I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 300 Losing money does not mean losing money

Under Yang Ruoqian's semi-forcible request, everyone was forced to get up at nine o'clock, and with hazy sleepy eyes, they inexplicably began to purchase goods in the store.

Yang Ruoqian looked at the shopping in full swing, and while monitoring the system panel in real time, he called over the secretary who was still a little restless.

"Qi Mu, when will this month's salary be paid?"

Qi Mu was holding a bag of forced luxuries in his hand, and spoke a little slower than before: "Mr. Yang, the finance department is still counting, and it will be distributed in about an hour."

When working in other companies, Qi Mu also saw many people urging the finance or boss to ask for wages.

After all, salary payments in many places are delayed by a month, and in some cases even longer. No one can bear the burden of just working without getting paid.

But like today, it was the first time that she had seen the company's largest boss ask for wages twice in one morning.

"Okay, as soon as possible." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "Don't stand still, buy whatever you like as soon as possible. You will have to spend money at the airport after you put your luggage on the plane."

"Don't worry about not being able to carry it... In this way, you can contact another truck and we'll pretend to leave later."

"After you return to China, you should also contact a higher-end company to deliver everyone's purchases to their door. Don't save money, these things are very expensive, and it will be bad if they are accidentally damaged."

Qi Mu: "Okay, Mr. Yang..."

"Has the negotiation for the so-and-so door project you mentioned been settled? Can I pay for it?"

Qi Mu was slightly embarrassed: "Mr. Yang, I'm really sorry. No matter how efficient we are, it will be difficult for us to reach a deal in such a short period of time... We may still need to follow up."

"Then forget it for now, just buy more things."


The day passed and the tiring shopping was finally over. Everyone except Yang Ruoqian dragged their exhausted bodies onto the plane.

Almost everyone couldn't wait to turn on the massage mode as soon as they reached the chair to relax their muscles and bones.

Even Shao Yiqi, a man with always overflowing energy, didn't make any jokes. He silently walked to the VIP cabin and lay down on the chair without saying a word.

Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing did not stay too much in the front cabin and walked directly into the private room at the rear of the plane.

The room had been tidied up. Chang Zhiqing put her bag down and sat on the bed and breathed a long sigh of relief: "You really worked hard today. The sun has not even set. Everyone is too tired to speak."

"As the old saying goes, everything comes and goes." Yang Ruoqian also changed into loose and comfortable pajamas at the speed of light, "How can it be appropriate if I don't buy something to take away?"

"Okay, okay..." Chang Zhiqing yawned, "You should take a shower first. I'm almost exhausted. Don't call me after dinner."

"It just so happens that I don't have much appetite today."

Yang Ruoqian has to monitor the system panel at all times tonight, and he is also not in the mood to eat.

Whether you will lose money or make money this quarter, it’s tonight!

After the two took a bath, Chang Zhiqing got into bed and fell asleep quickly.

Mr. Yang on the side looked at the time on his phone... Well, there is still half an hour until settlement. As long as we can hold on for this half hour, everything will be fine!

[Current profit and loss: -10200145.67]

"Is there only 10 million left in the deficit?" Yang Ruoqian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Fortunately, wages were paid in advance, and fortunately these people were allowed to spend a wave of revenge!"

Otherwise, there may really be another profit settlement this quarter.

Seeing the time passing by, Mr. Yang was obviously in a comfortable room, lying on a comfortable double bed, but he was being tortured like a prisoner.

Now that he has lost all means and excuses to spend money, he can only watch as his capital pool becomes fuller step by step.

And how much he has gained from his hard work in the past three months depends on today.

The feeling that this stage of doing things one's best has ended and that one has entered the stage of accepting one's destiny is really painful.

[Current profit and loss: -8010049.62]

[Current profit and loss...]

Eight million, five million, three million, one million...

Seeing his deficit getting smaller and smaller, Yang Ruoqian hoped for the first time that time would pass faster and faster.

Now he no longer has the daydream of losing an astronomical sum and achieving financial freedom.

As long as he can lose money, he is satisfied!

Anyway, the system said last time that as long as a loss can be achieved, no matter the amount, a personal consolation subsidy of 300,000 will be awarded, as well as a surprise grand prize.

I can't get much subsidy, but I can barely accept the 300,000 yuan and the surprise grand prize. At least my hard work in the past three months has not been in vain.

If you make a profit...even if you make just one dollar, it can be said to be a heavy loss!

Finally, with Yang Ruoqian's heart pounding, the numbers were finally settled.

[The company's profit and loss status this quarter: -310782.01]

[The company failed to make stable profits this quarter, but the system noticed that the host began to try more creative investments instead of resting on its laurels and no longer eager for quick success...]

[Congratulations to the host for overcoming the good situation. The system will issue a personal loss consolation bonus of 300,000 yuan and an additional surprise prize to the host. I hope the host can maintain his current healthy mentality! 】

[Surprise Grand Prize: The right to host a charity performance (the host can hold any form of charity performance once a month, and all proceeds from the venue can be used for charity and donated to the society)]

[Based on the loss ratio of 1/10, the host will receive a subsidy of 31078.20, which together with the comfort subsidy totals 331078.20]

[Rewards are being distributed...]

Mr. Yang, who originally thought he was exhausted from running around and shopping everywhere, his eyes widened after seeing the rewards from the system.

Charity performance?

Seeing the word charity, Yang Ruoqian didn't feel sleepy at all.

What happened to this system today that it was suddenly so generous?

Are you actually allowed to perform charity performances?

What this means is that Yang Ruoqian has a chance to make a mistake every month in the performance field.

As long as the income from that performance exceeds expectations, Yang Ruoqian can use this authority to turn ordinary performances into charity performances and throw away all the profits!

Although the scope of charity is now limited to performances, and income from movies or selling skins cannot be included, it is enough for Yang Ruoqian.

If we could get this permission earlier, Dragon and Phoenix Legend's concerts wouldn't be so profitable.

"Okay, okay." Yang Ruoqian breathed a sigh of relief, "My three months of busyness have not been in vain. I have made a lot of money this time!"

Soon, the system's settlement panel disappeared, and the optional tasks for the next quarter also popped up.

[Starting from the third quarter of this year]

[Current profit and loss status: 16207802.73]

[The current development of the group is stable, cash flow is abundant, and the host's own mentality is gradually adjusting in the normal direction, so the reward mechanism will be adjusted in the future]

[Whether the host obtains commissions or subsidies, as long as the host obtains more than 500,000 yuan in the quarter, he will receive additional rewards]

[Optional mission for this quarter: Try to enter an entertainment industry that has never been touched before]

[Long-term mission: As an entertainment giant that is about to enter the national market, you should also have an office building of your own]

"In just a short time, I have earned another sixteen million..." Yang Ruoqian looked at this quarter's profit and loss report with lingering fear, "Fortunately, I was quick to think, otherwise I would have missed out on so many rewards..."

"If last quarter was the quarter with the greatest hope, this quarter should be the quarter with the greatest pressure."

Last quarter, Yang Ruoqian spent a lot of money to hit "The Wandering Blue Star" and bought a private jet. Almost from the beginning, he made a loss of 1 billion.

But this quarter is almost exactly the opposite. According to estimates by many experts, the box office of "The Wandering Blue Star" may reach more than 4 billion.

According to the overlord clause signed between Chengyu Media and itself, Kuaiguang Group, as the producer, can get at least 1.5 billion in cash.

Deducting the box office in the past few days, according to the most optimistic estimates, Yang Ruoqian will also face the huge dilemma of earning 1 billion at the beginning.

If you want to say that this quarter is just bad, according to the commission ratio of 1:10,000, Yang Ruoqian can only earn 100,000 in three months. It is a bit useless to say more or less.

The most important thing is that there is no way to get the mysterious reward of the system.

"It just so happens that the long-term mission has been started since version 1.0. Let's just finish it this quarter." Yang Ruoqian thought in his mind, "But if we buy the whole building at once, what will we do with the extra space? ?”

If you forcefully buy a building to fulfill a mission but do not operate it reasonably, it will also be counted as passive operation.

It can be more luxurious, the space utilization can be less efficient, and there can be more entertainment projects that have nothing to do with work, but it must not be bought and displayed.

"I said before when I won the award that anyone is welcome to contact Kuaiguang Group with creative ideas. Even if there are not many people who believe in it, there should be a few who don't believe in evil and come to try it..."

“Let’s refer to their opinions when the time comes.”

While thinking about the future, Yang Ruoqian also sent a message on his mobile phone, showing that the bank card had been received.

Looking at the deposit of more than 4.3 million yuan in his hand, Yang Ruoqian suddenly came to his senses.

Now that he has a little money, why is he still the same unenterprising idea as before, always letting the company make money and taking a pitiful commission?

So petty!

There must be a loss, a big loss.

So what if this quarter has a bad start? With his left hand, Yang Ruoqian can buy a house, and with his right hand, he can also perform charity performances, which is a great weapon to increase the chance of winning.

Isn’t it easy to lose money?

Looking at the balance in his card, Yang Ruoqian was in a happy mood, and the fatigue from shopping before was swept away.

As soon as I feel better, I start to feel hungry.

Mr. Yang glanced at Chang Zhiqing, who was sleeping soundly next to him, gently lifted the quilt, put on his shoes and got ready to ask the flight attendant to prepare some midnight snacks for him.

"Where are you going..."

As soon as she got out of bed, Chang Zhiqing turned over and heard a burst of squeaking.

"Uh, I'm going to get something to eat." Yang Ruoqian was a little confused, "Are you still not asleep?"

Chang Zhiqing did not answer the question and spoke very vaguely: "Oh... okay, you come back early..."

After saying this, she made no more noise, and her breathing was steady, as if she had never woken up.

Well, it turns out I was half asleep and half awake...

Yang Ruoqian scratched his head, carefully opened the door and walked out.

The VIP cabin was completely built according to the configuration of the first-class cabin of a civil aviation aircraft, and Yang Ruoqian could not see the status of Shao Yiqi and Cheng Fei.

But at this time, most people should be asleep.

In order to adjust to the jet lag, adequate rest is a must.

Yang Ruoqian did not bother anyone else, and quietly walked forward alone, planning to eat in the front cabin.

Just halfway through, a very soft voice came: "Yang...Mr. Yang?"

Qi Mu was sleeping lightly. Hearing movement around him, he subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

Seeing that it was the boss, she quickly took off her earmuffs and stood up: "Mr. Yang, is there anything urgent you need me to help you with?"

"No, no, no." Yang Ruoqian waved to the secretary to sit back, "It's not working time now, there's no need to work overtime, you can just rest."

Qi Mu then sat down and nodded gently: "Mr. Yang, if you need anything, just call me."

Yang Ruoqian quietly walked to the front. The flight attendant who was on call 24 hours a day saw the big boss approaching and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Yang, do you need any help?"

"Do you have any late-night snacks?" Yang Ruoqian glanced towards the kitchen, "I just finished my work and suddenly I'm a little hungry."

"You can choose from the breakfast, lunch and dinner menus." The stewardess smiled, "I'll take you to have a look."

Yang Ruoqian waved his hand: "Just keep it simple and light. By the way, if I come to you so late, it won't affect your rest, right?"

The stewardess still maintained her most decent smile: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, our crew members all take turns, so it won't affect our rest."

“If it’s something light, can I provide you with some Cantonese-style breakfast dishes?”

Cantonese style breakfast...is food like small cage ribs, chicken feet and rice rolls.

It is indeed very light and very suitable to Yang Ruoqian's taste.

"Okay, when it's ready, bring it to my place. Don't send it to the room." Yang Ruoqian ordered, turned around and walked towards the reception room of the cabin.

On the way back to his seat, Yang Ruoqian saw that the secretary had not closed her eyes to sleep, so he went over helplessly and knocked on her desk.

"Mr. Yang?"

"Transfer the work you are doing to me for the time being, and have a good rest tonight." Yang Ruoqian took out his mobile phone, "I just have to eat later, so I will take care of these trivial matters."

Qi Mu had never seen such a weird request, but she couldn't question her boss's decision. She could only nodded and transferred the matters in her hands according to Yang Ruoqian's request.

Ten minutes later, the flight attendant came over with some exquisite meals.

Yang Ruoqian was eating while dealing with the work at hand.

"Shao Changfeng recommended several big bosses to form a group to do the 'private customization' project. It is estimated that the income will be several million..."

"Shelter Company's original film "Sharknado" will be officially released tomorrow... Yes, encourage them to make more original works."

"The list of new star signing candidates is ready..."


"Huh? The human resources department received a special cover letter? They couldn't make up their minds and wanted me to make the decision?" (End of Chapter)

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