Jinhae City, a cafe on a quiet street.

Feng Luo wore big sunglasses and sipped coffee on the table while looking at his mobile phone.

A year has passed, and Feng Luo, who was instantly rejected by the Kuaiguang Group, still maintains the best figure and the most perfect manners.

In just one year, it is difficult to bring aging to the face of an A-list star like her.

"Sister Feng, Sister Feng!" Just like a year ago, Feng Luo's assistant was still helping with the front and back. At this time, he suddenly ran over with his mobile phone, his face a little excited, "Look at this."

Feng Luo put down the coffee cup, his face obviously unhappy: "What happened makes me startled? Didn't you tell me not to disturb me with unimportant things?"

During the year when he was rejected by Kuaiguang Group, Feng Luo took on two dramas in total. One had an average reputation and popularity; the other received a low-to-medium rating of 6.4 from Leopard.

Overall, it was a relatively fruitless year.

The assistant hesitated for a moment and said weakly: "Sister Feng, it was the Kuangguang Group that sent us an email."

A year ago, when the assistant sent an invitation email to Kuaiguang Group, her attitude was very arrogant. She felt that the entire Kuaiguang Group combined was not as valuable as Feng Luo.

But just one year later, Kuaiguang Group's industries not only spread across the province, but also to the whole country, and even cultivated a star like Shang Qianyu, whose status is very close to Feng Luo.

After Shang Qianyu finished filming "Black Robe Inspection Team", she ranked among the second-tier actresses with her outstanding appearance and outstanding acting skills.

After "The Wandering Blue Star" became a huge success and the box office hit the 4 billion mark, she almost touched the threshold of being a first-line actress.

Coupled with the honor of winning the Golden Lion Award at the Shuicheng Film Festival, it is already certain that Shang Qianyu will become the next generation of popular stars. All that is left is marketing and time.

As a veteran first-line star, or even someone with a precise vision, trying to get on the Kuaiguang Group's car, there will inevitably be a huge gap at this time.

After Feng Luo heard the word "岿光", he almost lost his grip on the coffee in his hand.

"Looking for me?" Feng Luo seemed to have heard some fantasy, "Who do you think is looking for me?"

"Kuiguang Group, Sister Feng." The assistant was also a little unbelievable, "It's true. The email address we used last time was also the same."

Feng Luo looked around to make sure there were no paparazzi following him, then moved forward and asked his assistant to bring the phone over: "What did you say, show me."

The assistant enlarged the text on the screen: "Sister Feng, look, Kuaiguang Group invites us to participate in their variety show!"

"Variety show?! Are they going to hold their own variety show?"

"Yes, I heard that the momentum is very big, many big names will be invited, the venue will be very big, all investments will be made, and sponsors will go crazy for the naming rights..."

"There are so many big names... so what's the point of going there?" Feng Luo was obviously very upset about the last time the Kuangguang Group ruthlessly rejected him. "I still have to compete with others for the C position? If I don't go, I won't go."

I was so happy to refuse myself before, but now I go back and invite myself?

After all, she is also an A-list actress!

The assistant was a little embarrassed: "But Sister Feng, Kuaiguang Group said that as long as you can get first place in a variety show, you can get Kuaiguang Group's exclusive resource package, such as starring in a movie."

"The rewards for the top three are not bad... Look at this publicity resource, and Chengyu Media is involved! Even if we don't even get the consolation prize for the top five, the appearance fee they just invite us to attend is very high Got it!"

"Sister Feng, Kuaiguang Group's variety show itself represents huge exposure, not to mention it also has money and rewards. Let's stop being grudges, right?"

Feng Luo thought about his various misfortunes this year, and then thought about the huge traffic of Kuaiguang Group. His tough attitude just now softened a lot.

The first super large-scale variety show of Kuaiguang Group...

If I can get the first place and get a starring position... think about the honor of "Black Robe Inspector" and the box office of "Wandering Blue Star".

No matter which one you catch, it can be said to be a milestone in your career!

Even if Kuai Guang Group's next movie can't reach such high heights, it's still a sure thing that it will star in a well-received film.

This kind of resource is something that even A-list celebrities have to fight for, let alone other people!

It can almost be described as a priceless treasure.

Feng Luo swallowed the rest of his words silently, and asked calmly: "This kind of variety show will definitely not be that simple. Did the Kuaiguang Group say what kind of show it is? What preparations are needed?"

Of course, no matter whether it is simple or not, she must participate in this variety show.

Many resources that are much worse than this require a more "difficult" way to obtain them. Even if you want to kneel down, there is no way to do so. How can it be so difficult to participate in a variety show?

Yang Ruoqian is so scheming that he actually uses this kind of resources to seduce their celebrities!

How evil is the human heart!

Thinking like this, Feng Luo urged: "Hurry up, what if it's too late and Mr. Yang doesn't want me anymore?"

"Ah, Sister Feng, it's probably a variety show similar to an escape room. It has a bit of a scare factor, but probably not too much." The assistant roughly scanned the email and made a confident judgment.

"Escape from the escape room? Scared?" Feng Luo frowned, "This thing shouldn't be particularly scary, right? I'm timid."

The words "secret room" and "escape" don't sound very harmonious.

Together they are even more terrifying.

What if she doesn't perform well in this terrifying environment and doesn't get first place?

It would be fine if Feng Luo went out with a few friends in a group. One person playing the secret room is a horror game, two people playing it is a normal game, and three people playing it is a funny game... There is more power in numbers.

But this is a competitive variety show, and the guests are in a competitive relationship with each other for resources. They are by no means friends who can be trusted seriously.

Having to explore in a strange environment, and always being vigilant about fellow teammates, the psychological pressure suddenly came on.

The assistant glanced at the email again and said confidently: "Sister Feng, don't worry, I have done this kind of project before, which is to scare you with a few ghost characters in a relatively dark house. Basically, It’s just like playing house, not scary.”

"That's okay." Feng Luo breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as it doesn't affect my normal performance, others can't beat me in terms of emotional intelligence!"

The assistant continued to browse the email, checking every message: "Sister Feng, there is another disclaimer here. Do you want to read it? Or send it to our lawyer?"

Generally speaking, most people will have a so-called "disclaimer agreement" when registering an account online or signing a contract. In most cases, no one will panic and open this thing.

But for celebrities, this kind of thing has to be guarded against.

It is not uncommon for people to manipulate contracts and defraud money and people. We should always be on guard against it.

Even if there is a professional lawyer to review it, Feng Luo has developed a good habit of reading the contract himself before signing it.

"Let me take a few glances first." Feng Luo took the phone and began to quickly scan the unimportant places. "Well... everything is good, no one is being cheated. Mr. Yang is indeed a real person."

"The contract also states that this is a horror-themed variety show. People with a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or other conditions that cannot be frightened must not hide their medical history and must not participate in this show."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be borne by Kuaiguang Group, and the invited party will not bear any responsibility. No questions...?"

Just when Feng Luo was subconsciously about to skip this piece of information, she suddenly realized something was wrong: "Wait?!"

She suddenly moved her eyes back and carefully read the above "disclaimer" three times.

If the invited party conceals medical history, the invited party will not bear any responsibility?

Kuaiguang Group is responsible? ?

Isn’t this the other way around?

Shouldn't it be that the group does not bear responsibility and the invitees bear the consequences?

Could it be that the people in the legal department of Kuaiguang Group were careless and made a mistake when drafting the contract?

Send an email to help them correct their mistakes?

No, that's not right!

This is a super team of lawyers known as the "Jinhai Pizza Hut" that can defeat the Yuefu Group head-on and make the Yuefu Group's legal department give up the appeal.

Even if a lawyer accidentally makes a mistake, such an obvious sorting error will definitely be discovered during subsequent inspections by other lawyers!

Is there a secret behind this contract? !

Feng Luo knew that he would not be able to tell anything with his professional level, so he did not dare to neglect and quickly sent a copy of the contract to his legal team.

Of course, the invitation from the Kuaiguang Group must be accepted.

The assistant watched Feng Luo burst out with unprecedented initiative, and even finished a lot of things that were supposed to be done by himself. He felt a little uncomfortable for a while: "Sister Feng, where are we going now?"

"Where to go?" Feng Luo sneered, "Of course to find the most difficult and highest-rated escape room in the local area!"

"If you want to win such important resources, you have to look further and work harder!"

"When I play all the escape room projects in Jinhae City, I can pass this variety show casually!"

"Sister Feng, let's go to Kuaiguang Group to implement the contract first!"

Wearing masks and sunglasses, the two people took a car and arrived at the downstairs of Kuangguang Building.

"The navigation is updated quite quickly." Feng Luo glanced at his phone, "It used to be called Shengjing Haoyuan, but now it has been renamed."

"Sister Feng, there seems to be a traffic jam ahead." The assistant glanced ahead, "Should we wait or should we park nearby and walk over?"

"Park the car nearby." Feng Luo thought for a moment, "It's not too far anyway."

A few minutes later, the two quickly parked the car and walked to the downstairs of the building.

What came into view was a sea of ​​people, most of them in high spirits, wearing suits and leather shoes, and a few of them wearing sunglasses and large masks looked suspiciously familiar.

And all these people are heading to the same place - Kueiguang Building.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people?" Feng Luo was stunned, "This elevator will be crowded to death, right?"

"The Kuaiguang Group has bought the entire building and is planning a large-scale variety show, so it will definitely need to recruit a lot of people." The assistant sighed, "Even if the variety show only recruits a small number of regular employees and most contract workers, it still won't stop many people from coming. Take a chance.”

After all, Kuaiguang Group usually recruits too few people, and almost all resumes submitted only get rejection letters.

Only when you encounter a big project do you have greater hope.

"There are people from all over the country..." Feng Luo, as a first-line actress, has never known what queuing is. Looking at the long queue at the door of the building, she couldn't help but frown, "Is there a special employee elevator or VIP elevator? How long will the queue last?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind them: "You can take the employee elevator if you have an employee card."

Feng Luo was startled by the sudden interruption and quickly turned his head.

Pure face, perfect figure... Shang Qianyu!

With a large bag of milk tea in his hand, he took two steps forward with some difficulty.

Feng Luo instantly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy and asked in the most vigilant tone: "Shang, Shang Qianyu?"

Shang Qianyu nodded, suddenly hissed, and asked a little uncertainly: "You...you, are you Feng Luo?"

"Can you see this?!" Feng Luo was shocked again.

Shang Qianyu put the milk tea on the ground and took a few breaths: "To be honest, this thing is of no use. I get recognized every time, so I just won't wear it anymore. By the way, have you been signed by the boss? Why are you here? here?"

Feng Luo wasn't sure why he was standing in this place and saying these incomprehensible words to his competitors, but he still subconsciously replied: "I came here just to sign a contract. Didn't you put on a variety show recently?"

"Oh... that means we haven't signed the contract yet, so we have to queue up and can't go through the employee passage." Shang Qianyu sighed regretfully and left carrying the big bag of milk tea.

When Moyu went out to buy things today, Shang Qianyu had a sudden thought and wanted to bring some milk tea to the people in the office, but she overestimated her physical strength, so she ended up like this.

You could order takeout, why did she forget it then?

Just when Feng Luo and his assistant were a little dumbfounded, Shang Qianyu suddenly turned around, holding his chin with his little hand, and said uncertainly: "Oh, by the way... there are eight elevators in the building, one for employees and one for takeaways. .”

"If you guys help me carry the milk tea up, can we go through the takeout aisle?"

“Wouldn’t this mean we don’t have to queue?”

Feng Luo was stunned: "You...you want us to deliver food?"

She is a top-notch actress, but one day she will be reduced to delivering food?

No, no, how did she get involved... Why is Shang Qianyu, the pillar of the Kuaiguang Group, delivering food?

"No." Shang Qianyu corrected the grammatical error seriously and handed over half of the milk tea in his hand, "It's through the takeout aisle."

Feng Luo wanted to refuse righteously and give Shang Qianyu a good education as an experienced person.

But after seeing the long queue, she swallowed back her irrational words.

After struggling for a long time, Feng Luo took the milk tea from Shang Qianyu with an awkward look on his face, and walked into the takeout elevator under the strange eyes of countless people... (End of this chapter)

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