I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 299 Dare to speak out after winning a prize

Why is it my turn to speak?

Killing someone is also heart-wrenching, right?

He is just an investor, not even a member of the crew, and he comes on stage just for fun. Why did he speak without saying a few words?

It’s not even certain that he didn’t prepare a speech. He didn’t even prepare a speech.

But the microphone has been handed to his hand, and Yan Jinyu has walked to his side, ready to translate. Yang Ruoqian is a decent person, so it is impossible to remain completely silent.

Yang Ruoqian coughed lightly and cleared his throat: "First of all, thank you to the crew and the jury..."

"Everyone seems to be curious about my mentality when investing in this movie. In fact, there is a big, big misunderstanding, and it is also a misunderstanding that many people have about me now."

"Many people think that I am very confident in myself and have a very accurate grasp of the market. In fact, this is not the case."

Yang Ruoqian took a deep breath and decided to take advantage of this opportunity to stand on the international award stage to explain his true situation.

Once a misunderstanding begins, it will get deeper and deeper if it is not resolved.

It just so happens that the influence of the three major international film festivals is very strong, so my words will reach more people's ears.

"It's not that I don't believe in market feedback. On the contrary, I actually believe in the market. As a creator, you should avoid arrogant ideas like 'this audience' is not good."

"But sometimes there is a conflict between catering to the market and creating the work you want."

"At that time, I just wanted to make a movie that conformed to my personal values ​​according to my own ideas. As for its commercial nature, I actually didn't consider it."

"Employees who are familiar with me in the company actually know that when making decisions, I prefer things that are more adventurous and novel and have not appeared in the market today."

"For example, if there are two projects in front of me, one can ensure that I earn 10 million, and the other is completely shrouded in a fog. It may earn 10 million, it may only earn 100,000, or it may even earn 100,000. At a loss of 10 million...then my choice must be the latter."

"Actually, I have rejected many projects, many companies, and many celebrities' cooperation invitations... I want to say here that the rejection is not because I am too bad, but because I personally prefer to put my limited resources on some predecessors. In areas that have not yet been explored.”

"To be honest, I didn't expect that "Black Robe Inspection Squad" would have such good box office results and such a good reputation..."

""Black Robe" is an experimental product based on this kind of thinking. Please don't overly mythologize the impact I brought to this film. The crew and actors deserve the greatest credit."

"At the same time, I also welcome anyone with fantastic ideas to contact Kuaiguang Group. I guarantee here that I will never miss any interesting ideas!"

Yang Ruoqian suddenly felt relieved when he said the words he had been holding in his heart in front of so many people at once.

Now that the group is so big, it can easily launch a hit product, scaring many crooked people into taking a detour.

In normal times, even if Yang Ruoqian took the initiative to post and clarify, most people would probably regard these words as the group boss's modesty and Versailles, and no one would take them seriously.

But now, since I can make this statement on the international stage, it will definitely be seen by many people!

Not only can he persuade the powerful factions to retreat, but he can also coax back all the alienated demons and monsters.

While others gave award-winning speeches, Yang Ruoqian gave award-winning speeches!

As Yang Ruoqian expected, after listening to his shocking speech, the audience and the host fell silent.

Just when a smile was about to appear on Yang Ruoqian's face, thunderous applause suddenly broke out from the audience. Even on the podium behind him, several judges stood up and applauded.

Some of them even flushed with excitement.

Yang Ruoqian was confused again.

What's going on with these people? Why do they all suddenly get chicken blood?

"Mr. Yang Ruoqian, our entire jury is very grateful for your speech. Thank you very much." The chairman of the jury stood up from his chair. "You are a truly pure creator, and your spirit will be forever remembered by everyone present. remember!"

Seeing Yang Ruoqian's confused look, translator Yan Jinyu also put down the microphone and laughed softly: "Mr. Yang, the film festival is a non-profit event, and the film selection and awards are not all based on the box office. What you said means to them It’s a great recognition and encouragement.”

"Especially "Black Robe Inspection Team" obviously has a high box office, but you didn't mention it once..."

"That's why they're so excited."

Yang Ruoqian: "..."

Is there a possibility that he didn't mention the box office reason just because he didn't want to expose his own scars?

Everything else is just made up by the judges themselves.


After prolonged applause, the award-winning speech came to an end. As the producer and core figure of the film, Cheng Fei completed the final speech, and the Water City Film Festival finally came to a successful conclusion.

Everyone returned to the hotel excitedly, booked an entire room, and celebrated until midnight.

When the photo was taken, except for Yang Ruoqian who was sitting in the middle with his eyes blank, everyone else, even elderly people like An Zhou, expressed ecstasy.

Even in the next few days, Cheng Fei forcibly took over the heavy responsibility from Yang Ruoqian and spent her own money to treat the entire crew to a luxury cruise ship for two days.

What does it mean to lose both fame and fortune? This is it.

After two days of fun, it’s finally the last day and I’m going back to China tomorrow.

Mr. Yang sat alone on a chair on the spacious balcony and sighed: "Oh, it's finally over... It's better to be at home."

"It just so happens that tomorrow is also the last day of the quarter. Let's see how much we can collect."

After being depressed for so long, I always need some good news to numb my heart.

Thinking about it, Yang Ruoqian clicked on the system panel and pulled down directly to the company's quarterly profit and loss statistics.

[The company's profit and loss this quarter: -120935410.51]

Seeing that the number was negative, Yang Ruoqian was not surprised. He nodded with satisfaction and prepared to go back to his room to sleep.

"Huh? Wait a minute." Just when he was about to close the system panel, "Why did this number become so small?"

Why did the loss plummet from 600 to 700 million to just over 100 million after a few days of absence? !

Damn it?

More than 500 million evaporated out of thin air? !

The company made an extra 500 million out of thin air in the past few days?

Yang Ruoqian immediately started to break out in a cold sweat.

What went wrong? Who can be so brave as to make back the investment in a high-priced movie and the cost of a private jet in a few days?

I can make 500 million out of thin air in the past few days, and it will definitely not be a problem to make more than 100 million in one day tomorrow. The current deficit reserve seems a bit unstable.

Yang Ruoqian clicked on the details, trying to find the culprit.

"The box office revenue of "The Wandering Blue Star"?! What the hell?"

"The box office on the first day exceeded 100 million, and there is no doubt that the box office will exceed 1 billion within a week?!"

"Huh? For a movie like mine that makes demands on "Fortress", the box office in one week exceeded the entire box office of "Black Robe Inspection Team"? Ah, is it true?"

After calculating this, the money earned tomorrow is very likely to exceed 120 million.


This must not be allowed to happen!

At this moment, Chang Zhiqing came over in loose pajamas and bare feet: "Why are you still outside? Go to sleep. I have to catch a flight tomorrow afternoon."

As she spoke, she also rubbed her heavy eyelids, obviously feeling sleepy.

"You go to sleep first, I will deal with some work matters soon." Yang Ruoqian was not in the mood to sleep at this time. He took out his laptop and quickly made up for tomorrow's arrangements on it.

Make sure you can lose money this quarter!

This is the most promising and most expensive quarter. Yang Ruoqian even resorted to the irreproducible trick of purchasing a private jet.

Don't miss this opportunity.

We must find a way to make amends!

the next morning.

Yang Ruoqian, who didn't go to bed until early in the morning, didn't feel sleepy at all. He got up on time at 7:30, brushed his teeth and washed his face in one go.

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?" Chang Zhiqing was awakened by such a big movement and yawned, "I can sleep a little longer on the afternoon flight."

"It's the last day, why don't we take the opportunity to have more fun and buy more." Yang Ruoqian changed into casual clothes and looked very grand, "If you don't buy some local specialties and some souvenirs when you go back, how can you dare to say that you have been to Italy?"

Chang Zhiqing changed her clothes while yawning: "Save some flowers..."

Yang Ruoqian immediately made an excuse: "It's very rare for a person to win such an international film award again in this life, so why not celebrate it properly?"

"During the past two days of celebrations, weren't you the least interested? Why did you suddenly start celebrating again today?" Chang Zhiqing looked over suspiciously, "You don't know how to do things like auntie, right?"

Can this be seen?

A woman's observation ability is keen...

Yang Ruoqian chose to ignore this soul problem directly: "You'd better not wear high heels to go out today. You have to run a lot today."

"Don't mention your high heels to me." Chang Zhiqing put on her sneakers obediently, but she still couldn't help but complain, "As soon as you mentioned it, I thought about the matter that night."

"……Ha ha."

Yang Ruoqian laughed awkwardly. After seeing that his affairs were almost settled, he picked up the phone and called Qi Mu.

After a few busy signals, Qi Mu answered the phone.

"Good morning, Mr. Yang, what do you want?"

Yang Ruoqian looked at the memo that was rushed out overnight and ordered: "This month's salary will be paid one day in advance, that is, today. And all employees will be given an additional 10% bonus on the basis of their respective salaries to celebrate our film winning the international award. .”

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I will notify the finance department later."

Yang Ruoqian continued: "Also, give everyone traveling this time a personal quota of 50,000 euros, allowing them to buy souvenirs or luxury goods at will. Add a few shopping spots to today's itinerary."

As someone who would also receive 50,000 euros, Qi Mu was stunned for a moment: "Ah, okay... Mr. Yang, please send me the arrangements, and I will contact the driver and others."

If Qi Mu was not a secretary, but got along with Yang Ruoqian as a normal friend or colleague, she would definitely refuse the money firmly and urge him to stay calm.

This is really too much, and I can’t let go of my conscience.

Qi Mu had just worked for less than three months and had only received two months' salary. He went on a business trip with his boss and enjoyed the most luxurious trip.

As a result, after the trip, I can still get 50,000 consumption credits?

She had only been working for a short time, but she had already developed a sense of belonging to the Kuaiguang Group. Qi Mu felt sad that her boss wasted the company's money so much.

But now as a secretary, she could only endure her heartache, pretend not to care about anything, and resolutely carry out Yang Ruoqian's orders.

Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, you should also prepare, we will set off on time at nine o'clock!"

At the same time, the news that "Black Robe Inspection Team" won the award quickly spread through the Internet, triggering a lot of discussions.

Even "Shuicheng Film Festival" appeared directly in the scoring section of the Baopu platform, and almost everyone gave it a perfect score of 10.

On other forums, many netizens are also discussing related matters.

"Domestic films win awards again after 9 years!" 》

# The biggest winner is Shang Qianyu #

# The boss of Kuaiguang Group and his wife have incredible looks #

# Yang Ruoqian delivered his acceptance speech #


"I'm just saying this movie can win an award! You can check the updates."

"It's really beautiful and has depth."

"I think your focus is not right. This award is just an honor. It has little impact on a company, but it has a great impact on the lead actor! Especially the lead actor is the lead actor in "The Wandering Blue Star"!"

"Sister Shang really beats the experts."

"If you don't have good acting skills, let's talk about it. How can you be called lying down? Don't try to cheat here."

"Let me make a statement first. I am a long-time fan of Shang Qianyu, but I think everyone should look at this matter rationally. This is her second movie. It's hard to say how she will go forward. Please don't praise her. Her, let her develop well."

"Yeah, I don't want to see her reach her peak when she debuts."

"Don't you think the couple from Kuaiguang Group are also very good-looking? They are no worse than celebrities."

"For a moment, I didn't know whether to envy the boss or the boss's wife..."

"Tsk tsk, this crew is all good-looking at first glance. Whoever is not good-looking and who is embarrassed should be considered good."

"Why don't you upstairs just report Director An Zhou's ID card?"

"Can you please stop being so vulgar and listen carefully to Boss Yang's speech? Did you hear what he said? As long as you are creative and unconstrained, the group is willing to give you a chance!"

"I just have an idea in my mind. I will sort it out and submit it to Kuaiguang Group today. Everyone is waiting for my good news."

"That's almost it... I was being polite to you when I was giving a speech. Do you really take it seriously? Other companies don't need to make money or eat, right?"


(Secretary Qi Mu’s picture is on the Easter egg chapter of the previous chapter. Interested friends can take a look)

ps: Here comes another best-selling selection! Super recommended, cool! Editing is my god and belongs to me. (End of chapter)

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