I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 307 Mr. Yang wants to attend a lecture on success?

In the president's office, Qi Mu hurriedly opened the door with documents and two cups of milk tea.

"Mr. Yang, Shang Qianyu just brought Feng Luo here and is now preparing to sign the contract. Do you have any special requirements for her?"

"And this is the milk tea that Shang Qianyu brought for you. Do you want to drink it?"

Yang Ruoqian, who urgently closed the game window, took the milk tea and straw and asked casually: "Um, are there any special requests you can make?"

Mr. Yang, who originally didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, was finally able to recognize the names of all A-list stars after being forced to become a big shot in the entertainment industry.

At least the name Feng Luo would no longer be unfamiliar to him.

Qi Mu blinked. After working for so long, she had gradually become accustomed to Mr. Yang's sometimes reliable and sometimes outrageous attitude: "Well... it's okay. For example, if you really want her to win in a variety show, you can sign Another contract.”

"Of course, she will definitely have to do some resource replacement. After all, the value of Kuaiguang Group's resources is very high."

"If you position her as just an ordinary guest, just sign a standard contract."

In fact, many times, contracts involving such huge amounts will be split into several contracts. In extreme cases, there may even be Yin-Yang contracts...

After all, the tax is too high. As long as it doesn't break the law, it's okay to save a little bit.

But Yang Ruoqian has no such ideological awareness at all. While others are looking for ways to avoid taxes reasonably, he is looking for ways to pay as much tax as possible.

"Just sign a standard contract. There is no need to give any special preferential treatment. Even if there is any, it will be given to Shang Qianyu, not to an outsider." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "No need to give preferential treatment to anyone, just come as normal and compete fairly."

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Qi Mu nodded and turned to the next document, "As for the signing of new artists, the manager director said that he hasn't been able to find one that meets your requirements yet. Should you continue to search or change the conditions?"

Yang Ruoqian didn't even think about it: "Don't worry, keep looking until you find it."

"Understood, I will convey it to Wen Lianji." Qi Mu collected the document, "Do you have anything else to add?"

Yang Ruoqian took a sip of milk tea and lowered his voice a little: "Qi Mu, have you heard of the popular 'Successful Master'?"

Qi Mu couldn't react to the boss's extremely exciting topic. She turned Yang Ruoqian's question twice in her mind, and then said with some uncertainty: "You are talking about some websites that explain the 'success' theory." Are they popular? Do you want to recruit them to the company to be anchors?"

"No." Yang Ruoqian shook his head, "I'm a little curious and want to go to a lecture like this. You can look for any channels."

So-called "successful learning lectures" like this are basically poisonous chicken soup routines + some tips for losing money. In addition to making people's blood boil, whoever believes in it will be in trouble.

In the early years when "Success Masters" first emerged, many naive young people fell into this trap, either going into debt or going bankrupt, or spending all the money saved by the previous generation.

This kind of person sounds ugly, but there is no essential difference from a charlatan. Yang Ruoqian has now proven through practice that he is capable of losing money, so why bother recruiting this kind of person into the company to be an eyesore?

Although the money lost is not a lot, it is still a loss after all!

Yang Ruoqian will not recruit these people into the company, but it is still okay to find an opportunity to listen to their outrageous theories and enrich their experience in losing money.

The masters have summarized various failure mentality, methods and theories together and formed a framework, which is indeed worth learning by Yang Ruoqian.

Qi Mu, who felt that she had adapted to the boss's rhythm and the environment of Kuaiguang Group, once again found that she was a little too young. She thought about Yang Ruoqian's words carefully and asked with some uncertainty: "Mr. Yang, you said you wanted to listen Are these success lectures?”

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "Yes, please help me see if there are any such lectures near Jinhai City."

Although a qualified secretary should not question the boss, Qi Mu felt that he still had the obligation to remind Mr. Yang: "Well...Mr. Yang, what these lectures usually talk about are subjective and basic knowledge, and are not useful for getting started with entrepreneurship." Practitioners have a certain selection role. It may not be of much reference significance to you."

It plays a role in selecting entrepreneurial practitioners...

It's hard to tell at ordinary times, but the secretary is really able to use euphemistic words to express outrageous things calmly.

To put it harshly, whoever dares to believe this stuff will be doomed.

Seeing that Qi Mu, who was very professional, recognized the theories of the masters of success studies, Yang Ruoqian became even more curious: "I'm just curious to take a look. If their theories really have a set of theories, just learn them. It makes no sense at all and you can also learn from the lessons of failure." .”

Learn from your failures.

Successful bosses not only need to learn how to succeed, but also try to avoid making mistakes as much as possible.

If those success masters really only share their failure experiences, it does have certain reference value for Yang Ruoqian.

Qi Mu suddenly understood and nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Yang, I understand. Then I can find a lecture during the free time in your schedule? If there is no free schedule, I will adjust the order of your schedule, okay?"

"No problem." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "Just arrange it."

His schedule isn't that important anyway.

Not to mention changing the order, just canceling it will be fine.

Even though the boss of a big group was so free all day long, it would not be nice to talk about it, so Yang Ruoqian made some symbolic itinerary arrangements.

Soon, it was time to get off work.

Yang Ruoqian shut down the computer on time as usual, but did not leave the office immediately as before.

He walked to the window and looked downstairs.

Today is the day when the variety show team begins large-scale recruitment. I originally thought that not many people would apply for contract temporary workers, but Yang Ruoqian obviously underestimated the enthusiasm of the majority of migrant workers.

Judging from the data sent by the Ministry of Human Resources today, not only are there a lot of people competing for permanent positions, but all temporary positions are full.

"There are so many people, the traffic jam is going to be overwhelming... How long will it take to get back home?"

"Anyway, the whole building belongs to me now. Why don't we build a helipad on the roof and buy a helicopter?"

As soon as the idea appeared, Yang Ruoqian immediately gave up this outrageous idea.

Taking a helicopter home in the center of Gimhae is far more troublesome than taking a car. Apart from spending some money and getting more cards, it has little practical significance.

Well...you can buy it, you can build it, but forget it if you use it.

Unless there is a very important occasion or something special, it is really better to take a car.

"Oh, forget it, I'll go home later and eat out today." Yang Ruoqian looked at the moving traffic outside and decided to have a meal at Qianda Plaza opposite, and then go back after everyone else had left.

Yang Ruoqian looked at his phone, blocked all work-related messages and left the office.

Chang Zhiqing was waiting outside as usual.

"Let's go out to eat today." Yang Ruoqian switched his phone to Dianping and asked, "Let's see what you want to eat?"

"I'm free." Chang Zhiqing chuckled, "Why, is there too much traffic?"

"Pull it down, don't be so casual." Yang Ruoqian forced the phone to Chang Zhiqing and complained, "Last time you said it was casual, but you didn't eat at the three restaurants I mentioned, so hurry up and choose for yourself."

Chang Zhiqing took the phone and was a little unconvinced: "I invited that meal, what's wrong with me picking something..."

The two of them were talking as they took the employee elevator downstairs of the company.

Now Mr. Yang's image is basically known to everyone. When he left the office building, many people still looked at him in surprise.

Yang Ruoqian had already turned a blind eye to this kind of gaze, and soon arrived at Qianda Plaza.

Under Chang Zhiqing's careful selection, they decided to have some small clay pot tonight.

Of course, under the operation of other people in the group, this restaurant has also become one of the industries of Kuaiguang Group.

The restaurant clerk saw the two people coming in and was ready to take them into the private room.

At the beginning, when the boss's wife came to the store, the clerks were very excited, but after a few months, they became accustomed to it.

Just like Shang Qianyu, she was often photographed and questioned when walking in the store at first, but now it is much less frequent.

Anyway, those who come frequently have encountered it more than once.

In short, Kuaiguang Group has a down-to-earth quality.

However, just when Yang Ruoqian and Yang Ruoqian were about to enter the private room, a very excited and unfamiliar voice came from behind: "Mr. Yang?! Are you Mr. Yang from Kuaiguang Group?"

Yang Ruoqian paused, turned his head and looked over.

It's a young man whom I don't know at all.

"Uh, who are you?"

"Mr. Yang!" The young man was obviously very excited, "Can I delay you for a few minutes? Just a few minutes. I want to introduce my ideas to you!"

At this time, many customers and clerks had noticed the movement here, and the two clerks also put down their work and came to the young man's side.

"Sir, I'm very sorry, but please don't affect the dining experience of other guests..."

"It's okay." Yang Ruoqian was relatively tolerant of this kind of thing. He waved the clerk to go about their business, "You come in with me first."

The young man was excited and excited, nodding his head repeatedly: "Okay, Mr. Yang!"

After entering the private room, Yang Ruoqian sat at the main seat, ordered two dishes and handed the phone to Chang Zhiqing beside him.

"What do you call it?" Yang Ruoqian asked in a more casual manner, "Have you eaten yet? You can order whatever you want."

"My name is Guo Rang, you can just call me Xiao Guo! You are so polite. I came here today just to share an idea with you..."

Yang Ruoqian looked at Guo Rang curiously: "The group has a human resources department and a job application email address. If you have any ideas, you can send them to them."

"I was rejected from the interview..." Guo Rang was a little embarrassed, "But I really think my idea can be realized!"

If the interview was rejected...it might mean that he has a malleable talent.

If it weren't for too much work and complicated projects now, Yang Ruoqian would also like to handle everything himself as before.

Unfortunately, many unimportant things can now only be handed over to employees.

"Are you here for an interview today? Are you from out of town?" Yang Ruoqian took the phone from Chang Zhiqing, glanced at the menu, and added, "I ordered your portion and we'll have two bites together later. "

"Mr. Yang, you are so polite..." Guo Rang was a little flattered, "I came by plane yesterday."

"Okay." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "Tell me what you think."

Yang Ruoqian actually didn't have much hope for this young man's ideas.

He has racked his brains to find ways to lose money. He started from market research and ended by replicating the experience of his predecessors. He has never been truly successful.

Even if there was a deficit on the books last quarter, it was just because the settlement time was stuck, but in fact it was still a profit.

As long as the settlement time is a few hours longer, there will be no loss in the last quarter.

Can a young man really come up with any good ideas for losing money?

"Mr. Yang... I think you can combine your own personal experience and make a movie based on yourself and the Kuaiguang Group!" Guo Rang got straight to the point, took out his mobile phone, and began to talk endlessly to Yang Ruoqian. My own opinion.

"You are so successful at such a young age, and your entrepreneurial journey will definitely not be smooth sailing! If you can use an expert's perspective to explain how to escape the siege of competitors, how to defeat Yuefu in court, and how to reverse the reputation of the movie, what will you do? "Leopard" controls public opinion on the entertainment side and if we film it all, it will definitely be a big hit!"

"And the production cost of such a movie will not be particularly high, but the box office may not be low!"

"These are my preliminary thoughts, what do you think?"

An inspirational movie with a relatively mediocre idea.

But it’s hard to say whether it will lose money.

Yang Ruoqian frowned slightly as he listened to Guo Rang's words... These words are not difficult to understand, but the problem is that there is a slight discrepancy between the actual situation of Kuaiguang Group and Guo Rang's imagination.

How could the Kuaiguang Group have the things he mentioned? They were all misunderstandings by outsiders, and they were all a mistake!

After careful consideration, Yang Ruoqian also felt that Guo Rang's idea was not good. Just when he was about to politely refuse, he suddenly thought of something and immediately swallowed the rejection in his mouth.

Wait a minute, I seem to have fallen into a blind spot in my thinking.

What Guo Rang said was to make the real situation of the group into a movie... Although the reality in his mind is different from the actual reality, this idea may not have room for realization!

The truth about the money made by the Kuaiguang Group can be made into a movie after some artistic processing!

Create a protagonist who really wants to lose money, but ends up making a lot of money by mistake, which makes him cry bitterly.

This kind of completely nonsensical and ostentatious autobiographical movie has always been a self-pleasure blockbuster, and almost no audience will pay for it...

This guy Guo Rang is so creative!

Very good, the next movie will be about this subject!

As for the cost issue...as long as the protagonist wants to lose money, he will inevitably spend a lot of money. When all these props are used, won't the real cost go up?

Yang Ruoqian nodded twice and praised: "Not bad, a very good idea. Today's young people are very good. Tomorrow you will come to the company to report and be responsible for the preliminary planning of this movie... By the way, you have thought about this movie." Don’t have his name?”

very nice? A great idea? !

This, Mr. Yang actually affirmed his creativity? !

And he directly decided to let himself be responsible for the planning of the movie! ?

Huge surprise came to his heart, and Guo Rang was so excited that his fingers were trembling, as if he saw his dream getting closer and closer to him: "Thank you, Mr. Yang, for your trust, thank you!"

"The movie is called "The Richest Man in Jinhai City", what do you think?"

ps: Okay, another day of life and death! (End of chapter)

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