I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 304 Haunted House Designer (humble asking for monthly votes)

A few days later.

There was a man and a woman standing downstairs in the former Shengjing Mansion...now Kuangguang Building.

Not only did Mr. Yang buy the entire building, but he also packed up the underground parking lot and took it away.

From now on, employee parking will be free, and there will be no other people competing for spots, which is very convenient.

Kuekwang Group, which owns an entire high-end office building in the center of Gimhae City, has been widely reported by many media during this period.

For other entertainment companies, the famous and topical ones are usually the artists signed by them. The company itself will not be low-profile, but the discussion will not be high either.

However, the situation at Kuaiguang Group seems to be the other way around.

On the Internet, Shang Qianyu is not even discussed as much as Kuaiguang Group itself!

After all, chasing stars and watching TV shows is just a hobby, while Kuaiguang Group is about eating.

Qin Xin looked around and whispered to the woman next to him: "Then you wait downstairs. I'll go up and talk to the leader in detail."

"Remember to tell the leader that I am really not using the back door. I am very experienced in this kind of planning. I can help with things and the salary is not high. It is definitely worthy of the work I do!"

"...You didn't mention anything about the closure of the escape room shop, right?" Qin Xin couldn't help complaining, "I really can't make the decision. I have to ask. Just wait for my news."

The woman pretended to be sad and sighed: "Oh, who do you think your brother is? It would be great if you can help him!"

"Okay, no more nonsense." Qin Xin looked at the time and said, "You can have a cup of coffee. The coffee in this coffee shop is quite good and the price is not expensive."

After saying that, Qin Xin walked into the building, swiped his employee card, and passed the turnstile.

After the entire building was purchased, all necessary facilities were renovated.

For example, a front desk was set up on the first floor of the building, and the number of employees who originally maintained the building was expanded again...

In short, office buildings that were originally very high-end have now become even more high-end.

Even after Yang Ruoqian acquired the entire office building, the prices of a large number of surrounding industries all increased.

The prices of nearby shops increased by 10%!

A thriving company has a siphon effect—increasing size means more and more employees.

There are so many employees who definitely need living support, food, clothing, housing and transportation.

When demand rises, business will be good. When business is good, rents for nearby shops will naturally be more expensive.

Even though the employee canteen of Kuaiguang Group is very luxurious, it is only open for lunch, and breakfast and dinner are all paid for with company meal subsidies.

These two meals represent countless needs.

The development of Guangguang Group in Jinhai City has truly made the surrounding people feel the improvement of life.

Even if you can't work directly at Kuaiguang Group, you can still make a living just by hanging around.

"What a new atmosphere..." Qin Xin sighed with emotion, and quietly looked at the unfamiliar employees around him, "I wonder what work will be assigned to me today?"

He went through the resignation procedures from his old company a few days ago, and he was not sad for even a minute when he left the familiar environment.

Soon, he arrived at the front desk on the 23rd floor, and was led by Qi Mu to Yang Ruoqian's office.

After the secretary gently closed the door and left, Qin Xin quickly took out the plans he had made at home these days and placed them on Yang Ruoqian's desk.

"Good morning, Mr. Yang. These are the preliminary plans I have made these days. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be changed?"

Yang Ruoqian read two pages perfunctorily, and then praised perfunctorily: "It's very good, very perfect, just do it like this...But, why didn't I see you give me the most important thing?"

Qin Xin was stunned: "The most important thing?"

Yang Ruoqian was used to new employees who were unfamiliar with the business. He sighed and explained patiently: "To do a project, the most necessary thing is funds. How can you start a project if you don't even have funds?"

"Why didn't I see the budget in the document you gave me? Did I forget to write it down?"

Qin Xin was even more confused now: "But... Mr. Yang, this is just a preliminary plan. I want you to review it and then make detailed plans based on this preliminary plan and then tell you the budget."

Yang Ruoqian nodded in agreement: "It's very good to be cautious. Now I've reviewed it. Where's the budget?"

Already seen...

What about the budget...

Qin Xin opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

In just ten seconds, Qin Xin was not a professional buyer or accountant, so how could he calculate the budget?

I came to see Mr. Yang today. Firstly, I wanted him to take a look at the project document. Secondly, I came to ask for someone.

A large-scale variety show has designers, accountants, lawyers, hosts, guests, photographers, editors, logistics staff... and even an audience group that pays to control the atmosphere. It's not just a random passerby. Completed.

How could such a complex and comprehensive project be budgeted so quickly if the initial planning was not even completed?

What's more, generally speaking, those who are anxious to get a budget are the project parties, and those who are stuck with the budget are investors...

In order to monitor the flow of funds, reduce costs and increase efficiency, the budget of a project needs to be reviewed at various levels before it can be approved.

But when it comes to Mr. Yang, why do you feel like the roles are completely reversed?

Those who don’t know better think that Mr. Yang is so poor that he is almost out of food and is anxious to use this budget to survive...

Qin Xin thought for a moment and thought that this must be a test given to him by his leader, so he adhered to the principle of caution and expressed his determination to save money for the company in righteous words: "Mr. Yang, after the detailed plan comes out, I will be the first I’ll let you know the budget at some point.”

"The detailed plan has a detailed budget, and the preliminary plan has a preliminary budget." Yang Ruoqian tirelessly educated the newcomers, "Hurry up and tell me the numbers now, and don't come to me to increase the budget when the time comes."

Yang Ruoqian's calculations are very shrewd. He gives a little more budget at the beginning, and when the program team wants to return the excess budget, he will make things difficult in every possible way, blocking points up and down, setting up a lot of tedious links and approval processes, and delaying as much as possible.

As long as the settlement is delayed until the end of the quarter, it will be considered a success.

If you want to return the money to the group, you will definitely encounter the difficult situation of being kicked everywhere.

Although the money lost this quarter was not a lot, it was the first loss of the year after all. Mr. Yang is now full of motivation and confidence.

When your mentality is good, you will be more creative.

Qin Xin thought for a while and said tentatively: "Well...Mr. Yang, after hearing that our company is going to hold a variety show, many sponsors have sent us sponsorship invitations. Don't worry, the budget may not be too big."

"The overall cost of "Idol Trainer" is about 300 million. Will our production cost be higher, but it will not exceed 500 million..."

"I heard that the naming fee for a mineral water brand alone was 200 million. Counting other sponsorships, we should actually be able to get our capital back in the early stages of the project."

"You may not know that I received several calls in the past few days, all from companies that want to discuss sponsorship projects with me. The sponsorship fees are very high... The budget is not particularly important."

Just because there was a rumor about doing a variety show, a lot of companies came to hear the news and rushed to send money?

Now let alone the prototype of variety shows, there is not even a shadow of variety shows. The entire planning has not even been completed with ppt, so other companies can't wait to send money?

And you still begged someone to take the money?

The corner of Yang Ruoqian's mouth twitched slightly - Has the company's situation deteriorated to this now?

"Xiao Qin, you may not be familiar with our company's culture when you first come here. We must be careful when choosing sponsors, and we would rather lack than waste." Yang Ruoqian coughed lightly, "Also, sponsorship fees are sponsorship fees, and budgets are budgets. The two cannot be confused. .”

"You report the cost, and the group will send you the budget. Whether it is sponsorship fees during the variety show or other income, it will be returned to the company as profit after the project is completed. This is a process and cannot be messed with. "

"By the way, you didn't agree to those sponsorships, did you?"

While Qin Xin admired Mr. Yang's strict rules in his heart, he was glad that he was sober: "No, Mr. Yang, I haven't agreed to them yet. I feel that I can't decide such an important matter."

Kuaiguang Group's industries have very high standards for accepting sponsorships, which has become a consensus in the industry.

But the standard is high. As long as you can reach the threshold and be selected as a sponsor by Kuaiguang Group, you can 100% recover the cost.

All manufacturers are flocking to it.

However, betting on such a probability is almost equivalent to buying a lottery ticket. After all, it is unrealistic. If you can't contact the person responsible for sponsorship, you can contact the chief planner and ask him to help talk...

Qin Xin knew his position very well, and he also knew how high-level and low-status he was as a chief planner, so he did not use chicken feathers as an arrow, but politely refused and asked them to follow the company's procedures honestly.

Now it seems that his decision was right.

If he makes his own decision, or agrees to those people in a daze, the consequence is likely to be the loss of Mr. Yang's trust.

For that little money, the gain outweighs the loss!

"Yes, you should have this kind of attitude at work." Hearing that the sponsorship was not coming, Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction, "When you want to accept the sponsorship, please contact Qi Mu. The company will have a professional analysis team to analyze the sponsorship for you. Shouldn’t have answered.”

Qin Xin scratched his head in embarrassment: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang... Uh, by the way, I have another small matter that I would like to ask your opinion on."

Little things?

Yang Ruoqian's hand movements paused.

The masters usually appear at the finale, and Yang Ruoqian dare not let down his guard on what the employees call "little things."

"What's going on?" Yang Ruoqian narrowed his eyes.

Qin Xin said cautiously: "It's just... isn't our variety show a horror genre? How much land do you plan to approve for the show team to use as a venue?"

Yang Ruoqian thought about it in his mind and said casually: "For variety shows, the lounge occupies one floor and the work team occupies one floor... Well, for the sake of viewing and program content, the secret room venue must be larger, and it is best It’s three-dimensional.”

"Five floors, is that enough?"

Qin Xin was shocked and speechless: "Mr. Yang...five floors, isn't five floors a bit too much?"

Why not just put on a variety show? How about using a five-story high-end office building?

Is the cost too high?

Even if the cost is high, Qin Xin is also under great pressure to make profits!

With such a huge investment, it is very difficult to make the input-output ratio look better.

Unless you have the mentality of making a quick buck and running away, in many cases the bigger the budget, the better.

"Mr. Yang..."

"Okay, that's no problem." Yang Ruoqian is best at seizing the moment of employee hesitation and forcibly misinterpreting their shock into acquiescence, "Is there anything else?"

Qin Xin was silent for a long time again, and decided to end all the money issues as soon as possible: "Okay...Mr. Yang, what about personnel? After all, we are building a haunted house from scratch, so we definitely need to hire some professional designers. , hire someone to customize the script.”

"The scripts we can buy on the market have been played by many people. If they are used in variety shows, they will definitely lose the sense of suspense."

"Well...Mr. Yang, I happen to know an owner here who once opened an escape room store. Can you investigate her?"

"Although the store she opened closed down, her professionalism is still very good."

Yang Ruoqian asked curiously: "Closed? Why did it close?"

Yang Ruoqian planned to arrange the key personnel for this variety show himself, so he had to put in place his most trusted people.

As for other less important staff, there is no need to bother, just let Qin Xin handle it by himself.

After all, he is the chief planner of the variety show. He knows best who and how many people should be used for non-key positions.

The designer of the haunted house and the secret room is naturally a key position, and Yang Ruoqian has his own arrangements.

Generally speaking, such internally recommended people are quite capable, and Yang Ruoqian will not hire them.

But after hearing that the secret room operation was closed down, Yang Ruoqian became a little interested in the person Qin Xin mentioned.

Qin Xin was a little embarrassed: "The reasons for the closure of her secret room... Well, in general, there are many, such as location selection and funding."

“But the most important thing is word of mouth.”

"...Well, the design of her secret room is a bit too scary, and the most important thing is that she is not very merciful to the customers. There have even been cases where customers were eliminated after just ten minutes of playing."

"After spending so much money and getting this result, customers will definitely be unhappy, so the number of complaints and negative reviews will increase, and the company will have no choice but to close down later."

"But she was not greedy for money. She was doing everything at a loss...In the end, she didn't owe the employees any money, but she was in debt herself."

"You can't ask her to be the owner of the secret room, but I think she is still qualified to design the secret room. If you haven't decided on the candidate yet, why not ask her to come up for an interview?"

The more Yang Ruoqian listened, the more energetic he became, and the more he listened, the more excited he became... Isn't this exactly the talent he is looking for? !

Ruining the customer experience?

He just wants to make the experience the worst!

"No need for an interview, just her." Yang Ruoqian immediately agreed, "Just ask her to go to the human resources department to sign the contract!"

ps: Will the adoptive fathers give me some monthly tickets? Please. (End of chapter)

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