Qin Xin's original idea was to join the big family of Kuaiguang Group, to be a hard-working part in the company, and to be a person who would not be exploited...

It turned out that the gap between reality and ideals was a bit big. He just said a few words, and after being criticized and pointed out by his boss, he suddenly transformed into the chief planner of a variety show?

Qin Xin shuddered when he thought about waking up every morning and seeing dozens or hundreds of people looking at him, expecting him to solve the problem of eating, drinking and diarrhea.

If the entire project fails, not only will he become the first failed project in the Kuaiguang Group, but it may even cause the project to be removed, and dozens of people will lose their jobs...

The responsibility is too great!

And he didn't want to lose his job because of something like this.

Qin Xin immediately declined: "Mr. Yang, I just have this idea. I have never been the chief planner of a variety show before and I don't understand many things. You can find an experienced chief planner and I will be responsible for the collaboration. .”

This young man is too honest...

If you are worried that something will go wrong, you can pass the responsibility to your subordinates!

As a general planner managing so many people, you can always find a subordinate who takes the blame, right?

Everyone is so conscientious and responsible and takes the initiative to take the blame. How can Yang Ruoqian screen out those employees who are not capable enough and promote them?

Yang Ruoqian joked in his heart, and at the same time became more certain that Qin Xin was the chief planner he needed.

How could such a newbie put on a good variety show?

When the most hellish and chaotic variety show in the entire entertainment industry is broadcast, not only will the reputation accumulated by Kuaiguang Group this year be in vain, at least the golden status of the undefeated myth will be broken.

Yang Ruoqian turned off the game and smiled slightly: "Qin Xin, have you watched the variety show?"

Qin Xin didn't know why the boss suddenly asked such a question, but he answered honestly: "I have seen some famous ones, both at home and abroad."

Yang Ruoqian began to quietly guide Qin Xin into the trap: "If, let me say, if... let a person who has never watched a variety show design a variety show, do you think your ability can surpass him?"

People who have never watched a variety show?

How can someone do a good variety show if they don’t even understand the most basic rules?

Qin Xin thought for a while and felt that no matter how unbearable he was, he couldn't be compared to a pure layman, so he nodded: "Then I should be more professional."

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Yang Ruoqian pointed at himself: "What do you think of my ability?"

Qin Xin said without hesitation: "Mr. Yang, your ability has been recognized in the industry. Even the top decision-making institutions and analysts in the country recognize that your ability is the best among the best."

"I dare not say that I am number one in the country, but I am definitely in the top five."

"If you can take the time to personally become the chief planner of this variety show, I believe you can definitely show what it means to be phenomenal again."

Yang Ruoqian showed a victorious smile: "I haven't watched any variety shows."

Qin Xin, who was still boasting just now, was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Yang Ruoqian activated his strongest deception skill: "You said that I would be able to do a good job planning it, and you also said that people who have never watched variety shows will not be as good at planning variety shows as you..."

"Since I can create a phenomenal variety show, wouldn't you be able to create a super-phenomenal variety show if you do it?"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. If you dare to say that you are above the top five, I will boldly hand over the project to you!"

“It’s a good thing for young people to have such ambitions. As someone who has been through this, I will definitely give my full support!”

Qin Xin was stunned: "???"

Still... is there such a logic?

With this ability of equivalent substitution, Mr. Yang was also a top student when he was studying, right?

Qin Xin, who felt that his IQ was being suppressed, even tried to explain: "I didn't..."

"It's no problem." Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with the young man's momentum, "Let's sign the contract now! Try to put this variety show out within three months."

"Qi Mu, come here. Take Xiao Qin to sign the labor contract!"

Qin Xin, whose mind was in a state of confusion, was taken to the personnel department by the beautiful secretary and signed a labor contract under the eager eyes of several people.

Qi Mu smiled and said: "Mr. Qin Xin, when you go back later, remember to pick up two documents from the front desk. They contain various rules and regulations about the company."

"If you have anything in the future, please contact me directly and I will convey it to Mr. Yang for you."

Qin Xin took the fresh and hot labor contract and nodded blankly: "Okay... okay."

When he left the company building and returned to the rental house, Qin Xin was still in a daze.

Obviously I got my wish by joining the Kuaiguang Group and fulfilled my biggest dream, so why can’t I be happy?

"Have you sent for the interview? Why are you so listless?" A friend from the rental house came over and patted Qin Xin on the shoulder, "It's okay. The company is very difficult. Many people would rather not take the public examination and squeeze in. It’s normal to fail.”

With that said, she took the initiative to help Qin Xin take the things in her hand.

Just as she was about to say a few more words of comfort, she suddenly saw with sharp eyes a document with "Labor Contract" written on the cover.

"Huh? Labor contract?" My friend picked up the document with some confusion and opened it to take a look.

Only then did Qin Xin come to his senses.

Just as he was about to explain a few words, his friend suddenly burst out with a sharp cry: "Qin Xin, what the hell are you! Playing Versailles, right?"

Good guy, this big word "岿光" is so dazzling!

This kid really deserves to die, pretending to be so uncomfortable!

"Okay, okay, are you playing with your buddy's feelings like this?" The friend took the contract and said, "Let me see how high the salary level of the legendary Kuaiguang Group is."

"Uh... chief planner?!"

"Holy shit! How much is the monthly salary? Starting from four to five figures? There's no probation period yet?!"

"Double holidays? Fifteen days of annual leave per year? No sick leave for no more than one day without a sick leave note?"

"Qin Xin, ah, ah, I hate it! Your kid is really going to drive a Land Rover. I can't accept it, I can't accept it at all!"

"Tear up this contract and refuse Kui Guang. Don't force me to beg you."

Qin Xin looked at the girl who was dancing and exaggerating, and sighed: "Please pull it off. Take a closer look at this contract. What do I do?"

My friend flipped the contract forward and said, "What to do? Chief planner? Isn't this great?"

"To be specific, I am asked to be in charge of the general planning of a large-scale variety show." Qin Xin took the labor contract back and said, "I am in charge of dozens of people. Don't think this is a good job. What are my abilities? It’s not that I don’t understand.”

Seeing that they were getting down to business, my friend stopped making jokes: "What's wrong? There's nothing wrong with it, right?"

Qin Xin collapsed: "To be specific, I seemed to have exaggerated too much. The boss of Kuaiguang Group was very optimistic about my project and directly allocated hundreds of millions to me and made me fully responsible for the project, but I have no experience at all." ah……"

The friend was stunned for a few seconds, then burst into laughter: "You kid, I've never seen you so concerned about face, why don't you just tell the truth?"

"I said it, but the boss didn't believe it. He thought I was being modest and forced me to sign the contract..."

"That's actually okay. I feel like Kuangguang Group has not exposed any news about layoffs so far."

Qin Xin covered his forehead: "Every business is at the top level, why do they need to lay off employees... This is different for me. I can make hundreds of millions in one operation, and maybe I will lose all my money, lose money and lose face!"

"It's not like you don't know how terrifying the legal department of the Kuaiguang Group is. If I really mess up, it's not impossible for me to be sent to work on a sewing machine in my next life, not to mention being popular in the Kuaiguang Group..."

My friend comforted me: "I think you are worrying too much. Since the senior management of Kuaiguang Group is so optimistic about you, there must be a reason. Maybe you really have this ability, but you just didn't realize it yourself?"

Being said this, Qin Xin also felt that it made sense.

This project was simply written on paper. There were no fancy ppts or dazzling professional terms. It was very easy to understand.

It seems impossible to say that the leaders of Kuaiguang Group cannot understand.

Coupled with Yang Ruoqian's previous words of praise for him, Qin Xin, who was originally unconfident, was a little shaken.

Could it be that... I, Qin Xin, am really a genius?

"Then, let's give it a try?" Qin Xin was a little excited.

"Okay, give it a try. If there is a job opportunity and recruit me, I often watch variety shows, so I'll be fine as a starter."

Holding such a large-scale variety show event will definitely require a lot of manpower. It would be great if you can take this opportunity to join the Kuaiguang Group.

Don't worry about the salary level or anything else, as long as you can get on the big bandwagon of Kuai Guang, then everything is fine.

"I can't decide this." Qin Xin smiled bitterly and shook his head. "What kind of manpower and positions I need can only be reported to the human resources department and let them do the specific operations. I will ask the people in the company then. Don't be too nervous. Great hope.”

In fact, as the chief planner of a variety show, Qin Xin definitely has the right to recruit people independently.

But since he has no connections in the company and is not an experienced employee, he still feels a little guilty when doing this kind of thing.

If you make decisions without consulting your leaders, you may be held accountable...

The friend sighed with regret: "Okay then, it's okay to treat me to a meal tonight, right?"

"This must be no problem..."

At the same time, the office of the president of Kuaiguang Group.

Mr. Yang, who had completed a new type of office bullying against Qin Xin, was in a good mood.

As expected, young people are still too young, and their brains are short-circuited after being talked around twice.

Yang Ruoqian turned off Zhanqi Game, browsed this month's project plan, and asked casually: "Qi Mu, how is the completion of our company's new artist signing project?"

Qi Mu, who had returned to the office, stood beside Yang Ruoqian and said without hesitation: "There are already preliminary candidates, but your requirements are a bit high, so the screening process will be a little slower."

"But as long as nothing unexpected happens, there is no problem in signing the contract before the variety show starts."

After all, Yang Ruoqian said he wanted to sign an "abstract" artist, which was a bit unexpected.

It's not that easy to find it all at once.

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "Okay, give me a look when you make the final decision. By the way, what is Shang Qianyu doing now? If you have nothing to do, call her to me."

Qi Mu remembered all the itineraries of important people in the company: "Shang Qianyu has not made any arrangements recently, and is currently adjusting his status in the company."

Adjustment of status……

As expected of a secretary, she could put it so tactfully.

It is better to fish and die in the company than to make money outside.

In fact, there are many big business deals and big luxury brands that want to cooperate with Shang Qianyu, but they are all ruined by Yang Ruoqian's secret manipulation.

In order to avoid being judged as a passive operation by the system, Yang Ruoqian deliberately arranged many useless activities for Shang Qianyu.

For example, this time I went to Europe to attend the awards ceremony.

By the way, Shang Qianyu can also be given more money in the name of compensation, killing two birds with one stone.

Now seeing that there are so many invitations to keep, Yang Ruoqian has to find something for this silly child to prevent her from making too much money for the family.

"Call her over. I have something to tell her."

Qi Mu nodded slightly and picked up the documents on the desktop: "Mr. Yang, please wait for three minutes."

After the secretary left, there was a knock on the door of the president's office soon.

Shang Qianyu's probing voice came: "Boss, am I coming in?"

"Hurry up." The two of them were neighbors and had known each other for such a long time. They were no longer unfamiliar with each other. Yang Ruoqian called him in angrily, "I want to tell you something."

"Come on, come on." Shang Qianyu slipped in through the crack in the door, rubbed his hands, and looked at Yang Ruoqian expectantly, "What do you want, boss?"

"The company is planning to put on a variety show recently. I see that you have been bored recently. Are you interested in participating?" Yang Ruoqian moved his shoulders. "We will also sign a new artist by the way, and we will also participate when the time comes."

"Okay!" Shang Qianyu agreed without thinking, "I haven't participated in a variety show for so long. I thought you didn't want me to participate, boss."

"I used to watch movies and variety shows, and I thought those big stars in variety shows were so awesome... I wanted to be so awesome too!"

"Boss, as a big shot and an artist under the company, can I get many advantages in variety shows that others cannot get?"

Yang Ruoqian looked at Shang Qianyu, who was more excited than himself and talked endlessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "There is no advantage at all, don't think about it."

"Okay." Shang Qianyu was a little disappointed, "What kind of variety show is it specifically? Boss, don't let me sing, or I will lose my followers."

"It's not singing." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "It's just a variety show similar to an escape room, with pranks. If you feel you can't stand it, you don't have to participate. It's not mandatory."

After getting along with him for so long, Yang Ruoqian had a little understanding of this little fool's character.

Any provocation method will definitely work for this child.

As expected, Shang Qianyu immediately stood up unconvinced: "What do you mean you can't stand it! It's just a secret room, it's just trickery, how can you defeat me?"

"I'm participating. Boss, just wait and see my performance when the boss arrives!" (End of Chapter)

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