What a stupid boy...

Yang Ruoqian sighed, and out of conscience, he reminded him kindly: "Are you sure? This thing is really scary."

Shang Qianyu was actually scared, but he still had a look of disdain on his face: "Boss, you really underestimate me. Isn't it just an escape room? I've played it before. It's simple and stress-free."

Yang Ruoqian looked at Shang Qianyu's poor acting skills and gave him another try: "Ours is different from the ones outside. It's specially customized. It's really scary. You can think about it again."

In order to attract more abuse, Yang Ruoqian did not intend to give any preferential treatment to the celebrity guests invited to participate in the show.

In order to avoid unexpected situations and disputes with customers, commercial escape rooms or haunted houses, even if they are hard-core projects under the banner of horror, actually just put more effort into the atmosphere.

Even if a customer makes a very low-level mistake, most of the staff will let go in order to allow the customer to experience the complete game content.

But what Yang Ruoqian did was different.

Celebrities and artists are not customers. Not only did they not spend a penny, Mr. Yang paid a lot of money to find them!

It must be said that he, Mr. Yang, is the customer.

Do you still expect the staff to release the water, and do you expect the difficulty to be reduced?

Yang Ruoqian even planned to plant a few moles among the invited guests. Several celebrities appeared to be teammates on the surface, but in fact they had ulterior motives...

It is indeed a bit difficult for Shang Qianyu to go through such a difficult intrigue.

Shang Qianyu has a high status as a celebrity, but he wants to compete with other celebrities...

However, as a professional actor and prepared to be a queen, Shang Qianyu always sticks to his word and never goes back on what he has promised: "Boss, please be patient, I have seen too many storms and waves, and I have eaten more food than There’s a lot of salt that a lot of people have walked through, so it’s okay.”

"Okay." It's hard to persuade the damned one with good words, Yang Ruoqian said no more, "I will ask Qi Mu to send you the relevant content when the time comes, and you can prepare yourself."

"Okay boss! Thank you for the secrets!" Shang Qianyu said sincerely and then asked carefully, "By the way, boss, someone contacted me and said he wanted to invite me to film a TV series. I arranged There happens to be a free time in the period, do you think I can go?"

"They asked me to play the heroine, and the salary was quite high..."

"Isn't it bad to always take the company's resources instead of helping the company get resources?"

No, something bad is going on. When the children grow up, they have the idea of ​​making money for the family!

With Shang Qianyu's current net worth, he has just finished filming "The Wandering Blue Star" and is at the peak of its popularity. The salary for one episode is at least one million, and more than 20 episodes have been filmed...

Companies that are already struggling to get rich are even worse off.

Yang Ruoqian was shocked and refused righteously: "You are still young now, and you will have a lot of time in the future. Why are you always thinking about making money in a hurry? Is the company out of money? Am I going bankrupt?"

"What you have to do now is to maintain your worth and run the business well. Other than that, don't do anything else!"

"Have you read the script of that TV series? Have you understood the investment in that TV series? With so much money spent on the actors, how much money can be spent on special effects for the plot?"

"Will filming this TV series have an impact on your reputation? Will it affect your personality? Xiaoshang, you need to think more about other issues."

"Or are you saying that you don't have enough money now and want to take on some movies?"

"It doesn't matter. If your salary is not enough, just tell me and I will give you a raise!"

Shang Qianyu was extremely moved: "Boss... this is too good of you, isn't it? Others can't wait to cash in as soon as it becomes popular!"

"I have enough money to spend, and I don't need a salary increase! The company is my home, and my money is the company's money!"

Before, Shang Qianyu mentioned the matter of taking over the endorsement of an advertising store, but was rejected by Yang Ruoqian; now he mentioned the matter of filming somewhere else, but was rejected again...

He even cared about whether she had enough money.

With a boss like this and a company like this, why should he talk about money?

Hearing that Shang Qianyu refused to change the contract and increase his salary, Yang Ruoqian was a little disappointed: "Okay...do you have anything else to do?"

"There's more." Seeing the boss starting to drive people away, Shang Qianyu quickly grabbed the edge of the table, "I have a small question, boss, are you going to sell your house?"

Yang Ruoqian was confused by this question: "What are you doing? Do you want to buy that house?"

Shang Qianyu nodded vigorously: "Yes, I plan to settle in Jinhai. I have lived in that house for so long, so I just bought it. It will be my home from now on."

"Okay." Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment and nodded in agreement, "I won't live in that house anyway... Why don't you buy a new house instead of a second-hand house?"

"I'm used to it now." Shang Qianyu chuckled, "Besides, I have a lot of furniture in the house and I don't want to move."

"If I don't buy it, it won't be easy to decorate it in the style I like. Now that I have some money, I thought about it and asked the boss to buy it directly."

"Boss, feel free to sell, I will give you a premium!"

It’s not bad to be able to exchange a house that you won’t live in for cash...

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "Okay, I'll sign a contract when I have time."

"Then boss, should I leave first?"

"Business about your own business." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand.

After Shang Qianyu said everything, he hummed happily and opened the door of the office.

Outside the door, secretary Qi Mu was waiting early with a document in her hand. When she saw Shang Qianyu coming out, she smiled and nodded to her.

"Qi Mu?" Yang Ruoqian also glanced at the door, "What's the matter? Just send a message and come over."

Qi Mu walked into the office, turned around and closed the door, and said, "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, I think you and Shang Qianyu have important things to talk about, but it's not easy for me to make decisions here, and it's not easy to delay them. , so I waited outside."

"What's going on?" Yang Ruoqian asked curiously.

Generally speaking, Qi Mu can decide on his own regarding the coordination of the company's various businesses. The documents to be handed over to Yang Ruoqian are usually major decisions.

"Shelter Company's first original movie "Sharknado" has been released." Qi Mu unfolded the document in his hand and put it on the table. His speaking speed was basically the same as Yang Ruoqian's browsing speed. "From the first day of data, Look...well, the playback rate and word-of-mouth are a little polarizing."

The playback volume and word-of-mouth are slightly polarized...

The corners of Yang Ruoqian's mouth twitched. It was hard to tell that the secretary could speak so tactfully.

Isn’t it just that it has a lot of views and poor ratings?

To put it bluntly, many people leave negative reviews.

This is exactly what Yang Ruoqian likes to see!

He had asked Shelter Company to try to make some original bad movies before, but he just didn't want Shelter Company to make so much money anymore.

Now that the first original movie is released, it is true that it can bring high playback rates based on the popularity and traffic accumulated by the company, but what about the second one? What about the third part?

The patience of the audience is limited. As long as you persist in maintaining low-quality original works and feed the audience shit, you will definitely not be able to last long if there are no works to copy!

The best way to deal with this kind of thing is to ignore it and let the shelter company continue on the wrong path.

In order to ensure that the information was correct, Yang Ruoqian also opened the Leopard Platform and took a look at everyone's evaluation of "Sharknado".

Hmm... 2.9 points, there is not much room for decline.

Since the Baopu platform was developed, Yang Ruoqian has turned on Douchi movies less and less.

Yang Ruoqian put down the document and shook his head: "Didn't I say before that the group is not involved in handling the internal affairs of the shelter company. How they want to make movies is their business."

"Mr. Yang, the management of the shelter company collectively sent you a letter of thanks, saying that they are very grateful for the inspiration you provided them. Without you, there would be no success of "Sharknado"." Qi Mu smiled, "So they Now I am willing to listen to your opinions and ask you about the next step."

Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment: "Huh? A huge success? Didn't you just say that this movie had a lot of bad reviews?"

Doesn’t having negative reviews mean failure?

"The movie has a lot of negative reviews, but it also has a lot of views." Qi Mu smiled slightly, "Many platforms sent us backend data. Most of the viewers watched the entire movie after posting negative reviews, and some even watched it. Go back and watch it twice.”

"Judging from the questionnaire we published online, many people are now looking forward to Shelter Company's next original work, and have said that they will definitely watch it and have a strong desire to recommend it to their friends."

"The reason is also very simple. Most people have a very strong curiosity about how bad the movies produced by Shelter Company can be."

"Shelter Company has now received orders from many advertisers for film placement."

Yang Ruoqian: "..."

Because I'm curious how bad a movie can be? !

What is the reason for this?

Yang Ruoqian originally asked Shelter Company to write the script using a solitaire method, but the script was so bad that it broke through the lower limit, and instead aroused the curiosity of the audience? !

No, is there some kind of curse on Shelter Company? In the past, you could make money by making art films, and you could make money by making bad copycat films. Now you can still make money by making original bad films...

Three movies are produced in a month, each making hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Now even take it a step further and start accepting ads!

If you co-author it, you won't lose a penny to Yang Ruoqian, right?

Yang Ruoqian gritted his teeth, and a vicious plan emerged in his heart: "Let them make a sequel, "Sharknado 2"!"

Qi Mu nodded: "Mr. Yang, do you have any other requirements? For example, the plot, such as casting?"

"There are no requirements, just shoot Sharknado 2." Yang Ruoqian took a sip of water, "Just let them decide on other things."

If you want to corrupt an IP, what is the best way?

Make a sequel!

Although there are a few exceptions, many well-known masterpieces only lost their reputation after sequels were made.

Including movies, TV series, and novels.

Perhaps the quality of the sequel itself is not that bad, but because it cannot meet the audience's high expectations, it is easy to feel disappointed.

If a sequel to a masterpiece with a score of 9.5 has an objective level of 8, it may only end up with a score of 6 in the eyes of the audience.

The same logic applies to "Sharknado".

Aren’t the audience looking forward to what kind of bad things the Shelter Company can do?

If "Sharknado 2" is not as crappy as "Sharknado", the audience's expectations will naturally be disappointed, and the IP will naturally be ruined.

The current rating of "Sharknado" is 2.9. How much room for decline can there be?

Qi Mu nodded: "I will convey it to you."

"By the way, after you convey it, help me find some top haunted house designers and escape room designers in the industry. We need these people for our new variety show."

"Okay, Mr. Yang."

Shelter Corporation, high-level assembly.

"Did the group send a message?"

Cai Meng looked at his phone and nodded: "Yes, but before I say anything, I have to ask you, what do you think of the future route?"

"To be honest, Mr. Yang's creativity is amazing. The playback volume of our original movie is actually an order of magnitude higher than that of copycat movies... I think we can take an original route in the future."

"It's not enough to just be original. The copycat industry must also be defended. The market is huge."

"You have to prioritize things, right?"

"I feel like we don't have to think about such long-term things for the time being. Let's first think about how we can maintain the original plate."

"Brother Cai, stop being so secretive and see what Mr. Yang said."

"Yes... let's refer to Mr. Yang's opinion first."

Cai Meng laughed loudly: "When you were acquired, wasn't the thing you were most worried about being criticized by the group? Why has your attitude changed so much now?"

"That's different. Mr. Yang is really good!"

"Yes, only a genius like Mr. Yang can come up with the idea of ​​script solitaire..."

Cai Meng took a sip of water: "Mr. Yang means that we should continue filming "Sharknado 2"."

After saying this, everyone in the office was silent for two seconds.


It seems that their Shelter Company has never made a sequel to any movie since its debut!

"Titanic 2" is essentially a copycat, so it cannot be included.

The employees of Shelter Company were too clear about the positioning of their film, and subconsciously blocked the option of making a sequel.

At this moment, I was reminded like this, and I realized that this road seems to be really possible!

In the history of movies, if you want to rely on sequels to make money, the previous film usually has to have good word-of-mouth and box office success, otherwise no one will buy it.

It can be said that a movie of this type "Sharknado" is unheard of...

"It seems like we haven't made a sequel yet. Let's give it a try."

"A sequel to a bad movie! Why didn't I think of that?! Mr. Yang... is indeed a very creative person!"

"You have to think about the deeper reasons why Mr. Yang wants us to make a sequel. What does he mean by this suggestion?"

"What else? He must value our IP. He is telling us in a subtle way that the IP of "Sharknado" is the password to wealth!"

"As long as we film it, we will definitely make money!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start quickly. This time I will take over the script first..." (End of Chapter)

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