter.

Calm down and think about it, even if the asking price of Kuaiguang Group is 0, Ma Yuan has to hold his nose and agree.

It is better to clean up and leave the house than to take on a lot of debt...

And I really have no reason or confidence to raise the price.

If they just leave, it will really be all over.

After all, he is a speculative businessman. After understanding this truth, Ma Yuan put a smile on his face again: "Okay! No problem! 150,000 is 150,000. Just treat Mr. Yang as a friend. They are all friends. Money doesn't matter." Money is not important!”

Who is your friend...

Yang Ruoqian almost rolled his eyes: "Okay, let's have a pleasant cooperation. Let's set a time to go through the formalities. I won't come in person."

Acquiring a company is a very troublesome matter. It involves the transfer of equity, the transfer of debt, etc., and there are countless contracts to be signed. It is not as simple as paying the money and delivering the goods.

Of course, these matters are left to the company's legal and administrative departments to handle.

Yang Ruoqian would definitely not do it himself.

"Anyway, thank you, Mr. Yang."

Although Ma Yuan finally got a lot less money than he imagined, after more than ten years of hard work, he finally got this 150,000 yuan, which had to be divided proportionally with other shareholders...

But at least it was all in vain, and the whole family was ruined.

Counting the salary earned over the years, I actually made quite a lot of money.

The mess on my hands is gone, the debt is gone, and I have received a small amount of money, which can be regarded as an end to a mess.

Yang Ruoqian stood up, straightened his clothes, and said, "As for the other employees of your company, let them go home first and wait for new work announcements."

"The place where you work is too far from the company headquarters."

"Next Monday, I will send someone to the company to hand over to you. During this period, there should be no personnel changes in any form."

Spark Company is just a small company with about forty people. It is not a big group. The various procedures are not very complicated and can be completed in a week.

Moreover, the work rhythm and working environment of Kuaiguang Group and Spark Company are very different. People may not be able to adapt to the sudden change.

Take a few days off, relax and go back to work, seamlessly connecting to the work rhythm.

Perfect plan.

After Yang Ruoqian finished his instructions, he and Chang Zhiqing left the office.

The two of them were waiting for the elevator at the elevator door, and they joked a few words along the way.

"Why couldn't I see it before? You can still pretend to be a cool female CEO and a beautiful iceberg?"

Anyone who is familiar with Chang Zhiqing knows that she is actually a very cheerful and lively sand sculpture royal sister.

Chang Zhiqing snorted and put her hands on her hips: "Because I think their boss is not very happy."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is deliberately trying to embarrass Ma Yuan.

Just as the two were chatting, there was a sudden commotion behind them.

The Spark Company, which was originally dead silent and numb, with despair in its bones, suddenly became lively for some unknown reason.


"Everyone, stop what you are doing and announce the good news to everyone."

After Ma Yuan notified other shareholders of the successful sale of the company, he came to the office area, clapped his hands, and asked the employees to turn their attention.

Only the directors and a few special employees knew that the company was about to be acquired. After all, no one was sure whether it could be implemented before this.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

But, luckily, everything is completely finalized now.

The employees who were waiting to die raised their heads and looked at Ma Yuan curiously.

It’s already this time, what good news can the company have?

Could it be good news? All computers in the company are on sale at 30% off...

"Yesterday and just now, you should have seen that there are distinguished guests in the company."

"Just five minutes ago, we finalized a deal with them. From now on, I will no longer be your boss."

"The company has now been sold to Kuaiguang Group. It is one of the leading companies in this city. Everyone has a bright future. You can pack your things and go home now, and wait for the new boss to notify you."

"Take a good rest these days and have a good mental outlook when facing the new boss. Okay, that's all. Let's get off work."

After that, Ma Yuan carried the things in his hands, walked downstairs, drove his old Mercedes-Benz S and left in a hurry.

Some surprised employees in the company were left behind.

what's the situation?

A company actually wants to take over...acquire their precarious broken record company? !

What boss can't think so?

"Brother Huang, do you know what's going on?" the bright-minded employee asked immediately.

Huang Wei also serves as the boss's assistant. He might know some important things.

"Don't worry, everyone...Kuiguang Group, doesn't it sound familiar?" After a whole day of heart-beating roller coaster, he seemed to be more relaxed at this time after confirming the acquisition information, "This is one of our most powerful entertainment companies. !”

Kuo Guang... Kuo Guang...

Most people had a look of confusion on their faces.

Although Kuoguang is very strong in terms of strength, it is too new after all and its name is not real. For some people who don't pay much attention to related news, this name is still a bit unfamiliar.

Suddenly, an employee stood up excitedly: "I, I seem to have heard their names!"

"It is said that their boss is a very powerful venture capital investor. He likes to invest in projects that are not expected by others, and every one of them has been successful!"

So powerful?

Many people are skeptical: "Is it true? Is it possible for our company to come back to life?"

Anyway, now that the boss is gone and the leader is away, you can say bad things about the company as you like.

Only then did Huang Wei speak: "It's true... My old boss when I worked in Yue Mansion is now working in Kuei Guang. Brothers, we are really saved this time!"

While everyone was talking, many people had already started searching for various related information about Kuaiguang Group on the Internet.

It turned out that there was really no bragging.

All achievements are real.

"What the hell?! Is this company so awesome?!"

"I'm jealous of this treatment..."

"Can we have this kind of treatment in the future?"

"What are you thinking? That is the headquarters of the Renren Group. Our acquired company has no biological father or mother. As long as it can survive, it will be fine. If you still want the treatment of the headquarters, you first ask yourself if you can be like the headquarters. Make money that way.”

"That's pretty good! Didn't you listen to what Ma Yuan just said? We will most likely change offices."

The office area, which was lifeless three minutes ago, is now boiling with excitement. Everyone's faces are full of excitement, and you and I are discussing every word.

Everyone was prepared to wait for the company to die and find a new home, but what happened was that another village had a bright future?

Kuaguang Group is not listed on the market, but judging from its various investments and businesses, its cash flow is absolutely sufficient. Becoming a part of the group has a bright future!

Of course, as they said, although the treatment of the group's branches and the group headquarters cannot be the same, no matter what, it has a better future than following Ma Yuan.

I just don’t know what the new leadership team is like...

Should we maintain the status quo, or should the group headquarters come parachuted in?

Now the employees of Spark Company are as if they were in a dream. The feeling of life being impermanent is really hard to describe.

Some people have contacted their next employer and waited for an opportunity to change jobs, but now they have become employees of one of the city's leading companies?

But soon someone began to pour cold water: "I think everyone should not be too happy...if we can't make money, we will probably have to be fired, or even the entire department will be disbanded."

"Yes, the people in the group are not stupid, how can they spend money to support us in vain? They must see profits."

"It's hard to get a chance to play in the playoffs. We can't let it go bad again."

"What the hell, are we trying to mess this up? Didn't those leaders just give random orders all day long and force Lao Du and the others to leave? It's fine now, all the capable ones have left."

"Brother Huang, do you know what Lao Du and the others are doing now? He was taken away by Ma Yuanqi at that time. Let's see if we can get them back now?"

"Yes, yes, let's see if we can build up the previous team. In fact, Lao Du is quite reluctant to leave the company... Without a complete team, we can't give the group a satisfactory answer."

Huang Wei nodded when he heard this: "I'll contact you then..."

"Pack your things and go home first. When things are confirmed next week, I will call Lao Du and the others back to discuss the details."

"Indeed, the leadership team is not sure what the situation is. It is better not to open the champagne in advance."

Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing did not return to Kuaiguang Group after leaving Spark Company, but went directly home.

There are currently no affairs in the group that require him to take care of personally, so why not give yourself a half-day vacation.

Soon, it was the weekend.

Yang Ruoqian took out his clothes from the closet and changed them, then asked Chang Zhiqing, who was still lying on the bed, "I'm going out later to have a meal with the crew, can we come together?"

Just yesterday, the filming of "Black Robe Inspection Team" officially ended and entered the post-editing stage.

The closing banquet is scheduled for Saturday.

As one of the big benefactors, Boss Yang was naturally also on the invitation list.

"Go by yourself and let me sleep for a while." Chang Zhiqing pulled the quilt and covered her head, "I'm too tired to move."

"Okay, then you have a good rest." Yang Ruoqian put on his shoes and drove out.

After inspecting various peripheral industries of Kuaiguang Group, Mr. Yang decided not to do anything that would affect his mentality anymore, and planned to wait for others directly at the place where the banquet was held.

Soon, the car arrived at the entrance of Nasha restaurant.

As Chengyu Entertainment's designated dining spot, Yang Ruoqian expressed that his emotions are very stable.

But... just entering the parking lot, Yang Ruoqian instinctively noticed that the restaurant today seemed a little different from the past.

In the past, the restaurant's business was good, but after all, there was not much publicity, and Yang Ruoqian also downplayed his presence intentionally or unintentionally, so it was not considered full of customers.

The reason why it is profitable is entirely due to Chengyu Entertainment's tireless and continuous blood transfusion. It makes more than hundreds of thousands of people after eating it, and it comes often.

But today, he actually drove around for more than ten minutes before he took the opportunity to find an empty seat and parked the car quickly.

"What's going on?" Yang Ruoqian looked puzzled, "Why did so many customers suddenly come to the store?"

Could it be that the store is currently conducting some kind of promotional activities and conducting a wave of publicity?

Or did everyone in the crew drive their own cars, and it just happened to be the weekend dining rush, causing a shortage of parking spaces in the parking lot?

Yang Ruoqian locked the car door suspiciously and walked into the restaurant.

After a quick glance, I saw many familiar people.

Director An Zhou and screenwriter Xu Lenian were sitting by the window, talking to each other about some topic.

The actor who played the role of the Patriot, who was also signed by Kuaiguang Group, was sitting at the same small table drinking with the associate producer.

Of course, Shang Qianyu, who likes to join in the fun and has a playful nature, and her assistant and senior sister took a seat in the front and watched the stage performances and the programs on the big screen with great interest.

As soon as Yang Ruoqian walked into the restaurant, Shang Qianyu spotted him, so he stopped watching the stage performance and waved vigorously.

"Landlord, I've got a good place for you here and now!"

After making sure that there were no suffocating activities in the restaurant, Yang Ruoqian nodded and walked to the seat next to Shang Qianyu to sit down.

"Xiao Shang, how was the filming of the movie? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Yang Ruoqian ordered a glass of fruit beer without alcohol and asked casually.

Although Shang Qianyu's conditions were very good and he was not Mr. Yang's ideal candidate, since he was recruited into the company, he still had to do his best.

Shang Qianyu glanced at the drink in the boss's cup and smiled brightly: "It's not bad. By the way, landlord, you also like to drink this? Me too, what a coincidence."

Yang Ruoqian drank the fruit beer in the cup and curiously asked the doubts in his heart: "There are a lot of cars outside the restaurant. Are there so many people from the crew? And it seems that there are also many people performing on the stage. A lot more?"

Wen Ruoxiu, who ordered a cocktail and some snacks, was a little confused for a moment when she saw the two chatting.

Let’s not talk about why employees and their bosses can talk so casually...

The key is that you two don’t seem to know each other very well, right?

We've only met a few times in total, but I feel like I've been an old friend for more than ten years.

I really don’t know whether I should say that Mr. Yang is too easy-going or that Shang Qianyu is too heartless...

Shang Qianyu was completely unaware of this. He tapped the big screen above the stage with his finger and said, "Landlord, you are so lucky..."

Yang Ruoqian's eyes followed the little girl's finger towards the screen and asked in confusion: "Why am I winning pot again? Why am I always winning pot?"

"Don't ask! Such an exciting moment should be witnessed in person." Shang Qianyu, who was full of a sense of ceremony, gave it up, his beautiful little face was full of seriousness, "Just a little reminder, "The Good Sing of the Motherland". "

"The Voice of the Motherland"...

Among Yang Ruoqian's artists, the only ones related to this variety show are the two resident singers who used to enjoy the highest discounts in restaurants and were later signed to the company.

Called Wei Ling and Zeng Yi.

The plan to acquire the record company also bound the two of them.

The question is, what does this have to do with the sudden increase in customer traffic in your restaurant?

Mr. Yang, who was confused, could only take out his mobile phone: "Well, let me take a look..."

"Hey, hey, it's on, it's on!" Shang Qianyu glanced at the big screen and tugged on Yang Ruoqian's sleeve, "Landlord, look at it!"

When his eyes touched the screen, Wei Ling and Zeng Yi were singing in the center of the stage.

The sound of singing gave people an indescribable strange feeling, a combination of trendy and tacky.

It's supposed to be nondescript, but in the words of two superb singers, it makes people more and more addicted to it.

"I want to meet you again on that vast road/life has been pulled/ebb and flow..."

"There is a distant place with you..."


After just singing these two lines, an instructor pressed the button next to the swivel chair without hesitation.

The chair turned and faced the singer, indicating that the two of them had been recognized by at least one instructor and successfully advanced to the next round!

"Bang! Bang!"

Several other instructors were not to be outdone and took pictures of the lamps symbolizing the promotion places.

Before the song even reached Zeng Yi's rap part, all four instructors had already turned around!

Seeing this, Yang Ruoqian's expression was calm.

As a Jiaqian layman, it is not an accident that his artists were collectively turned around by four mentors.

Of course, judging from the expressions of the instructors, Wei Ling and Zeng Yi's singing is indeed very good and worthy of such a promoted position.

But does this have anything to do with the sudden boom in restaurant business?

As soon as this question came to mind, the answer was ready to come out.

"Fuck...no way!"

On the screen, the two of them had finished singing a whole song.

The singing dispersed, but the applause lasted for a long time.

"Hello four mentors...we are from..."

After briefly understanding the background of the two, the instructors began to comment directly: "This song has a unique style, and the two singing skills are also quite outstanding. The song itself is touching enough, so let us talk about you. A story about two people.”

"To be able to create such a song, you must have had an extraordinary experience."

Wei Ling held the microphone and smiled, facing the large audience calmly and confidently, without showing the slightest nervousness: "The story of the two of us is actually nothing special. It's just those street singers and street singers that make your ears tingle when you hear them. The Singer’s Story.”

"I have traveled through many cities, met many people, and endured many hardships..."

She calmly narrated her story, her voice soft and powerful, just like her singing, infecting the audience.


"I always felt that I had seen enough, until one day, we arrived in Jinhai, and by some strange combination of circumstances, we entered a strange restaurant..."

Shang Qianyu glanced at Yang Ruoqian with his peripheral vision, and said quietly but excitedly: "It's coming, it's coming!"

The little girl has obviously already watched this episode, but she still looks extremely excited at this moment. It is obvious that she will never get tired of the content that follows!

(Have you all forgotten that I still owe 12,000 words, a total of six chapters of additional updates... I will try my best to pay them back this month, and the old rule is that 10,000 words per day counts as one additional update)

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