I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 298 Something scarier than winning a prize

"The winner of the Best Newcomer Award is Abraham Attaha!" The host on the stage paused for a moment, then changed to a more excited voice and announced the winner, "He won the award for his performance in the movie "No Borders" Winning this award for his outstanding performance in "Beast"! Let us congratulate him!"

Yang Ruoqian temporarily put down his phone and clapped along with the people around him.

Although he didn't know the actor and hadn't seen the movie, the atmosphere was set so well that it didn't matter if he applauded.

Shang Qianyu, who was not far away, sighed regretfully: "Ah, I didn't win the Best Newcomer Award. What a pity! But does this increase our probability of winning the Golden Lion Award?"

"It's okay. With the current reputation of "The Wandering Blue Star" and the performance of "Black Robe Inspection Team", you can basically win all the domestic awards." Yang Ruoqian finished applauding and casually comforted the silly boy, " Many people now say that you have the qualifications to prepare for the Queen of Heaven, which is not bad."

Although the success of "Wandering Blue Star" made Yang Ruoqian sad, it still couldn't affect the quarterly loss.

Of course, there are many hidden influences brought about by the success of this movie again, and the most important one is Shang Qianyu.

Now the personal value of this female star is a bit too great...

Shang Qianyu puffed up his proud chest with some pride and shook his head: "Don't worry, boss, I will never forget who took me in. When the contract expires in two years, I will renew it with you! I won't go anywhere else. go!"

There are unspoken rules in the Yuefu Group, and unspoken rules in the Tianyue Group. Because they have no background and are unwilling to compromise, they can only move around.

In the end, he was accepted into the company by the landlord, arranged the best resources, and played the most important role, and he never encountered any unspoken rules!

Even variety shows and advertisements are all done on a voluntary basis. No one asked her to quickly realize her wealth in order to make as much money as possible within the three-year contract period.

It's not impossible to marry someone like this directly, but it's a pity that the boss already has a wife...

"...It's okay. You can choose whatever you think is best for your own development." Yang Ruoqian sighed softly.

If Shang Qianyu took the initiative to renew the contract and did not take the opportunity to raise the terms of the contract, Yang Ruoqian would definitely not be able to refuse the contract.

This will inevitably be judged as negative operation by the system.

Now it seems that Shang Qianyu has regarded himself as a benefactor and has taken over the Kuaiguang Group, and he may not even be able to drive him away...

Yang Ruoqian would definitely not do such things as intentionally hiding something, intentionally making others run away by being disgusting.

"Next, there is the Special Jury Award. The crew that won this award is..."


"Next, the award for best screenplay!"

Hearing that this award was announced, many people in the "Black Robe Inspection Team" crew were heartened.

They didn't win the last Best Newcomer Award, and they didn't win the Special Jury Award. There is a high probability that they will win the Best Screenplay Award!

The host paused for a moment and then announced: "It's "From Aphrodite to Tartufo". Congratulations to the screenwriter Mr. Lorenzo Vegas!"

"Ah...isn't it us?"

The crew was disappointed and apprehensive.

After these smaller awards, there are usually some larger awards.

Judging from their industry experience, it is relatively difficult to obtain these awards.

Could it be that... "Black Robe Inspection Team" really became a special case and was invited to the award ceremony, but did not win the award?

When everyone was anxious, other awards began to be announced one by one.

Best Actor, Best Actress...

It's not "Black Robe Inspection Team" at all.

The crew also expected this - Shang Qianyu's acting skills are very good and he is making rapid progress, but he is still a little immature and needs at least one or two years of growth before he can really reach the top.

"Is it the Best Director Award?"

Many people have set their sights on Anzhou.

As the director of "Black Robe Inspection Team", it is possible for An Zhou to win this award.

However, the host once again let them down.

Another unfamiliar foreign name...

"Ah, no?" Even Shao Yiqi, who had always been calm, couldn't sit still. "The best director is not ours? Is it really possible for us to win the jury award?"

Shang Qianyu retorted somewhat unconvinced: "Who said it couldn't be the biggest award? The gold one sounds much more powerful! Our "Black Robe Inspection Team" was so well shot, with depth and plot. "

It's broken. The silly boy's wings have become stiff and he can talk back to Mr. Shao!

Shao Yiqi rolled his eyes: "It's not that simple. Because of cultural issues, the selection standards for our Chinese-language films are generally higher."

It’s not that Chinese-language films have never won the highest award at the Water City Film Festival. On the contrary, this example is not uncommon and has happened six times.

But from the perspective of subject matter, there is no precedent for a movie with a theme like "Black Robe Inspection Squad" to win an award.

It is very difficult to make an exception.

An Zhou, who was highly anticipated but failed in the end, was very calm. He smiled and comforted the crew: "It doesn't matter, isn't there still a jury award?"

The difficulty of obtaining the Grand Jury Prize is lower than that of the Golden Lion Award, but the number of times Chinese-language films have won the Grand Jury Prize is much lower than that of the Golden Lion Award...

The quality of "Black Robe" is obvious to all. Although it cannot win the Golden Lion, the probability of winning the Silver Lion, the jury's grand prize, is not small.

Soon, all other awards were given out.

Only the two largest projects remain…

Yang Ruoqian saw that the awards were getting fewer and fewer, and the possibility of "Black Robe Inspection Team" winning was getting lower and lower, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

Murphy's Law tells him that when things have the potential to go in a good direction, they will.

"Black Robe" may actually win the award.

"Forget it...anyway, this award is for Tu Yile, and there is no bonus at all. Even if some viewers watch the movie a few more times because we won the award, the profit will be transferred to the next quarter."

Since the award presentation, the atmosphere at the scene has gradually become more lively.

"The following is the jury award that everyone has been waiting for for a long time!" A well-known comedian with white hair but good spirits came up and took over from the original host. "I am very honored to be standing here today. Announcing such an important award.”

He turned his head slightly and looked towards the center of the jury seat.

"Mr. Chairman, may I make an announcement?"

The chairman couldn't help laughing: "You can announce it at any time, Mr. Mark."

"The winner of the Jury Prize is Mr. Charlie Kaufman's "Abnormal", let us congratulate him!"

When the movie's title came out, many people couldn't help but cheer and applaud, but the crew members of "Black Robe" seemed a little reluctant.

Sure enough... hope was still in vain.

But since he didn’t win the award, why did he invite the crew to the scene?

Even though he was as stable as Cheng Fei, he still felt a lot of disappointment in his heart at this time, and subconsciously glanced at Yang Ruoqian not far away.

They bought a private jet, a high-end hotel, and hired so many drivers...but in the end they didn't win any awards. How would Mr. Yang feel at this moment?

However, she only saw Yang Ruoqian clapping calmly, lowering his head to play with his mobile phone, and there was no trace of disappointment on his face.

Not to mention feeling disappointed, he was even chatting with Chang Zhiqing, laughing and joking... Well, he looked a little happy?

As expected of Mr. Yang...

Cheng Fei once again felt admiration in her heart.

The same was true when he was on a private plane - before "The Wandering Blue Star" was released, no matter what the outside world said, it would not have the slightest impact on his mentality.

Only when things are truly settled will he take action.

Don’t waste a second in unnecessary places, and don’t miss the mark at critical moments.

This mentality seems simple, but is actually very, very difficult.

Even if a person knows that being anxious can't change the outcome, who can say that there won't be a little anxiety or expectation before the outcome comes out?


On the stage, after the award-winning director gave a speech, the lively atmosphere finally subsided a little.

But it’s not that the audience is emotionally drained.

Rather, they are brewing stronger emotions.

Next, is the much-anticipated Golden Lion Award, which is also the finale of this Water City Film Festival!

The presenter of the Golden Lion Award is a famous screenwriter who is the screenwriter of many famous movies.

He took the microphone from the veteran comedy film man, glanced at the jury, and said, "Then I will directly announce the winner of the Golden Lion Award."

"Mr. Anzhou, "Black Robe Inspection Team"!"

The music sounded, and the scene erupted into warm applause and cheers that surpassed all previous awards.

In this place, films and crews that can win the Golden Lion Award should receive the greatest respect and the most solemn cheers.

Just as the crew was about to leave the award ceremony in frustration, this substandard pronunciation of "Anzhou" made them all freeze in place.

Even without Yan Jinyu as a translator, they can still understand Chinese and know the English title of their movie.

Shang Qianyu stood up and laughed: "I'll just say it, I'll just say it's the biggest Golden Lion Award! Hahahaha..."

Look, no one believes her except the boss.

But in the end, didn't it prove that Shang Qianyu's judgment was correct?

Sure enough, she was the third smartest person in the room after the boss and the boss’s wife!

Take a photo quickly and send this message to the news feed.

The queen's progress is +1 again.

Seeing that there was no movement from the crew in the audience, the award-giving guest smiled and reminded: "Please come up and give an acceptance speech."

"What the fuck?!" Since no one else present could understand Chinese, Shao Yiqi couldn't help but use the quintessence of Chinese culture, "Is it really the Golden Lion Award?"

Shao Yiqi has never lacked anything since he was a child, and even if he lacks, he can buy it with money...

But no amount of money can buy this thing!

This is the highest award at one of the three major international film festivals!

"Calm down." Cheng Fei also stood up and walked to the end of the team, "Isn't it just a Golden Lion Award?"

"Stop pretending." Shao Yiqi was very close to Yang Ruoqian at this time and was not afraid of Cheng Fei. "I saw you frowning just now."

"...Don't talk nonsense." Cheng Fei glanced at Yang Ruoqian, who was sitting on the chair with no expression, "When will I be able to have the ability of your boss?"

"Let's go, Boss Yang." Shao Yiqi patted Yang Ruoqian's shoulder, "Where are the two handsome guys and beauties making their final appearance?"

Yang Ruoqian was so excited when he was photographed.

He has yet to get over the shock of winning the Golden Lion Award!

Can your first film win the Golden Lion? !

Will he win an Oscar directly next time?

Good guy, Murphy's Law is not going to deceive me. As expected, either nothing will happen, or something big will happen.

Fortunately... Chinese-language films have already won many Golden Lion Awards before. Although they are very valuable, they are not groundbreaking achievements after all.

The impact should only be concentrated on An Zhou and Shang Qianyu... the problem won't be too big.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Ruoqian finally opened his eyes, helped Chang Zhiqing stand up, and followed the crew to the podium.

After standing like a model and taking several sets of photos, An Zhou, as the director, was the first to take the microphone and handed it to Yan Jinyu.

"First of all, I would like to thank the jury for their love for "The Black Robe". I won't say too many polite words, but it is a work that has been devoted to me, the lead actor, and the entire crew."

"Perhaps many people think that it is the director's credit and the leading actor's acting skills that account for most of the factors..."

"Here, I want to share a story with you. This movie was not all smooth sailing."

"In the early stages of the film, our investors spent countless hours doing questionnaires and surveys in the market to research the film market. However, the results were very unsatisfactory, and almost the vast majority of the audience expressed disgust."

"But after careful analysis and re-analysis of the market, Mr. Investor decided to insist on investing in this film and even increased investment."

"If we, the investor, hadn't gone beyond ordinary people's eyes and had not withstood the huge pressure, perhaps this movie would have died suddenly at the beginning."

"Here, I would like to thank our investor Mr. Yang Ruoqian with the greatest respect! Without his persistence despite all resistance, we would not have achieved what we have today."

"At the same time, I would also like to thank the leading actors for their superb acting skills, the distributor for sparing no effort in promoting the movie, and all the viewers who supported the movie. Thank you!"

There was thunderous applause, and even the host and judges were a little curious.

They took the microphone over again, glanced at the people on the podium, and asked with a smile: "Director An, who is Mr. Yang Ruoqian in your mouth?"

"At the end of the team, the one next to her is his wife." An Zhou replied with a smile.

The host glanced at Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing and said with emotion: "A very gentleman man, a very beautiful lady! But I admire their creative spirit even more. Mr. Yang Ruoqian, could you please give an acceptance speech and share your experience What were your thoughts at the time?”

"Why can you make such a brave decision? What beliefs support you?"

After asking, the host handed the microphone to Yang Ruoqian.

Mr. Yang looked blankly at the expectant host and at the breathless audience: "???" (End of chapter)

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